
The hell with genre

Mina , a girl from modern times died while walking down the stairs and reincarnated in an other world as a butterfly .she lived and suffered as butterfly until to find that butterfly were just myth in that world and that's how she remembered that this is a novel world and currently she is staying in villains territory. To live normal life she just wanted do her job well and live quit . But she felt her heart stolen by littlee villains so she decided to protect them but.. This time I won't let you go and swear to protect you with my life~ huh my heart is beating so loud when the duke said that . Why? he wasn't described as having these emotions. No...they are human too so they also need love and protection and what was the genre of this novel argh..the hell with original and let's make a new one.

Nazlady · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

banned from home land

In the middle of witch's forest, there was a house. The Witch who lived there gave shelter to unconscious mina. She was unconscious from last night's incident. She woke up at the bird's chirps. She looked around and recalled last night but she only remembered that she fainted as soon as she saw that black shadow from her behind. She walked out of the room to check around but suddenly the sound of foot steps from stairs were coming closer. She stopped and hid in corner but the sound was coming closer and closer. Her heart was beating as the sound of foot steps stopped. She alerted herself and looked around for something sharp. She found a piece of mirror of a broken portrait but before she could touch it, a shadow appeared. At first glance it looked like black clouds sorrounding her but a little monster appeared. It had red sharp sparkling eyes and it's small body was covered with a robe. It was looking at her "why did you come out?" little monster said to her while jumping around her in a circle. she was lost at her words because the little monster was gluing to her. "what are you? let go of me" she tried to push it but she flinched as she felt someone was watching her. She turned back. "I see. you have so much energy" it was the sound of a young boy. Little monster ran towards the boy. Mina was confused at who was that little boy with red hairs and yellow eyes and he was wearing some casual clothes. The boy used his majic band that came into his hand out of nowhere and moved it around. It was glowing and mina was amazed as lights were emiting from band and soon wrapped her around. The Lights were so bright mina couldn't open her eyes but when she opened her she was on dinning table. The food was already served on the table. Mina was so hungry so she drooled over the delicious food. "it's for you." boy said to. Mina looked at front chair where the little boy was sitting. She wiped her mouth and glared at him "who are you?" she asked him "did you bring me here?". The boy was just smiling at her questions and noded. "why?" she asked him with confusion "Are you the witch who lives in this forest?".

The boy gave her a plate of meat and smiled at her "let's eat first or the food will be cold."

She ate the food quietly with the boy.

After the finished their meals they went to garden. They stopped at a big tree.

"my name is Charles and I am witch from a noble house of witches but due to some personal reason I was banned from my home land so I live here" he said while touching the tree. "when I first I came here, this tree was my first refuge to hide my self from monsters." mina heard his story "so you can't go back now" she asked " and why did saved me?".

Boy looked back at her and smiled "no I can go back now" he patted little monster "and because you were also taking refuge here so I helped you".

mina looked at the little monster "who is this little monster?" she asked "why was it clinging to me earlier?"

"oh I forgot, he is cha my pat we live together and I told him to bring you last night." he replied

Mina was confused that how come a little monster could carry her. she was looking at with confused gaze.

"don't worry cha is strong in his true form." he explained to her.

"huh? true form? then who is he now?" she asked.

He laughed at her and told her that it was better that she doesn't see cha's true form because she might faint again from shock but then mina realized last night's incident and she was shocked again. "what!!!!" he was that ghost. she looked at cha with shocking face but he gave her angry gaze. "calm down cha she didn't mean anything bad but was scared of you so she said that" he patted cha while calming him down "I understand you because it was your first time to see him but he is not scary but cute" the boy was smiling and patting little monster. Mina felt guilty "I apologize for calling you ghost" she bowed "and thanks for saving me" mina was flustered but suddenly charles and cha weren't replying her so she thought that the were mad at her but actually they were both holding back their laughter. she was confused. " hahahaha" boy laughed to the point his eye were filled with tear drops. He wiped them and still laughed. Mina felt as she was tricked. "ah sorry haha we didn't mean to tease but hahaha you were so haha flustered haha". Mina at that time was thinking how to teach that little brat but she hold and forced a smile. "ghost, huh? it was his original name anyway but I changed it so you just called him by his previous name" little boy smiled at her. Then they walked to the chairs in the garden. "now who are you?" boy asked her. They sat on the chairs. Mina thought as to what she should tell and avoid. little monster who followed mina sat on her laps. " ah don't mind him he won't do anything" he told her while scartching his head. "my name is mina but..." she turned her face down and thought whether she should be honest "actually I ..." she stopped when the sound of something cracking came from the forest side. "what's that sound" mina looked at forest side. charles stood up and walked then stopped waved his hand in air. "I'll be back after meeting these uninvited guest" the majic band appeared in his hand "cha stand here and don't leave her side" he smiled at mina and then he casted a spell and disappeared in thin air. "huh? what!!!" she realized that he didn't bring her with him. The sound was so loud. She feared that what if it was some crazy monsters. She tried to run to the forest but the little monster stopped her "what cha doesn't want me to go out alone?" she tried but cha wasn't letting her go "ok" she decided to take him with her so she grabbed him "let's go now" she ran to forest side.

In front of witch's house knights on their horses were standing behind their two captains. Duke mikhail broke the first majic seal. "how rude of you" Charles appeared at the entrance "you should knock first if you want to come in". But the duke gave him cold gaze. "call your master boy!" David said "or else we will use force". "oh my gosh! I am so scared haha" charles laughed at him "it's impressive though that you were able to break my seal but you can't break my multi sealed barrier". "wtf with this little kid" zan who was pissed with Charles "just call the witch". "eh?" charles was dumb founded "I am standing here you idiots". "watch your mouth kid" david pulled his sword "your tricks won't work". charles sighed as he himself agreed that he was still child but that doesn't mean he wasn't a witch who lived in the forest for the past five months. The one who lived in the forest died two years ago leaving him alone with cha. "are you her friends?" charles asked "sorry but she died two years ago". All knights were shocked but David and zan were suspicious of him "don't kid us little boy" zan said "how can that be? witch died? you think we will buy your lies?". charles pointed to the other side of forest "if don't believe go to this side there will be a grave" he said "if I lie you can come inside of house". "my Lord! what's your order?" David asked the duke. "send a Knight to check first I don't like to dirty my hands with blood" duke said. David asked a knight to go and check out. charles was just sitting on the ground while the duke was sitting on his horse. All knights were in their respective positions. In the middest of everything mina suddenly popped up behind charles. "I thought there would be monster" mina said to Charles "but they don't look like one". "huh?" charles was shocked "why did you follow?". "oh I thought that I might witnesses a real battle between witch and monsters" "hihi".

As they were speaking to each other a cold voice came " so you finally showed your self the forest witch" duke said "now speak where did you hide it?".

mina was confused who was that and she looked to Charles. "don't worry he can't break the seal....." as charles was talking to mina the sound of something shattering came in their ears. The seals were broken.

"you said they won't break" mina said .

"yeah but my teacher said.." charles as the duke with his horse was coming in.

"what she said?"mina asked .

"she said that if someday someone break the seal.." Charles said while using his majical band.

"yes the seal..?" mina asked to his half answer.

charles casted on him self and her with majic and so their clothes changed into witches uniform then he whistled. A broom came then he took mina's hand "don't fight back just run away" they both sat on the broom and flew in the sky. Mina looked back she noticed the man who broke seal was the one who casted spell on her.

"hey! are you leaving your house?" mina asked.

"to begin with it was not my house" charles repled.

"so where are we going?" she asked again.

"To my home" he replied.

little monster who was following them back after leaving a paper hugged mina. She hugged him. "but why did we run"mina asked. "dunno but that man was dangerous it's better to run than regret later.


At witch's house knights were searching every corner for their tracks. Suddenly the knight who went to see the grave came back and reported that there was actually a grave in the forest. David and zan quickly went to the room where duke was sitting. "my Lord ! we found the witch's grave". Duke was holding the piece of clothes and matched it with bed sheet that was on the floor. "it's obviously the same but it looked as if used for clothing". "shall we track them?" zan asked.

"No need" duke said "let's go back there's nothing else". Suddenly the butler knocked at the door "my Lord there is a message from capital" The butler came and gave the message to the Duke. "what's in the message?" duke asked. "it would be better if you read it your self" butler said. duke opened the message and was quite for sometime. David and zan looked at the butler but he didn't give them any answer so they waited for duke. "we will leave tomorrow with the sun rise" duke commanded to his knights. They were shocked but then thought there must be something happening in the capital. when others left the room duke sat on the chair. He clenched the paper in his hand "it's just so annoying"