
The Heiress of Canterbury

"Money, greed, and power can change a single person, and I will not let anyone who's greedy with money and power take over," Amelia said with confidence in front of his father. Amelia Chandler, a 19-year-old girl, who will fight for her right as an heiress, will encounter a lot of challenges alongside her brother, Kei Chandler. Little by little, they will discover a secret that was buried for 10 years when Alexander Ross, the Chandler siblings' classmate, entered their life. Amelia and Kei slowly felt attached to Alexander as the days go by. The three of them have a chemistry that no one has ever seen. One day, sudden flashbacks of her altered memories showed up. She will slowly become active in finding the treasure that will uncover the whole truth but Amelia's life was suddenly in trouble. Someone will come for her life again and will do everything just to eliminate her. Her life turned upside down when a man from the past eventually show himself and claims that he is the rightful owner of Canterbury. Will Amelia be able to find out the whole truth? How will Amelia claim her place against the person she loves the most? Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All of the names, characters, places, events, and incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to a real name, place, events, or incident are purely just a coincidence. Also, this story may or may not contain some mature scenes and words and many grammatical and typographical errors, so read at your own risk.

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18 Chs

Amelia's Memories Pt. 1

Out of curiosity, I tried to eavesdrop on the conversation between Kei's father and Mr. George. I sneakily got near my father's office.

"What? Amelia, wanted you to do a background check on someone?

"Yes, sir."

"Who is it?"

"Alexander Ross."

Father surprisingly rises from his seat. "What!"

"I was also surprised when I heard that name from Amelia's mouth," Mr. George replied.

What? What's happening? Why do they have those reactions?

"Sir, perhaps, lady Amelia's starting to regain her memories."

"You think so? If that's the case then..."

I was so curious so I hurriedly went inside my father's office to confront then. "W-what do you mean?!"

"Amelia! Lady Amelia!," the both of them said in unison.

"What are talking about? What memories? What do you mean? Father? Mr. George?"

"Amelia, calm down. Let's talk about this tomorrow, okay?"

"No, let's talk about this matter tonight. Do you think I may be able to sleep after I listened to your conversation?" Father seemed startled by my words. I looked at Mr. George and also asked him. "And you Mr. George. Do you know who Alexander Ross is? And you pretended not to know him earlier when I asked you for that favor aren't you?" Mr. George didn't say a word. "Silent treatment? For real?" I just sighed out of frustration.

Without saying anything, I decided to go back to my room. Perhaps, there was a reason why they behave like that. When I was about near the door I hear Kei's voice saying something. "What's happening? I heard Amelia's loud voice from upstairs." Kei was startled by me approaching the door furiously angry. He stopped in front of me and I looked at him. "How about you? Do you also know this?"


So, even Kei knew about this? Like, what's happening here?

"Fine! If no one wants to talk about this. It's okay." I pushed Kei aside but he grabbed me. However, I felt an annoying loud ear ringing from both of my ears.

I just dropped to the floor with a painful headache. Kei, father, and Mr. George, I can see them panicking but cannot hear anything they said. It was really painful like you were trapped inside a shallow room with a very loud and high-pitched tune. After an ear-wrecking incident, I am totally blackout. I opened my eyes and I was surprised by what I saw.

This is our house, eight years ago!

I entered our house and saw my mother standing beside the window looking outside the greenhouse. I went to where I saw my mother but when I reached the window, my mother suddenly went out to the greenhouse. I also went outside and follow her.

"Mom! Mom! Wait for me, mom!" she doesn't even look behind or respond to me.

I still decided to follow her. I roamed the greenhouse, but I did not find her. At last, I sit under the shadow of a willow tree. The bright sunshine is piercing through the tree's leaves. Suddenly a silhouette appeared in front of me.

"Mom? Mom!" I stand up and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back and giggled. "How's my princess?" she asked. I just look at her while bawling like a six-year-old child and did not speak any word.

She gave me a smile and then holds my face. "I see, my princess will be turning into a lady soon." Those words made me bawl more and tears kept falling from my eyes.

We sat again and she made me lay on her lap. She hums while stroking my hair. I stopped crying and just enjoyed the situation. Although I do not want this to end, I also know that this was not true since my family already died ten years ago.

"Do you still have the necklace?" mom asked. "Yes, mom. What about it?" I sit up from laying and asked her. She smiled and patted my head. "You'll know when the right time comes, my princess."

I was confused by her words. What does she mean? When is the right time?



I walk towards the roses and speak, "You know, before I've met you today, I argued with father Chandler, Kei, and Mr. George. They keep saying that maybe I've remembered something from the past but I am so sure that I remember everything vividly. What do you think they mean, mom?"

I turned around but I cannot see my mom. I started to roam the greenhouse again but still did not find any of her traces.

Like them, it seems that mom is avoiding the matter as well.

I sighed and exited the greenhouse but another thing surprised me again. It was the scene that happened ten years ago when my family died. This time I saw myself as an eight-year-old kid. Facing a dark past that I do not want to remember at all.

"Screw you, Edward! After all of this family did to you... Y-you traitor!"

"So what? Do you think I'll be a good brother? Why would I? Ever since the first day that I stepped into your house, I decided to take away everything from you! Every single thing that matters to you, Rolando."


That words that my father and his half-brother, uncle Edward Canterbury, when they were doing their best to kill each other.

And my last conversation with my mother, who's telling me her last wish while she's covered with blood.

"Live, my daughter. Forget everything and live a new life. One last thing, protect yourself and keep this safe. No other than you should have this okay. I am sorry for not telling you the truth but it is for your own good."

"No, no, no! I p-promise to do that but please don't die, please... Please!" the eight-year-old me said, who's bawling beside her mom and cannot do anything but cry while she's holding her mom with her tiny hands.

I am crying while these scenarios were flashing right in front of me.

After that day, I promised that I'll live a new life and protect this as mom said. My father's younger stepbrother, uncle William Chandler, took me and treat me like his own daughter.

I lose everyone important to me. My mother left me a single necklace with the imprinted initials "C.C.". It doesn't seem like a normal necklace. It is more like some kind of special key for a special thing. But I didn't know what is this for, I think it is connected to the truth that she never told.

But what does she mean by the truth that she never told?

I tried to run and entered our house. I went to my room and another flashback flashed right after I've open the door. It was when I and my brother Caleb were happily playing before the tragedy.

Until we heard some banging and crashing of furniture and stuff. My brother went outside to look at what happened and a moment later he returned in a hurry.

"Cassandra, listen. I want to hide in your closet for now, okay?"

"But Caleb..."

"Cassandra, please, and don't forget to wear this." My brother gave me headphones and escorted me to my closet.

"Remember, Cassandra. Don't you ever make any sound, understand?" I nodded and my brother closed the doors of the closet.

As a little child, I thought it was normal at that time because why not? Our parents often fight over small or big things. But that time it was not just a simple fight. It was a horrible sight!

There was a hole in the doors of my closet. I peeked and did not imagine at all that my father was capable of doing things like that.

At first, when he entered my room brother Caleb stopped him. I do not know why but father seems to find something, maybe it's someone, but brother Caleb stopped him. He pushed brother Caleb and started to walk towards the closet. Maybe he heard some squeak or what, I was just nervous at that time. Brother Caleb then stopped him again and threaten him with a pair of scissors pointed at him. The next scene made me sad and confused the most. Father took brother Caleb's scissors, and he pushed him against the wall, with brother Caleb's back facing our father. Father suddenly scratched brother Caleb's back with scissors.

I cannot hear anything else but the music from the headphones but I completely know that my brother was screaming in pain because I can see it from his face.

Father left while my brother who was near the door while blood dripping from his back starts to walk in my direction again. This time, uncle Edward entered my room and grabbed my father downstairs.

I went out of the closet and found my brother unconscious. I heard my father and uncle Edward arguing from downstairs. My mind went completely black as I trembled in fear of my own father.

Why would he do this to his own son? Why is he and uncle Edward fighting? Like, what's happening in this household?!

I went outside my room. Father spotted me and he tried to walk towards me but uncle Edward stopped him. The moment that I went outside my room I saw my mother laying at the end of the stairs covered with her own blood.

It is so hard watching this scenario over and over again. It made me sad and confused. Up until now, I don't know why my father did all of it. Why did he want his wife and son to be dead? Why did he aggressively want me to die? I am sure that he wants me to be killed and Caleb as well as our mother were killed because they tried to protect me. If uncle Edward did not stop father. Maybe there will be no Amelia Chandler right now.

After that horrid flashback, I slowly walk towards the door of the mansion. I want to escape from that so I hurriedly exited the mansion.

This time, a nine-year-old boy with a blurry face was sitting and waiting in front of our house.

"Excuse me. Mind if I ask, but... who are you?"

He turned his head at me and reached his hand.

"You hurt my feelings, you might not remember me now, but I've been waiting for you. Welcome back, Cassandra Canterbury."