
The Hybrid with Two Mates: Werewolf and Vampire

It's the most painful when your parents reject to accept you as their child. Hybrids were hated in both the clans of vampires and Werewolves. Natalia was a hybrid, her mother was a werewolf and her father was a vampire. Her parents didn't accept her. She only saw hate, disgust, and disdain in their world, Orleans. A witch took her in and brought her to the Monde Humain, the human world as she can't keep her in Orleans. She grew up there with the witch and worked for an organization of Vampire Clan as a contract. She never returned to Orleans nor did she wants to. But for once she has to. Every vampire and werewolf are destined to meet their fated mate, and love and affection naturally develop between them. When Natalia went to Orleans, she too found her mate. But wait what is happening to her there are two, who claimed to be her mate, and what's with her, her heart is beating fast for both of them, both their touch gives her goosebumps and makes her excited, she is attracted to both of them. Does that mean she has two mates? And the cherry on the top, Both are the prince but One is a werewolf and another one is a vampire. What will Natalia do now? Or she doesn't accept them as for her hate for both the clans. Both the prince are in dreadful condition, will it be easy for them to accept a hybrid as their mate. A war can be started between both the prince for their mate. A hybrid is still someone who is not accepted in both the clans. Will they accept hybrids now and will Natalia forget all the hatred she received. What is God's plan for them? To know what will Natalia and the prince do. Please read this story. This is the second story I am writing, so please let me know your views.

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How The World Started

---- Orleans and Monde Humain -----

The universe was just formed, the two Gods, The god of light "St. Raulus" and the Moon Goddess, the two Gods decided to make a universe in which all the creatures can coexist, but they were afraid, for humans who were not given any magical strength but extreme intelligence.

So, they decided to divide the universe into two worlds and to separately take care of them.

The first one was named Orleans and maintained by the Moon Goddess, in which Vampires, Werewolves, and Wizards/Witches reside. And the other one was called Monde Humain for humans who were under Raulus.

Vampires were bloodsuckers, with beautiful pale skin and red eyes which were filled with bloodlust. They were bestowed with special powers and can transform themselves into bats, they were deprived to go into the sunlight in human form. Their skin burns whenever it comes in contact with the sunlight, it was done to stop them from causing too much ruckus. Due to this, they were limited to living in dark forests, where sunlight doesn't reach. But after some time they asked wizards to help and prayed to the gods, and thus granted to live under the sun. They can easily go around in the bright sun.

Werewolves have to hunt for the flesh, they have captivating Golden eyes which glow at night. The Moon Goddess presented them with a well-built physique and bodily strength.

Both the Vampire and Werewolves were given incomparable strength, but God has to maintain the stability, to ensure the long life of the universe. That's why Wolfbane, a plant species, came into existence that can kill Werewolf, and Silver was taken as the element which can give them a wound that can't be healed and make them bleed to death.

Wizards and Witches were given the ability to attain all the magical powers ever known without any weakness, but The Moon Goddesses were no different for them, Wizards were bound to use their ability for themselves, they can only use their power when someone needs help. Wizards were the only ones who were allowed to go in and out of both worlds.

At first, humans don't know the existence of other creatures except for the Wizards who came time-to-time to help humans in the human world. But that wasn't the case forever.

As time passed, Human greed also transcends, they started keeping the Wizards captive for themselves. As the wizards were restricted to use their power, they couldn't do anything. They asked God for help and they were granted to use their powers for themselves when needed.

And at last, humans were kept clueless about these creatures except for some, who passed these secrets throughout their generations to the eldest member only.

The two worlds were going well without interference.

--- Orleans ---

In Orleans, there was always bad blood between Vampire and Werewolves. As both of them have to hunt to feed themselves, they were always in conflicts for resources.

Still, some do not have an issue and love to live side by side with others.

A war-like situation came when a pack of werewolves killed some Vampire and one of them was of royal origin. The Vampire King, in return, started a war against werewolves.

Thousands of houses were burned in both kingdoms, and Sky was filled with smoke, there was no difference in days and nights. In villages, where you can see people around became a place full of dead bodies. The war was neverending, at this Witches stepped in between, and after a month of slaying, the war came to an end.

To avoid any more such situations in the future, both the kings came into an agreement, in which every year, important figures of both the kingdom have to assemble, to discuss all the trivial matters. And the host has to guarantee the safety of all who will come, and the Wizard and Witches will also be there to make things work out smoothly between them and they can't be favorable to only one side.

The war was ended but the hatred only grew between the two clans, the war was fuel to the fire.

---- The Half Vamp and Half Wolf: Hybrids ----

Despite the hate, there were some people in both the clans, who mingled together and live their life with their partners. Hybrids were still rare, also they couldn't live longer, and those who can pass their juvenile stage were countable. After the war, there was no Hybrid alive.

Those vamps and werewolves who want to live together were killed. Thus no other hybrid was ever born after that.

But The Moon Goddesses want her children to live in harmony.