
The Grand Heist

Jason was just an ordinary everyday construction site worker, he had no goals in life and had no expectations. He just planned to live a simple life with his mother, until one day something unexpected happened. He doesn't know if it was fate or if it was just a coincidence, but one thing he knew for sure was that it changed his life completely. Join him as he goes through the trials of his life and unmask the mysterys surrounding him. Watch as he carried out one of the greatest heists ever recorded in history. NB: This is my first time writing a book, so the wording might not be good at the start but will progress as time goes by.

larry_prince · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter 8: Get In

While they were discussing about their plans, in an abandoned warehouse somewhere far away from the city, two men could be seen in the dark listening to something . One of them was standing and the other was sitting in a throne like chair.

If you listen carefully you would realize that what they were listening to was exactly what was going on in BMO branch office. You could hear the voices of three men talking about plans for the future.

After awhile there was complete silence in the building, indicating the end of the conversation. The two men didn't speak for awhile, the was just absolute silence.

"Sir the plans are proceeding as planned, they took the bait and now they're on our hook. If this goes on our mission will be completed in no time".

The one who spoke was the man standing. He looked like a young man in his twenties. He spoke with so much confidence that one might mistaken it for arrogance.

But he got no response, the was just complete silence.

The man sitting seemed to be thinking about something, and from the look on his face it didn't seem like it was something good.

After awhile of thinking, the man sitting said in an intimidating tone "Your right everything is going as planned, but that doesn't mean that the might not be setbacks. Keep an eye on the situation and make sure you don't let anything slip pass you. They will probably carry out the experiment after his friend leaves. Monitor him and report everything that happens to him after the experiment after is complete. There shall not be rooms for errors, you know what will happen if you mess this up".

The young man had cold sweat dripping down his head when heard the last part. It seems he knew exactly what would happen if he screws up.

While nodding vigorously he said " Yes sir, I understand. I know what to do, I won't fail you".

After saying that he vanished from the spot he was standing on as though he was never there. If a normal human was to see what just happened they would probably go insane. But the man sitting seemed indifferent about it, he just seemed to be lost in thoughts.

Then out of nowhere he mumbled with a sigh " It seems like it's about to begin".


The sun had just risen and it was the start of a new day for everyone around the world. Some people were preparing for school, others for their jobs and others returning from their morning runs.

But not me, I've been up for awhile now, I don't think I even slept last night. How could I sleep when I have a lot to think about. I just couldn't believe that my life was about to change just like that.

Yesterday after concluding on our conversation, I left promising Chuck that I would come see him off the next day. Chuck had to stay back to prepare for his trip. It took me awhile to comfort him about the whole thing, and by the time I left he looked like he was ready for whatever was ahead which made me feel at ease.

When I arrived home last night my mom was still up waiting for me. It looked like she wasn't going to sleep that night without seeing her son even though they assured her that I was fine. After assuring my mom that I was okay, I showed her the job acceptance slip and when she saw what it was she became overwhelmed with joy. She cried happily while saying that her son was finally paving a road for himself. After comforting her till she stopped crying, we ate what was left at home and retired to bed. And even though I was mentally and physically exhausted, I still wasn't able to fall asleep last night.

And now here I am still thinking about who knows what.

After sitting on my bed for awhile longer, I suddenly jumped out of the bed in shock and ran to the bathroom to take a shower. I just realized that Chuck will be living this morning and if I don't hurry I might not get to tell him goodbye.

After taking a five minute shower, I scrambled through my clothes to find the best ones I had. I figured since I'm going to start working at a 'company' today, I might as well try to look good. After wearing the only formal wear I had which was left by my father, I hurried down stairs looking for my mom.

Even though we are poor, that wasn't always the case. According to my mom when my dad was still around he worked in a company as a director, so they were well set off. They had built a house and moved in before having me.But everything changed when he left. My mom wasn't working at that time, so when he left there was no one at home to pay the bills. So she had to force herself to go out and look for a job.

The only thing he left for us was the house. It was decent looking and had furnitures that looked slightly old.

When I got to the living room, I heard sounds coming from the kitchen so I hurried up over there and saw my mom making breakfast.

When she noticed my presence, she turned around and shot me a smile while saying.

"Have a seat, breakfast is almost served. Today is your first day at work so you have to go energized". Then she sized me up and said " You look good by the way, just like your father".

I could see the sadness in her eyes when she spoke about my father, I guess she still misses him. My mom could have easily gotten remarried with her looks, but she didn't. She chose to carry all the burden of raising me up on her own. That's just to prove how much she loved my dad.

" I think I look more like you mom" I said trying to brighten up her mood.

She smiled seeing what I was trying to do, but still said " Are you trying to say your pretty".

My eyes widened In.

" I just said I looked like you, how did I end up being pretty" I thought while smiling bitterly.

When she saw the funny expression on my face, she laughed while saying" Don't mind me, I was just playing with you. Come on seat down breakfast is almost ready".

I laughed as well just happy that she was back to normal.

When she was done, we then sat at the dinning table and ate while discussing about random stuff.

When I was through with breakfast I kissed my mom farewell saying I would be late for work.

When I got out of the house, I hurried to the road to get a cab but just before I could get to the road, a car pulled up in front of me.

I looked at it confused thinking of why it stopped in front of me, then suddenly the driver's window rolled down and the driver said from inside "Get in!".