
Chapter 11 : A good rope

Lobion seeing his broken axe, goes to make a new one, so he returns to his base and takes the materials he needs to make an axe.

After a few minutes, he has finished taking the materials he needs. He then makes a new axe the same way he made his first axe.

Thus several hours pass without Lobion noticing.

After these many hours, Lobion has finished making a single axe! However, he decides to go to bed to regain his strength before continuing his various projects tomorrow in the morning!

"Uh! I need to eat!" However, when Lobion looks at his pantry or rather the place he uses to store his smoked meat, he realizes that he doesn't have much left to eat and that he's going to have to go on a big hunt again!

But before that, he takes a piece of smoked meat and eats it without delay with two or three berries on the side as an accompaniment for his meal.

The night passes like this and the morning begins with the song of the birds that are the sky!

The 21st day has begun for the young Lobion.

He starts his day by eating and feeding his partner Malheus and then continues it by making his axes that he had not finished yesterday.

4 hours later, Lobion finishes making 6 backup axes. So he takes a break and then starts eating smoked meat on his makeshift bed.

"As soon as I finish making the base protection wall, I'm going to start making a real interior more comfortable than this stone! I'm also going to make a better bed, because this one doesn't let me sleep properly!" Said Lobion while looking at his bed which is below him.

After he finishes eating, Lobion decides to make a rope that will allow him to bring back the boards he cut yesterday.

So he leaves in the direction of the forest where he can find fiber to make his rope! Once in front of the forest, he starts to collect the fiber from the bushes to make a pile on the side.

He does this for several hours until the night starts to come.

"It's a pity that the time passes so quickly, otherwise I could have continued to collect fiber to make more rope! I'll need it a lot if I want to bring all the boards back to my base! Right Malheus?"

Lobion says out loud and then turns his head in the direction of Malheus who is standing right next to him. When Malheus sees Lobion's green eyes and hears his words, he seems to understand and nods his head while answering him with a simple sound!


"Here we go, we're going home!" Lobion says to him while climbing on Malheus' back at the same time.

"I'll have to make you a leash because it's not very comfortable! It's still doable if we don't go a long distance, but my goal is to find my family. So I need to equip you accordingly!" Lobion explains in a loud voice while simultaneously stroking the head of his partner Malheus.

"WuWu" Malheus is satisfied to answer him with a simple sound.

The duo returns to their base.

And so a new day arrives!

The beginning of the 22nd day starts rather well for Lobion, because today he has no exhausting task to do. Indeed, the only tasks he has to do are the following. First he has to sort the fibers to keep only the best ones and then take them and bind them together to make braids.

Then he will use these braids to bind them together and make a stronger rope. And he will repeat this process once again to make a rope that can support the weight of the boards he wants to carry with his partner Malheus.

His second task is to play with Malheus and make sure that the duo is in full confidence with each other. He will start to develop an even stronger bond with Malheus to make sure that both of them can read each other's mind in the middle of a fight without Lobion needing to give him orders.

He wants to develop with his exercises, the independence of Malheus but also his dependence on Lobion.

So he starts by doing his first task which is to make his rope with fiber. He creates his rope during more than 8 hours! He makes his rope during all the morning before stopping because, he must take care of the second task of the day which is to create links with Malheus.

He made a big part of the rope, he made about 2 meters of rope. However, he would need about 30 meters of rope for Lobion to be satisfied!

He made about 30 meters of rope in 8 hours, it is already a lot but at the same time little!

"Malheus! Come here!"

Lobion is outside his base, just in front of his entrance and starts to shout the name of his partner Malheus so that he arrives to him so that they can begin to make their exercises!

After a while, Lobion sees Malheus coming out of the bushes of the forest and heads in his direction. Once Malheus is in front of Lobion, he waits in front of him!

"That's very good! You are a good boy Malheus!" Lobion pats Malheus when he sees the latter in front of him.

Malheus seems to be very happy with this gesture because he rubs his head willingly in Lobion's hands so that he can caress him better.

"WuwuwUwuwuw!" Malheus then lets a sound of satisfaction escape his mouth.

"Good Malheus! Today we're going to start our training! Be ready because we are going to face several enemies in the next few hours!" Lobion said aloud while looking Malheus in the eyes with a serious look.

Lobion doesn't want to be in the same position as the first time against the carnotaur. That dinosaur forced him and his father to separate! Even today, he still doesn't know if his father managed to escape from the carnotaur or not!

So he decided it was time to start learning to fight with the help of his faithful companion Malheus. His parasaurus may be a vegetarian dinosaur, but if Lobion can train it properly, he can turn it into a real war machine! Indeed, his parasaurus is an ALPHA dinosaur!

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