
The Immortal Witch and the Devil Himself


passionfruitjuice · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


MY MOTHER IS THAT STRONG? WAS ISAAK RIGHT when he told me all of that about her then? "Is my mom really strong enough to go against Jack?"

A nod, "She is. I just don't know if she would go against him. But yes, she is indeed strong like that. Alessia Sasso isn't so famous as a red in Europe for nothing. She's quite ruthless herself, with her enemies. Used to be quite rebellious as well, but she has a good moral compass, compared to the other reds in the Sasso Clan, at least."

"You know a lot!"

He rolled his furry shoulders, "I've been around." I bet he did. "The other four reds that could be of some help, are scattered around the globe. Tessa Bormann, next in line to be matriarch of her family, from the red clan of Germany," of course, the clan where Hitler came from, not really surprising, they are one of the most powerful clans of reds.

Thank goodness he's locked up in the on the depths of the nameless King's palace in Hell. That's where the worst beings existent, who can't die, end up on. That is, if they did something horrible like what he did to humanity.

"The other three are; Choi Moon-Young, the matriarch of the Choi Clan of South Korean reds. Ricardo Gamboa, third son of the patriarch of the Gamboa Clan of reds from Chile. And lastly, Shyam Barthwal, first grandson of the patriarch of the Barthwal clan of reds from India."

"An Italian, a German, a South Korean, a Chilean, and an Indian. Indeed that's quite diverse. It's surprising that there are more woman than men. So, what about the immortals? There must be more of them, right? They can't die after all!" At least, it sounds more reasonable to me.

Sigh, "Being ripped apart is the worst pain an immortal can possibly go through, Arianna. That's why Jack is a ripper. The worst immortal murderers are all rippers, but he's by far the worst, since he's even ripped woman and children before." What? "One of the immortal children he terrorized grew up to become strong and loathes him a lot, and it's the only on the list of seven, that were one of Jack's victims."

I felt disgust invading me, "He ripped a child? What the…?"

"Yes, dear. He's terrible."

"Who was the child?"

"Sylvain Serrurier, from the French clan of immortals. He's the ninth and youngest son of the Serrurier patriarch. It all happened 88 years ago, he was 9 years old at the time. I don't know all the details, but it seems like Jack did that to harm the patriarch, since he couldn't really take him head on at the time, because he was as strong as him. Later, the patriarch came at him because of what Jack did to his little son, and fought him, but it ended on a draw."

This men is a walking nightmare. I can't believe dad had such a horrifying brother. Did he bully him when he was small? I can totally see that happening. "He's quite young for an immortal. How is he know?"

"The kid is filled with hatred. He's quite dangerous himself, and definitely dangerous to you, since you… are a Saraiva like Jack. But he's really strong and would be able to take him head on in a fight."

"That doesn't sound good, but I get why that would be the case. He was just a little child. That probably traumatized him to death. I would feel the same if I was him," sigh. "So, who are the other six?"

"His father. Fabien Serrurier. The patriarch as I said, is strong, and he loathes Jack for ripping his youngest son apart. All of the Serrurier Clan does, actually, but only these two are powerful enough to actually fight Jack. The others would probably get ripped too if they tried, and they are aware of that."

"Again, that's totally understandable. I take that they are enemies of the Saraiva Clan, right?"

A nod. "Oh, they are. Since your grandfather hasn't done anything to stop Jack, because he isn't strong enough to do so. And probably because somewhere inside him he believes he might be saved, which is pretty much helpless. But what can we do? He's still his father, after all!"

For some reason, I felt uncomfortable, "Okay. Got it. Who are the other five immortals then?"

He smiled faintly, probably noticing my discomfort. "Hatamiya Saori and Hatamiya Miyumi, the twin daughters of the current matriarch of the Japanese immortals clan. Viktoria Aasen, seventh and middle daughter of the patriarch of the Norwegian clan. Boyan Peshkov, nephew of the patriarch of the immortal clan of Russia. And lastly, we have Kourosh Balkhi, patriarch of the immortals that live in Cairo, Egypt."

"Having twins is rare for immortals, no?"

A nod. "It is. It's more common for the shifters and humans, all the other races have more difficulty on it. The immortals more than all the others, so, yes, it's rare. And when they are born, they tend to be very powerful, like these two girls."

"It must be cool to have a twin."

"It must be cool to be an only child."

I blinked, "You have siblings?"

He seemed annoyed, "I do. We are quite a big family, I'm the eldest, and they look up to me as if I was their dad. It's annoying. A lot of responsibility. But," for once a genuine smile appeard on his lips, "even though they are all insufferable troublemakers, they are my family."

For some reason, that shocked more than all the Jack shit he had just told me. "I can't believe you have siblings, are they all cute cats like you? How many are they?"

Nik scoffed, "Oh, no. They aren't cute like me at all. We are eight at total. And they are all male. Can you imagine the chaos?"

"Sounds cool. Your childhood must have been quite noisy."

"I guess so. Anyways, enough of me. My life isn't interesting. No mer-people have interest in fighting Jack, so there's not of them on the list. Then we cut off the humans and the vamps, for obvious reasons. Now, the only other race with people that could go against him, are the demons. But," he stopped for a second, "do you want to know about them?"

Not really. However, it's better to be aware of it, no? "Let me guess, only the seven Princes of Hell, and the nameless King?"

"Actually, three of the Princes have no desire to fighting him. So, only four of them, plus the Devil Himself, would be of considerable help." Oh? Now, that's surprising. Dominic, the 6th Prince of Wrath. Rafael, the 4th Prince of Envy. Edmund, the 2nd Prince of Greed. Louis, the 1st Prince of Pride. And, of course, the nameless King."

"You know their names?"

He raised his eyebrows, "Everybody knows the name of the 7 Princes of Hell. Didn't you father told you about it?"

I bounced my head, "No."

"Well, they do. Although they seem to only have first names. Now, no one knows the name of the Devil Himself, and that's why we call him the nameless King. But I guess he must have a name too." That sounds reasonable.

"Whatever. I'm not interested."

"So, yes. Three shifters, five reds, seven immortals, and four demons plus the King. Twenty at total. When you look at the amount of supernatural beings in the world, it's almost nothing. But when you think that it's twenty against one, it does sound great, doesn't?"

I bit my bottom lip, "Then you think if they got together they could corner Jack and end him for good? Maybe even lock him on the nameless King's dungeon?"

A nod. "Oh, I'm sure. However, there's a problem."

And I knew exactly what it was. "All these races hate each other," he nodded. "So, it would be extremely hard to get them together to do this, would it?" Another nod. Sigh, "But do you think there's a way?"

"There's only one thing I can think that could make all the races agreed on, something they both fear and feel anxious about," but by how he stared at me, I didn't like it at all. "Something bigger than them, just as much as Jack's issue became."

"No. Don't even think about it, Nik."

He grinned, "The hybrid of the prophecy!"

I gaped, disgusted, "You don't believe that shit!"

"Oh, but I do."

"You don't think it's me, do you?"

"Don't freak out, but I do."

I gasped, "But it's not me, Nik. I swear."