
The Grand Mutants

In a world forever altered by the captivating dance of the Auroras, the very essence of the planet stirs, unleashing a long-dormant force known as mana. As this mystical energy surges through the Earth, a group of six ordinary 16-year-olds find themselves thrust into an extraordinary destiny. Richard, a rising soccer star known for his skill and determination; Sarah, blessed with beauty like a model and born into immense wealth; and Maxwell, a playboy with a physique that captures every woman's dream. Little do they know, their fates are intertwined with three others. As the planet's chosen protectors, these teenagers must shoulder the immense burden of becoming its pillars and shield against enigmatic extraterrestrial beings that threaten humanity's very existence. Alongside their newfound powers linked to the awakened mana, they also grapple with personal struggles, doubts, and fears that come with the responsibility they've been given. United by a shared sense of destiny, they embark on a heart-pounding journey filled with epic battles, unexpected alliances, and profound self-discovery. Each must learn to harness their unique strengths and work together as a team, forming unbreakable bonds that will shape their lives forever. As the threat from beyond the stars intensifies, the world looks to these six extraordinary teenagers for hope. Will they rise to the challenge, embracing their destinies as protectors of humanity? Or will the weight of this monumental task crush their spirits and fracture their unity? Brimming with magic, courage, and the timeless struggle between good and evil, this gripping tale of cosmic awakening and personal transformation will leave readers spellbound. Join Richard, Sarah, Maxwell and the team as they navigate the challenges of adolescence while being thrust into an adventure that will change them, and the world, forever. Prepare to be enthralled by this coming-of-age story, where ordinary teenagers become extraordinary heroes and discover the true power that lies within themselves.

Praiz_Official · Romance
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16 Chs

Bad news, more bad news

"Jennifer, come in how is it going" a nervous Nebulus stood at the center of the ship that had already begun to self-repair.

"Launch successful sir, the auroras have successfully landed on the planet earth as they should be choosing their hosts around now" the super computer responded as the holograms of the balls were shown as they were spinning. "That's the first good news today, Jennifer, what is the status of the planet, was it able to contain the energies of the balls or do we have to step in"

"Sir, there is no need for that, my scanner shows that aside from slight tremors to the tectonic plates and a massive explosion there has been no further issues"

Hearing this Nebulus gave a sigh of relief "it would have been a big problem if we had to step in" he said as he looked at Raiden who had his eyes closed as he recovered his strength "looks like you were right again master, I should truly have a little faith, for now we should be safely off the radar of the shadow force"

"Sir we have a little problem" Jennifer said as this caused Nebulus to totally squeeze his face.

"What is it now Jennifer" he said with a pissed off expression that read 'can't a man even have a little rest'

"Sir, due to the launch and the explosion in the exosphere of the planet, the locator seems to be scrambled"

"What how could you let that happen, didn't I say that you should make sure the balls arrive with utmost accuracy?" Nebulus said as he began scratching his head as he typed away looking for what could have gone wrong.

"Sir, due to the limited time I didn't really have the time to complete the tracker, so I set the best tracking method I could use at that time to rapidly send out the Auroras"

"Damn it, do I have to do everything myself." He said as he cursed in his home dialect as well.

"How the hell do you expect us to locate them now" he said as he looked stressed the more.

"Sir, there is but one way"

"Wait you don't mean that" he said as he opened his eyes in realization of what Jennifer was trying to say.

"Yes sir, that"

"Look Jennifer, we can't have them display their powers, that way we won't be the only one that would have located them but the council as well, or even a third party, we can't do that"

"Sir, if you are suggesting we try to get closer to the planet, I would strictly recommend otherwise. Earth is a third-rate planet not a fourth rate or even fifth rate planet sir, they would definitely have the technology to locate us" the super computer, Jennifer said as she warned sternly.

"Are you implying that even our stealth system won't be able to by-pass any technology that they have"

Nebulus asked as he was beginning to sweat nervously.

"That would have been possible if we still had the systems working"

"What do you mean by that, give me the full details Jennifer" Nebulus said as he was beginning to be pissed off;

"Sir, the hyper jump I was forced it completely shut down periphery system such as those as it would take me tangible time to conclude repairs on those systems"

"Damn it all" Nebulus said as he struck the table hard leaving cracks on it;

"Sir, I would advise to restrain your anger or we might incur internal damage as well" the super computer emotionlessly chided Nebulus as he began to seethe with rage with, he later cooled off as he remembered that she was just a super computer.

"Hmmm, you know what we can only hope that their powers would be under control, or they would some worth be able to keep it under the radar till we can find them" he said as he gave a sigh.


The ships alarm went off "what the hell is it this time" he asked as he nearly exploded

"Sir, the sensors of the Auroras are beginning to resonate violently as the powers are syncing quickly"

"How is this possible, it usually takes some time with adequate training before they begin to sync" Nebulus said as he stood up.

"Visually representing the progress of each Aurora" the super computer said as the holograms of the balls began to be filled up, the fastest which was yellow had almost reached the half-way mark with blue come close second as half of the balls lit up, while the remaining half remained dim, green glowed a bit before calming down and returning dim, shocking Nebulus.

"Jennifer, set a course for Earth" Nebulus said as he stood up.

"Yes sir, plotting a course for Earth"


In a dark ship, deep in space was a planet made completely out of metal as one could easily tell it was man made as it had two rings spinning around the planet as it orbited round a large red burning star. The Planet easily being twice the size Jupiter as it floated unperturbed around the star.

Inside the planet was very strange to say the least at it looked nothing like a normal planet, but rather it contained various floating islands as the planet's end could not be seen.

Many people moved around but that was not the strangest thing which was, all the citizens of the planets were in perpetual motion in a single file as the moved towards various sections of the planet, they were as organized as the soldier ants as not even one person was out of line. They all looked alike as you couldn't tell a difference between any. The had two pairs of arms with which they carried out their tasks as they had two pairs of eyes, two on both sides, and were dressed in the same kind of outfit.

Going deeper into the planet, you would find yourself facing a huge castle in the middle, as if you enter you would find the same set of aliens moving, only this time they were dressed in more regal outfits. Going inward still, you would reach a huge door that if you enter you would find nothing but a throne, more like a big chair situated at the center of the hall, as a being that looked similar to those ones outside was sitting as he had a huge helmet placed over his head with wires attached to it, as he suddenly opened his lower pair of eyes;

"Hehehe, found you. Send a message to Darkness, tell him: The Auroras have been found" he said with a sinister laughter.

Oh well since there are no reviews yet I might just continue, but the release rate would be three per week till I am motivated.

You can do that by reviewing the book.

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