

Leo approached his speeder and unloaded a bunch of bombs that he had brought. He carried them to the corpse of the Dragon and put them deep in its mouth calmly.

He walked away and started to get distant from the corpse, Dia approached him, she saw his eyes were blue, "Revan, What are you doing?"

She had recovered soon after the death of the dragon, the battle had only increased her resolve and faith in her decision to follow Leo.

He nonchalantly replied, "I brought these bombs to blow it up, it will be a hassle to search for the pearl in the middle of all that... Step back."

Without any more warnings, he pressed the bottom and the head of the dragon exploded, showering the surrounding in its blood and flesh. Dia shielded herself since she was surprised by the sudden explosion.

Leo quickly returned to the site and searched a little, a few minutes later he found a giant black pearl the size of a basketball. He smiled, "This will do..." he murmured to himself as he took it and returned to the speeder.

Dia looked at everything he did curiously, "What is the point of that? I heard they sell for quite a bit but the credits are not worth mentioning to you..."

Leo shook his head with a smirk, "Watch and learn, I am going to demonstrate to you how to make a lightsaber."

He took the bag he had taken with him off the speeder and walked inside the half-destroyed cave that used to be the dragon's home with the pearl in his other hand.

Dia followed him unsurely but her eyes held curiosity and interest with a tinge of excitement.

Leo entered the cave but didn't go deep, he had merely gone there to avoid the terrible heat outside.

He sat down and opened the bag and took things out and put them on the ground around him, he also took out his two lightsabers and put them beside him.

Dia sat near him and observed everything.

He opened the lightsabers he had and took out two Kyber crystals, "These are Ilum crystals that had gone through the Bleeding process by unknown Sith. I will teach you how to do that to make your own when you are ready." He put them in a separate section.

He put two more Kyber crystals that he had taken out of his bag near them, "These are Dragite gems, quite brittle and fragile but they will have a very interesting effect on the sabers..."

He finally put the black Krayt dragon pearl in the middle of the two, "And this pearl is a very strong and ferocious core but it is far too big and needs to get refined through Sith Alchemy to be of use."

He put the other components around him in an orderly manner and sat down in a meditating form, "I will begin now, don't disturb me. Just observe..."

He closed his eyes and focused, he let the Force flow through him.

He was using a combined method of the Jedi and Sith to make his lightsaber; The Jedi had to pick the Kyber crystal they wanted and then create the Saber as Sith usually just took a random lightsaber and bled its crystal for use.

Leo was combining both methods, since he was not driven by hatred or anger unlike many Sith, he could not properly bleed a crystal. However, he could use his passion and desire to change the crystal to suit him through Sith Alchemy that he had learned from Nihilus. That was why he was using a strange method to make his own. As for the components, he had bought them when he had left the planet not long ago.

Sith Alchemy encompassed any power or technique which used the Dark Side of the Force to permanently alter an item or living being. Leo was going to use it alongside his own abilities to achieve his desired outcome.

His body began slowly floating upward and stopped mid-air but he did not notice as all his attention was focused on the crystals and components around him.

He extended his hand and the Pearl flew up and floated right above his palm, his other hand made a grasping motion. He felt an intense mental pressure as he used Force Devour on a non-living object, it was a very difficult thing to do for the current him.

The pearl began cracking as a very dark red mist left through the newly formed cracks and flowed to his other palm and stayed there. Alongside the dark red mist, one could see many small crystal parts being extracted and floating with the mist to his palm, they were barely visible but still glittered in many colors due to the darkness.

Sweat covered his face after a few minutes as the process was finished and the pearl turned into Ash. Around his hand and Palm, a thick amount of the mist and very small crystal shards flowing gently.

He took a deep breath and continued.

The Kyber crystals floated and flew till they were in front of his hands and he began using techniques of Sith Alchemy that he had learned from his teacher.

The mist and crystals flowed to the two Ilum crystals and slowly darkened them, the once bright red crystals turned darker and darker until they were pitch black.

At this stage, he began channeling his passion and desires to form a bond as the rest of the mist flowed into the crystals. Red cracks that glowed gently appeared on the crystals as they formed a bond with him through the Force. He could feel it.

Most of the Mist was gone but some remained, he let the rest flow into the Dragite gems and they too became a very dark red color covered in red glowing cracks.

The cracks, however, seemed to signify something other than damage since they could not be felt physically and slowly moved and changed direction chaotically like very slow sparks.

Dia watched it all with awe.

Leo decided to take a small break before he continued; He turned his attention toward Dia and said, "The 1st lesson is this, never let your emotions control you. Embrace them, accept them, feel them as much as you want, and use them to empower yourself and create drive but don't let them control you. The Dark Side is not your ally, it is your tool. The Force is Dark but also light so letting the Dark Side control you will lead you to a path of doom when you are strong since the Force will achieve Balance by your elimination and it is always in a state of balance. The dark side will try to control you and change you through your emotions, that is why you must achieve mastery of self to be victorious. That is the 1st step of your training."

"Emotions don't define you, they are part of you. What defines you is your actions and thoughts, if you let emotions define them, you have become a puppet of your emotions and thus the Dark Side. What is the point of it all if you become a puppet in the end like the many sith before you? The Sith Code is as such; Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."

His tone turned inquisitive, "And that is true but also false, why? Because the Force will never free anyone, you must free yourself. However, the Force is needed in this world to break the shackles that hold you and that is why we even bother to use the Force. I am going to create a new way, a new path for the Sith since the paths before have always failed. And you will walk that path with me, my apprentice."

He sighed, 'But my path is yet to be complete... But I know that one day, I will finish it and then achieve true freedom.' He said, "Go ponder on what I said, since you are not a child, it won't be hard to grasp these concepts."

It was rather strange for Dia to hear such words from Leo since he looked so young but she forgot about that almost as soon as she realized who she was actually dealing with... She was indeed very interested in his words and politely nodded. 'Is he hinting that my emotions for my sister will be the reason for my doom? I can't fail my sister, and I can't fail him. Mastery of self...'

Leo felt a little better so he decided to complete the process.

The components flew around and the construction began, he used the Force to perfectly connect and forge everything.

A while passed...

Two Lightsabers slowly floated in front of him as the last parts were added. He was finished with his work.

There were two identical lightsabers. The caste was made of Titanium and Chromium.

The hilt was simple and black with an elegant pattern to help the wielder hold it with more balance. There were three holes on the hilt, one for the Main blade and two on the sides near it. In the bottom part of the blade, a switch of sorts was visible, also black, it was positioned in a way that accidentally changing would be difficult as one held the hilt. It had 4 ways it could switch...

Leo grasped one of them. It was very comfortable to hold. He activated it through the switch and it came to life with a deep and strong hum. He could feel the flow of energy and its height in his hand, it was perfect. He could feel the connection and he knew at that moment that it was only a matter of time before he became one with his new Lightsaber and mastered all the Forms.

As for its looks, It was a standard lightsaber but...

The core of the blade was pitch black, the color of Darkness as if devouring light, the glow around it similar to red of the Kyber crystal crack, the saber hummed with immense might.

He switched it again and two smaller blades the same as the main one but much smaller came out of the holes that were in the sides of the hilt. It turned into a Crossguard Lightsaber.

He switched it again, this time the hum intensified and it became similar to a constant but low howling roar; The sides grew longer till it was 30 cm and the main blade grew as long as 2.5 meters. It looked intimidating and majestic.

Leo smiled as he shook his head, 'This mode is not good for combat but it is good for intimidating people and leading... Let's call it Emperor.'

He switched it to the last one. The sides retracted as if they never existed, the voice it made turned chaotic and cracking, it was daunting. The main blade extended all the way to 4.5 meters long...

Leo's gulped in awe, 'I used a Dragite gem and Ilum crystal, 2 Kyper crystals, to make sure it could change size but I didn't expect it could become so long... With this, I should be able to become a terrifying mid-range combatant and cut apart spaceships... This is amazing but I need a lot of training to master it; Let's call it Slayer mode.'

He activated the other one as well on Slayer mode and walked out of the cave, holding two extremely long Lightsabers with a delighted smile. He saw a nearby boulder and casually moved the saber across it, it was easily cleaved in half.

He suddenly swung the other one with an impact on another boulder. Before the Saber even arrived to cut it, a shockwave reached it and heavily damaged the boulder, many cracks appeared on it with a big impactful sound, then it was cut. 'The gem did its work indeed...'

Leo looked at his Lightsabers and his eyes glittered with excitement, 'This is Amazing! I name you the Twin Sithsabers...'

Dia cautiously looked at the Sabers as she approached, she was very nervous and afraid due to how sinister and frightening they looked and sounded in Slayer mode, she had left the cave after Leo had given her the speech. She said, "The Hutt council will arrive soon, we should rest and prepare to meet them..."

Leo nodded with a confident smile, clearly in a good mood, "Indeed, I have great plans for them..."



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