

Ok Wooh! Another first chapter here we go!! Uhm shit i have no ideas as i have to think through the events of the rp properly... Fuck! So uhm i guess just some shit I wrote about some of the characters whilst listening to sad back ground music. Press f in the comments. Well let's get on with the chapter.

Character Points:

Gaia - Last Senju alive, is apart of The Kuwabara Clan, has Wood Release, has Magatama (This https://narutofanon.fandom.com/wiki/Magatama ), has The Hakkegan (This https://narutofanon.fandom.com/wiki/Hakkegan ), is a vegan, is jealous of people who live a normal life, is overly protected by the leaf, is the eventual hanakage, and is a mentally disabled thot (Oh wait that last one was bout her rper never mind)

Kongai - Hyuga, Otsutsuki Branch clansmen (not revealed), Kenjutsu specialist, albino-ish (Defs Albino), weird craving for macarons ("YO THIS IS SEIKATSU STOP EATING MACARONS BEFORE YOU GET FATT!"), (Besties with Seikatsu) - Written by Kongai's rper other than the parts in brackets which was written by yours truly.

Sho - Uchiha, has Red Kama Seal, Besties with Hiroto. (I Havent done a psych analysis of his character yet might do in the future which is why it isn't really filled out that plus his character and mine don't get along well so he will be seen more as an antagonist in this)

Hiroto - Last Uzumaki, Is nine tails jinchuriki, is a petty ignorant annoying asshole (This also applies to his rper), besties with Sho, hates Seikatsu (Why? who knows my personal opinion is because seikatsu's cooler and better than him but that's just a theory a game theory thanks for watching)

Takiyami - Uchiha (Yeah theres alot of these bastards for some reason), Sensei, Ex-Anbu. (Again personally i dont know his background so neither will you :D)

Daisuke - Uchiha (Like i said alot)Edit: Turns out the rper of him changed him to nara clan, I've written alot about him and other some events which are currently happening they aren't really wrong as they show his base nature. So whilst some of the events in those lore pieces are wrong like in a daisuke one it talks about being hated by hiroto which doesn't really happen in this

Kai - Uchiha, Hyuga, White sharingan (this is merely mentioned as its unique to him And yes all the other uchiha do also have sharingan, but thank you KingOfTheNorth18 to give me the inspir to tell the rper about this and he thought it was cool so here's a plug https://www.webnovel.com/book/12737234506990205/Naruto-%3A-The-Wraith-of-Konoha ), half brother of seikatsu, again psych and lore analysis already done. Again some points are wrong but still.

Seikatsu - My Character, Yuki, Uchiha, Mother killed in a mist clan slaughter but gave her baby a seal scroll with Hiramekarei her blade inside, was kidnapped by assassins after that and taught there ways for 4 years where he was saved by the SAMURAI!! (Kick ass type music plays!) Where he then stayed for 8 years before he was taken by konoha in a 'trade'. Again psych analysis for him and again some stuff is wrong cause originally this rp was drastically different but when more characters were added it changed so yeah these lore and psych parts aren't exactly right. Think of them almost like parralel universe where some of these characters didnt exist (Only ones which did were daisuke gaia hiroto and Seikatsu as nobody else had joined the rp yet) so yeah enjoy those. AGAIN NO NEED TO READ THOSE, THOSE ARE JUST FIRST DRAFT IDEAS I HAD FOR THE CHARACTERS AND ARE QUITE EMBARRASSING SO PLEASE DON'T LAUGH AT ME IN THE COMMENT'S!

when talking bout daisuke He doesn't seem to have a flaw he's motivated, naturally talented the works, but he seems to have never gotten love from his parents when he was a child, which is evident in the fact he wants to have friends and to fit in. Another factor which could prove his parents never loves him is the fact that he's already moved out. Which leads to already a rounded group somebody who doesn't like the other from fear of change and the other who wants friends but he never knew how to make any so the struggle most people have to go through when they're four he has to go through now making it that much harder for him.

Now when talking about Gaia some could say shes a mary sue, somebody who is perfect and the world revolves around her but this is wrong dead wrong. Her family died when she was young And what a family. She even inherited there power meaning that she has to remember the failing that she couldnt protect her family when she was young which she hates her self for. But that the same time she hater her family because of the weight she has on her shoulder's she needs to show the world that senju weren't week and as such she feels resentment to her family because if she was born as a normal civilian she wouldn't have to have all this responsibility which makes her loathe hiroto as he never had to have the weight of his clan on his shoulders as he has closure yet she doesn't which might be why she likes Daisuke so much as she thinks he can sympathize with her.

So I have to say Hiroto is a very good hero, in greek storys if a hero didn't have a fault he'd usaully be seen as a bad character meaning that because Hiroto has that flaw the flaw of jealousy he is not only a flawed charcter but a great one

Hiroto has the kyubi in him, a powerful beast of legend but also a great burden because of that. He doesn't hold the weight of his clan on his shoulders like Gaia but in his view he holds all of his friends lives. Which is why he clasps hold of them so strongly, he feels as if because of his own emotions his friends could die. If he was ever mad, sad, jealous anything negative the kyubi could use it against him and as such he holds on those good emotions even if those around him feels as if he's being geedy and spiteful. He is. But in my view point it is justified if he wanted to he could destroy the leaf by just letting go but he doesn't as he has friends. Hiroto is a selfish selfless anti-hero he makes alot of mistakes but he can't help it he's young and foolish and unlike every other whiny teen which feels like the worlds against them in his case a very powerful being is always trying to make him down so why can't he be selfish? Why can't he hold on to any joy he feels. He is a fool yes but he's a selfless fool.

Then there's Seikatsu named because his mother wanted him to live even if she couldn't she one of the seven ninja swordsman of the mist couldn't live jut because she had a kekkei genkai. He was meant to be transported to the leaf to live with his father. But fate, that fucking bitch had other plans. He was captured by the world's leading group of assassin's. He was trained by them, trained to almost death, he wanted to feel but he couldn't he was numb he was broken, but never human, he was a target then a tool until one day when there was light. That beautiful sweet light. Those honourable sweet samurai. He was then trained by them he learnt to feel learnt to care he was human or so they thought. He was hiding his pain as childhood trauma can never be truly fixed. when he was 8 Konoha finally found him and got him to his 'home' but his father was dead. He cried for the first time he had nobody left. He went to the academy but in the same way a doll is human he wasn't fixed then he heard those words "Hi Im Hiroto this is Gaia we thought you looked cool but lonely wanna be our friend" Those childish smiles but he still said "Yes I'd like that very much" He still has scars much more than any child should but because of that he has unending loyalty and selflessness but he can still act like a child and as such i call him "Seikatsu of life and death or Seikatsu the contractidory"

Again made by the god: Daisuke, the story of a boy wanting friends. He is an all sense of the word truly talented. He has powers only brought to him by his blood but also by pure will and determination, yet he still trains for one thing and only one thing, friends. The thing everybody needs but not everybody wants something so important to humanity yet looked down on by some as weak. Yet Daisuke are not like these complicated characters. He is simple. Yet he is so much more. Emotionally abandoned by his parents at a young age, too young. Then again when it comes to parents should they ever abandon you in anyway? That is not apart of my jurisdiction but something I can say that Daisuke just want's friends. Yet when he finds some a seemingly foolish boy tried to stop him. This boy Hiroto would turn out to be his greatest rival but also greatest friend. But that is all to come as Daisuke is still hurt from his parents. I do not know this feeling but i know i would not want to feel it. Yet is Daisuke the most damaged. Well How do you compare shattered glass to pulverised glass both are pretty broken in my opinion. Yet Daisuke smiles. He puts on an act. Yet he the one who is destined to feel more hatred, loss and love due to his accursed bloodline. He still smiles he is true strength the lion the one only soothed by a fair maiden. It seems like our characters are tarot cards. Perhaps that is true after all destiny seems to be intertwined with them. But who knows surely not I, I am merely a wannabe philosopher, wannabe psychologist and would be author. Perhaps you will find out what happens next perhaps you won't it all depends on the four idiots currently in this discord. Truly a shame maybe with harder working individuals they would've already them selves cry with their beautiful work yet such is fate, for fate is like the night limited yet endless. Perhaps you could say FATE STAY NIGHT. I'm here all week.

Ice a harsh and cold thing, unforgiving forever there. Fire a warmth a happiness, the laughter of the soul. These two things ever present ever warring. One boy. A boy with scar's too many scars. Emotionally and physically tortured. He was cold to the world numb to happiness. Killing was his purpose. Emotions were weakness, so he never felt. Ice is unfeeling, ice is strong, it is deadly. He was ice. Then the heroes arrived dressed in steel wielding swords and Ninshu. They showed him his true purpose. That purpose was to care, to laugh, to love. Yet that fire was weak. He was still ice on the inside. He was still numb. Then he was taken to those bastard ninjas. He was taught the will of fire, he had no need for it. It did not save his family. Fire was weak. Still forced to school he went he introduced himself "I am Uchiha Seikatsu" The class erupted into whispers another uchiha was found a once dead clan still need reviving yet he did not care. To the corner he went, the dark and the cold were his home. Then the smiles he saw "Hi im Hiroto this is Gaia you look cool and strong wanna be our friend" he ignored them yet anytime there was Taijutsu practice, he always asked. Blonde as the sun. He was fire. A fire which melted ice. Yet the ice was strong too strong. Fire slowly seeped in but too slowly. He still didn't care yet he still had hope that maybe one day he would now. But when Fire and Ice are found so strongly in the same person their fate is never certain and as such he will not have an easy life from now on, who's kidding easy? Easy is boring.

Gaia a truly misused and abused soul forever cursed to be hidden amongst the leaves of the trees rather than the flowers she so deeply cares for. She is the last senju. The last bit of royalty konoha truly has. Yet where we should gift and cherish our royals. Instead they hide her. Too worried about other villages. She hates them for this. Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it be Hiroto or Seikatsu? Why her, all her life she was good and proper. Yet even the leaf is still too worried to allow her to be seen by the populace for if there was a spy what would they do? But Gaia didn't care she just wanted a normal life. She was cursed. Her a piece of royalty was cursed. She wanted to leave. She needed it so that is what she wished. She wants to be with flowers not these old and boring leaves. Her plan was simple, run away. Yet it got complicated when she saw those crystal blue oceans of joy. Hiroto made it all so much more complicated for her. She hated him for it. Yet she enjoyed his company. She was torn. But she thought Hiroto would be it with the distractions. Then she saw him an abused boy with black midnight hair hair which screamed unhinged and his eyes those eyes of endless shadows she was scared and at the same time exhilarated when she saw those eyes. 'Maybe he could help' that was the the thing she kept telling herself and she asked Hiroto to say hi to the boy for the both of them. And he did, but that jaded and tortured boy said nothing. She lost hope yet Hiroto asked every taijutsu training until finally that boys ice cold shell broke. She was so proud and something else which she did not know of Hiroto. She like how dedicated he was even though the boy ignored him because Gaia asked him to he kept on asking. And that's how she made her first two friends. She likes what she feels around them. But doesn't know why. But she was still slightly sad. She still couldn't get more friends and one of her supposed friends always looked down and she couldn't help him. That's when she was resolute in something other than leaving that resolution was to get stronger to help her friends when they need it. She met a new boy the other day goes by Daisuke he is mysterious and for some reason that draws her closer to him. She doesn't know why that is but wants to find out. Will she? Only time will tell but this princess surely wants to know.

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