
The Hex: New Dawn

"The people of New Dawn have magic, my boy!" A quote from the grandfather of Damien Grayson, both former residents of the Great Kingdom of Acumenos. It comes from a story that his grandfather used to tell him as a child. After the fall of Acumenos, the young man must earn enough to charter a vessel to sail over the Torrential Seas into who knows what, because that story may have more truth to it than it seems. *Volume 1 Updated Everyday at 12:00 MST* *Volume 2 Updates Every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 MST* *Art created using Nightcafe's stable diffusion AI*

DKLands · Fantaisie
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91 Chs

Chapter 5: The Shut-In

"Princess Krista, His and Her Majesty request your audience," called a voice from outside her door.

"Again? I swear, they keep calling me in because they're scared I'll run away again," Krista thought as she continued to thread pieces of cloth together, " They're probably right, to be fair. "I'll be out soon! Also didn't I say to stop calling me Princess; I hate the sound of it."

My handmaid, Tariana, came to wake Krista up. She was relatively new and replaced Krista's old handmaid who was fired while she was gone. Tariana was quite young; just a few years older than Krista. Compared to her old handmaiden, Tariana was considerably less… experienced.

"Apologies Lady Krista, before we go see your parents, would you like to visit Sir Damien. He's been holed up in his room an entire week. I can't say that's healthy."

That's at least how things appeared to everyone other than Krista. Considering what Damien would have felt after traveling such a great distance, only to fail to get what he seeked, feeling crushed was to be expected. Damien never bothered to even lock the room he was given and could be found in his bed sleeping the days away, refusing to speak to anyone. At least that's how it appeared, but Krista could swear she saw some ruby on his desk that wasn't there before.

"No, it would be rude to keep my parents waiting, contrary of what you might think of him, Damien's pretty tough," replied Krista.

"I'll escort you when your presentable then, and please Lady Krista. When I say presentable, I mean presentable as a woman of the Knightley family royal household or would you rather I dress you. I promise you'll be sure to look quite fabulous!"

Krista would never make the mistake of letting Tariana dress her again. She may be around Krista's age, but her sensibilities, especially those regarding fashion, was that of a woman from before Grand Auntie's generation.

"No need to worry, I'll be right out."

It had been quite some time since Krista ha been behind these walls. Maybe slightly longer than a year, if she remembered correctly, though she couldn't say that she was happy to be home. Already, Krista's Mother and Father were falling into their old habits; Krista was not allowed to leave the castle without her parents' express permission and must be accompanied by at least six guards. She could no longer train or even find the time to do her daily workouts. They also took away all of Krista's weapons including the sword gifted to her by Kim. Krista couldn't dress how she wanted to, couldn't talk like she wanted to, and couldn't live like she wanted to. It's not much of a stretch to call this her own personal hell.

"Apologies Lady Krista, it seems your parents have some business to attend to before meeting with you. It should only be just a moment longer, however-"

"Wow, they called me to them, yet now they're keeping me out," Krista thought, "Who are they meeting with?"

"Grandmagi Knightley is currently speaking with them."

"Grand Auntie! I thought she went left to S.C.O.W! How did she get back so fast?" The journey to the Stellar Commission of Wattiez, main headquarters was a 15-day journey at the absolute fastest. As they approached the room where Krista was to speak with her parents, they found Emily standing outside waiting patiently. "What are they talking about in there?"

Emily didn't answer and Tariana shook her head, "I do not know, and I wouldn't be at liberty to say. Once they're done discussing their business, you should ask them yourself."

"Like they would actually tell me what they were talking about." Krista said as she put her ear to the door.

"My Lady, no! This is unbecoming of you." Tariana weakly pleaded, but she couldn't actually do anything about her actions. Krista just ignored her and continued to listen.

"…Guile was it … Shining Twilight…more about the Grand Trees… dangerous… especially if he… journal… Knightly."

"What does any of that mean? It's so hard to hear their voices ," Krista thought as she for a thinner piece of wall, "I guess I should just be happy that they didn't place any spells to soundproof the room … why did everything go quiet? Did they notice me?"

It wasn't long until the door opened, and Krista was left face to face with the furious face of her mother. Cynthia didn't say anything just beckoned me in with her finger. Krista Looked back to Tariana for help, but all she was faced with was a pitying smile.

"These are the kinds of problems that I'm talking about! My daughter is so horribly nosy that I'm sure that she'll run into trouble. Every precaution George and I have placed are for her own benefit, yet she goes around looking for trouble on purpose!"

Krista wanted to speak on her own behalf, but she could only hang her head down shamefully as her mother did just catch her in the act of eavesdropping.

"We both know that was an exception," Cassandra argued, "Normally, Krista is well behaved, rowdy sure, but still the pure embodiment of a Knightley. You should blame yourselves, really, you decided to invite her to speak with you, but then also decided to make her wait as you spoke with me. In her place, I'd think I would eavesdrop too."

"Stop treating us like we're the bad guys," said George with an exasperated sigh, "You've never had a child yourself, so you don't know the feeling of letting one so delicate like our Kristhalla in such a dangerous world." Krista couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of someone calling her delicate. "Something you'd like to say young lady?" Her father spoke out sternly, a little upset that I'd laugh in a situation he thought was serious.

To Krista, though, the whole thing was ridiculous, "Mother… Father… may I speak frankly?"

As much as she wanted to yell, as much as she wanted to lash out, Krista couldn't. As much as they got on her nerves, Krista knew everything they did was because they loved her and want to take care of her. Instead of getting angry, Krista wanted to talk to them from the bottom of her heart. Maybe then they could understand her actual feelings.

"Please do," allowed Cynthia.

"I'm not the same poor little girl who learned that she didn't have wattiez when she was four. I'm stronger now, no… not just stronger, strong. I beat a griffin! With Damien's help of course, but how many people can say they've ever done something even remotely close to that? I know all you want to do is keep me safe, but all you're doing is pushing me away. How much can you really say you know about me?"

"Kristhalla," George said calmly, "We just want what's best-"

"How can you say you know what's best for me when you've been gone for so much of my life?" Krista interrupted, "I don't want to resent you, but how can I not? You sent Kim away, you've locked me away. Why?"

"For New Dawn, Kristhalla, I was going to say best for New Dawn," finished George.

‎ "Excuse me?" Krista asked not thinking that she heard her father correctly.

"Kristhalla, we are not only responsible for you, but for the lives of more than 500,000 people in New Dawn, "continued Cynthia, "Far more if you add in the lives of those from the territories."

"For the best of-," Krista choked, "If I'm to rule New Dawn someday, how can I lead if I do not know about the lives of our people? Locked in the castle, I would only bring harm to New Dawn. How is that best?"

"We had to steel ourselves to make tough decisions!" exploded George, "Had either Soaring Sun or Falling Starlight heard about your condition kidnappers or even assassins would have been sent after you. Exposing an untethered in the royal family would lead to question the Knightley family's right to rule, right to lead its people, and an insurrection could have occurred."

"It's why we sent you to Acumenos, to protect you, to protect everyone," Cynthia added, "It was not our intention to create such distance between us, but we did what we believed we had to do. I hope you can forgive us."

"I don't know if I can," Krista thought.

Her silence spoke more words than a response ever could. Pleasantries had gone out the window, and open hostilities looked to begin. Luckily, seeing the tensions rise, the somewhat neutral third party intervened.

"I think we should stop here before someone says something they might regret later," Cassandra said sitting in her wheelchair, "Krista, would you be a dear and take me outside?"

She nodded her head, "Of course Grand Auntie. Mother, Father, if you would excuse me?" Krista spoke with no hint of warmth, she had expected to speak with her parents and leave frustrated, but she had not expected to leave feeling empty.

Her parents whispered to each other for a short time before Cynthia spoke out, "Maybe we have been a little bit harsh and strict with you Kristhalla, and I'm willing to negotiate some terms… George?"

"Cynthia, our little girl has grown up to be a fine woman, and I still think, as princess of the largest and most powerful nation in Stellar, some security is still needed, but I agree. We may have been too excessive."

"What do you mean," Krista asked.

"We will be gone for some business starting tomorrow, so we can't be too lenient, but you will be allowed three hours a day to roam New Dawn, and your entourage will be lowered to merely two guards, are these terms acceptable?" Cynthia asked.

"Yes, this is-" Krista stopped as she realized that her parents were giving her concessions, they never did this, so she wanted to push her luck a little. "I'd like four hours, please."

Her mother stared harshly at her, but George answered first, "Agreed, but remember, no dangerous activities and avoid the guilds. You're excused Kristhalla, enjoy your time."

A smile slowly creeped on Krista's face against her better wishes, so she ran to Cassandra and started to leave. Though before she left out the door she said some parting words, "Mother, Father… thanks."

"Lady Krista, things went well I presume?" Tariana asked.

"Yeah, I feel like we made some real headway."