1 Home sweet, good bye

This was it! I was finally going home. I thought as I was getting off a plane that had just arrived from Hong Kong. I had left home two weeks ago to attended a business meeting for the company I work for, Freeze Tec. We were the top CPU and GPU production brand America, and I couldn't wait to tell my soon to be husband all about it.

I went to baggage claim and found my large panda covered suitcase, propped the handle up, and began walking to my Volkswagon bug, or Mr. Buggy as I called it. I put my luggage in the back and pulled out of the airport. I was finally going to see Thomas. Two weeks was far too long to be away, I tried calling and texting him, but he was always working, so I never really got to talk to him while I was gone. regardless of how long it had been, he was mine and i was going to see him.

I kept driving down the empty streets of Ohio until I came to a dimly lit farmhouse surrounded by chicken and barbed wire fencing. I was so ready to be home, and boy could you tell by the way I was driving. I picked up speed and took a sharp turn into my parent's driveway. they had told me to stop by on my way home, and I to my imagination it's for a welcome home party, which only made me more excited.

I stopped my car and ran inside, but it was empty. The lights in the kitchen were on, so I went to go say hello, but to my surrpise the kitchen was empty. there was a note on the fridge though, so I gently picked it up and read it. It was a simple note in my mother's handwriting saying they had gone out to eat and would be back around 6pm.

it didn't make much of a difference to me, I just wanted to get out of these clothes.my sister and I were about the same size being only two years apart we normally took each other's clothing. I walked up the stairs passing by old photos of me and her as children then I heard footsteps and then voices.

" I'm going to go get something to drink, want anything Babe?" That voice sounded familiar, but I just couldn't put a face to it, it was 4 am after all.

" I'm ok thanks though" a womans voice said, and this voice I knew without a shadow of a doubt, but who was the other voice?

" Actually, I will take a ginger ale." my sister said. O my gosh I thought, my sister, got a boyfriend! I've been waiting for this my entire life, she can finally come to me for something other than money, I can help her. I took a few steps forward and put my hand on the door nob, it turned in my hand. I finally get to see my sister's boyfriend! The door opened and the face and body were now both visible. It was was all too familiar. Dark brown hair, piercing cold eyes, broad shoulders, and most of all his lovely smile.

he just stood there dressed in almost nothing, I knew what he had been doing. he was staring at me now, he seemed scared, but I know my face was much more scared that his.

"What's wrong Babe? Is something at the door?" My sister said, only in her underwear. she looked past Thomas's shoulder and saw my face, tired, scared, and crying. I looked back at him.

" Was I really just a game?" I turned around and walked down the stairs, he grabbed my wrist,

"No, you were never a game." he said, "I just found something better that's all." he said looking at me smiling, but his eyes were full of hurt. I slapped his hand to loosen his grip on my arm and walked away. He and my sister were standing atop of the stair and I was now at the bottom

" What am I going to do about this?" I was saying laughing and crying, "What am I going to tell Robby? What am I supposed to tell our son Thomas! What will I tell him!? That daddy isn't coming home anymore because he fell in love with your aunt? Unbelievable, you know," I said looking at my sister, "I hope you'll have a child, and find a way to explain to them how their cousin is actually their sibling. You know what liers always end up together anyways obviously, you might as well get married.

" Then we will do just that." said my sister before kissing Thomas.

His eyes were still glued to mine looking sorry as if that would be enough. He closed his eyes and joined her in the kiss as I left. Slamming the door shut I got in my car and drove to my friend Natalie's house. She was watching Robby for me, and I was so ready to see him. I drove fast down the back rounds, taking strong turns around the corners, and driving like a mad man everything went as dark as the sky that night.

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