
novel - Fantaisie



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ONCE UPON A TIME IN A FAR AWAY LAND There were two kingdom's that lives in harmony and peaceful life. One of the two kingdom's is named EDDRA and there are rumors about the kingdom that many people in the kingdom say. That long ago the kingdom were once ruled by the most powerful and fearsome clan. The clan is called THE BLACK DRAGON'S CLAN. However the clan is a fearsome clan that's what other people thought. They maybe a fearsome clan but the people in the kingdom say that they are kind to the humans especially to their own people. But there are people that couldn't accept the Black Dragon's Clan. So they planned to burned the Black Dragon's Castle together with the clan. So, after they burned the castle and the clan the people that burned the castle and the clan was vanished completely. But they didn't know that there are some survivors including the one and only survivor in the clan of the Black Dragon's and that is Prince Edward. Prince Edward is the only survivor in the clan of the Black Dragon's but he didn't know that there was another survivors aside of him. Who are they! you'll know soon enough. Prince Edward is the one and only survivor in the clan and he lived in the forest. At the time that the people burned the castle and the clan. He went to the forest to train himself there because that is the order from his father. And his father said that you need to train yourself and you need to learn on how to control the fire that is inside in your body. But he didn't know that was the last time he could see his father. Because right after he went to the forest the castle was burning together with his clan and his father. And all he could do is shout and said "Father"................ And he promise to himself that he will become stronger and he will find the people that burned his castle. And to make them pay for what they did to his family. However he didn't know that one night after he trained himself due to lacks of rest he fell asleep. And then the next morning when he wake up, he go to the river and wash his face. And suddenly he notice that he found himself in the form of a human being. . to be continued in SYNOPSIS 2


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