
Chapter 23: UA vs Vanguard Action squad finale

Dabi commands the V.A.S " Can we focus on the mission damn"

" OKAY!!" The vanguard action squard says in unison and gets ready to attack.

" Hnnnrgh, everyone get ready " Todoroki growls as commands his friends to fight like they mean it. " RIGHT!!" Everyone gets into position. Uraraka and Asui run towards Toga, While Shenji and todoroki run towards Dabi, Twice and Mr compress.

Dabi instantly raises his blue flames towards the group which is instantly blocked by Todoroki's red flames on left arm which transition to him raising a his right arm which wall of Ice coming out of the Dabi, Twice and Mr compress evacuate the area. Suddenly Twice jumps over the wall to engage with the students using his tape to attack Todoroki; Todoroki raises his foot to create ice shards causimg Twice to attack with distance " Is that all you got." Twice mocks while shenji attacks Mr Compress who dodging and fluiently evading Shenjis attacks, he is making Shenji exhast himself. " HAHAHHA YOU CANT CATCH ME WITH WEAK PUNCHES LIKE THAT." " *HUFF* *HUFF* DAMN YOU WE WILL WIN!!" " TRY IT THEN TENTACLES"

Deku and bakugo fight, they are explosions and green flames everywhere. "DAMN YOU DEKKKKUUU!!!" Bakugo grabs Dekus arm which is blocking his face and causes a huge explosion. " hnngh"

Dekus POV

Damn that kaachan his explosions, its tough to handle but Ive studied you, you will fail and I will end this quickly. His palms creates massive explosions coming from his gliscerin sweat meaning he fights recklessly to his opponent, This recklesness is a redult from his huge ego and pride, the fact that he wants to be hero suprises me maybe thats why shigaraki wants him, but that is the only thing I respect kacchan for, he wont falter but even trying to break him is so fun, YES, Ill end this quickly. Bakugo begins his multiple attacks, with me being in close combat with him is disadvantaging to me and I, on defense will not last long.

I punch his jaw multiple times with blood, spitting out of his mouth, I love this feeling because it shows Im dealing damage to my worst enemy, He tries to counter with multiple attacks and explosions but I dodge all of them, his attacks are slow but his quirk is deadly. I kick his stomach, with him wheezing. He then comes to attack me again but I conter it, turning around I throw him over my shoulder, slamming him to the ground.

" Is this the best you got with all these years abusing a quirkless kid look where the superior kid is Now hahaha"

I stomp on his chest.


" Whats wrong I am only doing this to you for what you have done to me, after Im done why dont we have fun with your new friends like human darts" The glee on my face works wonders on someone like Kacchan.

Kacchan has become very angry, with the blood vessels in his eyes clearly showing. Twirling in the air with black smoke swirling.


I know this is the move he used in UA sports festival, the spinning smoke hits my face as I now know what to do

" As you wish kacchan, as you fucking wish"


The tornado explosion hits me directly I feel all of this, so this is what todoroki felt when facing him. Its hot and particles are everywhere but this wont stop me no It cant stop me. My green flames erupt like a volcano which desimates kacchans attack.

" No.. Noo.. No Way" kacchan is in disbelief at what he sees I crushed his Ultimate move. I walk slowly engulfed in flames but my face still visible.

" You never stood a chance hehe"

I raise my hand forward, flames circling in my palm forming a massive ball.

Kacchan shaken tries to stop me before I attack, smart but useless. I dont even give him the time of day until he sees a huge green circle on the floor.

" Come Now"

Many hands restrain Bakugos feet, he tries to blow up the hands but new hands grabs bakugo's hands. Now another green circle appears under kaachan.

" Fire pillar"

" What th--ARRRGGH"

he is engulfed in the pillar.

" Lets end this PLUS ULTRA FIRE-BALL!!" I throw the massive ball to the pillar causing a huge explosion with green flames everywhere. I look at the crater where kacchan lays, I pick him up and relay a message on my watch.


The Facility.

After Van king and Erasurehead have dealt with the Dabi copies, the students are safe again. Anyone who is injured are being treated to the best of staff abilities.

" Thats the last of those clones Is everyone okay"

" YES SIR!!" Everyone confirms.

" Okay Erasurehead, who are the missing students."

" Just Class 1A there are deep in the forest thats going to be hassile as its covering in blue and green flames"

" I will stay and make sure the students are safe."

" Thank you I will be going and rescuring class 1A"

Erasurehead runs full speed to the flames to rescue the students.

However a blackhole masked in the night with eyes appear.

" The time is up" Kurogiri says.


Mr compress keeps toying with shenji.

"Still cant catch me slowpoke."

" Ugghhh"

Shenji attempts to attack with all his arms but it near misses compress.

Todoroki who is facing dabi is suprised by his flames, the blue flames are more hotter than his red flames.

" WHO ARE YOU!!" Todoroki yells

" Not something you need to know yet " Dabi says and it doesnt help that.

" Then why are you and the green demon after Bakugo and attacking us" Todoroki says as he raises his feet to create Ice mountains to overwhelm Dabi but Dabi raises both of his hands and extends more power to his flames which melts the Ice instantly until it made a huge mountain of water. Leaving Dabi smoking slightly.

" Hmmph, like I said nothing you need to know yet. Now you are going to drown in your own quirk. "


Mr compress grabs dabis jacket to help jump from tree to tree while Toga and Twice alerted by the incoming water use there equpment climb up the trees and follow Mr Compress.

" They are getting away" Uraraka says.

She grabs Asui using her quirk to float in the air. Todoroki whose very exhasted can only freeze the water around him but he sees yaoyaruzu and runs with all his might to protect her and awaze by freezing the water.

" Awaze *HUFF* *HUFF* *HUFF* yaoyaruzu Im sorry."

" Dont worry about it man" Awase accepts his apology.

" Yes, Dont worry.. Todoroki.. We can use this"

Todoroki, Awase and Yaoyoruzu are floating in a dingy made by yaoyoruzu's quirk as she then goes back to sleep. Uraraka and asui float to the dingy.

" Im glad all of you are okay" A concerned Uraraka says. " Yes thank you" Todoroki says. "That was dangerous Todoroki" Asui says. " Yes I know, I tried to stop his movements with the ice but it backfired. " Hmmm maybe not, we can still save them." Asui confirms. " Im not too sure but if you can raise this water to tree level, Uraraka and I can slingshot shot us to the masked guy. " I dont think I have enough to do it." " No come on I know you have it, Dont you want to save our friends, you have to do this, come on use everything I know you have the power" Uraraka motivates Todoroki to use his quirk on more time.

" Okay" Suddenly the water rises back to an Ice mountain reaching the trees levels. Asui wraps Todoroki and shenji and Awase with her tongue with Uraraka floating them. Asui spins using all her might and force on the direction Mr compress is and releases her cut tongue making them fly towards the vilalins at top speed.


All the remaining members are on the watch happy as Deku is confirmed to be heading to their direction with kurogiri on route.


" Aww so cute/ YOU GOT PROBLEMS LADY" Twice chimes

" Good Now we can get out of he----EEERRRRR" Mr compress says while he gets tackled to the ground from three students. With VAS still frozen in place but what just happened. In a flash Todoroki freezes his left hand, Awaze welds his right hand and Shenji opens his pockets to find a few marbles.

" I got them" Shenji says. He opens the marbles to find Tokoyami, in a dazed state.

" TOKOYAMI!!" Shenji and Todoroki says.

because of this confusion Dark shadow begins to appear again but it gets shot by greenish yellow bullet actively claming it down.

Everyone looks to see Deku.

" Hmmph just in time "

Deku aims at Shenji and the others who are on top of Mr compress.

" Everyone MOVE!!" Awase says


Deku shoots two shots at Compresses confinements freeing him

" Thanks Deku" Compress says

" No problem we got what we came here for."

" DEKKUUU!!!" Toga advances as she kisses deku.

" No he got bakugo" Todoroki says. He tries force Ice out but a blue flame interrupts him. Dabi stops him as he going towards the group. Deku proceedd to raise his gun at shenji and tokoyami for them not to make a move. As well as Twice scaring Awase with his personalities contradicting eachother as he speaks.

Suddenly black holes appears. " Looks like its our time is over" Dabi says as he enters the hole. " See you later guys and make sure you tell uraraka and asui that Im their best friends." Toga enters the hole.

" You guys were awsome/ You guys sucked ass" Twice enters the hole.

" You guys were completely useless you should quit heroing while you still can but I respect your efforts to save your friend" Deku carrying a knocked out Bakugo enters the hole.

Mr compress bows " Thank you everyone for enjoying the show, we hope to see you next time. Oh yeah multi arms" Compress takes of his mask to see 2 more marbles in his mouth.

Shenji and Todoroki is beyond livid knowing that Kota is the marble.

" No give him back"

" Hahhahahah" Mr compress turns his head to but he gets instantly shot at by a laser. It was no other than aoyama, even though he got a direct hit the laser still knocked Mr Compress to the hole.

" KIDS!!!!" Erasurehead arrives just as the villains escape. They have won incapturimg Bakugo and humiliating UA as a whole.

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