
The Grand Dao

"What is the Grand Dao?" A teacher asked her students. "There is no Grand Dao. Dao is just a path that a cultivator will take and there is no grand path that exists, every path is equal. A Grand Dao is just an illusion, a lie made to limit one's own thinking." Her beautiful student said. "That's not true, the Grand Dao indeed exists. It's just that you have never experienced it yet." The main character, Zhou Mengyao said and he even explained what the true Grand Dao is to his fellow classmate. "Well, the Grand Dao is actually a path created by exploring the pleasures of life! Of course, I am talking about the pleasure that a man and a woman can only enjoy!" Zhou Mengyao said righteously. Indeed, the Grand Dao is a path of debauchery.

LazyWriter25 · Oriental
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43 Chs

The Galima Town (3)

Hu Jia also quickly came to push the gates. He is the strongest among everyone so with his help along with Teng Hu and Lin Xia, the damaged gate that did not want to close quickly managed to move.

Zhou Mengyao also did his best as he pours every qi that he has to use the Torrential Strike in order to push the gates.

With everyone working together to the best that they can, the gates managed to close. One of the older guys who are wearing some leather armor quickly locks the gates and everyone heaves a sigh of relief.


A ray of electricity hit the gate but just like what it did to the wall, it can only damage it for a little bit but it is not enough to destroy it. The beast will probably need a few days of relentlessly attacking it if it wanted to destroy the walls.

"Quickly lay the injured next to each other! I will give them pills to save them!"

Zhou Mengyao used his charisma, with his looks, everyone did not even manage to catch a breath as they neatly lay the injured men in the ground. Everyone looked exhausted but with the adrenaline rushing through their veins, they quickly managed to accomplish the task.

As the task is quickly accomplished, Zhou Mengyao took out 10 bottles of pills as he looks at his three servants.

"Quickly distribute it to the injured. Make sure that all of the heavily injured managed to quickly get a pill for themselves!"

Zhou Mengyao commanded his servants as he too helped to distribute the pills. He looks for the heavily injured ones first since the others can still cling to their life for a little bit.

There is an abled man in the ground whose body is shaking as he got electrocuted, half of his body is charred flesh as it is very hard for Zhou Mengyao to continue looking at him. As he gets near him, he can smell the pungent smell of a human's flesh being cooked.

Zhou Mengyao opened the man's mouth albeit hardly as the muscles of the said man did not function properly. He quickly threw a healing pill in the man's mouth. As he did so, the pill quickly took effect as the body of the man stopped shaking as he looks like he is relieved from the hellish pain that he felt.

After doing so, he quickly goes next to the other man. This time it was a young boy at 15. The young boy looks like he is barely living, his situation is similar to the other one but he is in a much better situation. After giving him some pills, the young boy quickly felt relief as he is still unconscious.

Zhou Mengyao continuously distributed the pills to every injured person, there are some whose arms got hit, had it not been treated with pills then that person will probably lose all of the functions in his arms. The worst is his arms will just decay as the high temperature of the attack seems to be cooking his flesh.

"Young master we have given everyone a pill, there is currently no injured person that is left untreated. Some of them are unconscious though."

Teng Hu quickly reported to Zhou Mengyao as the latter nodded. He can see the situation with his own eyes. There are also plenty of women and young girls that go outside their homes, they prepared herbs to help the injured people.

"Go take a pill and help me assist the men in the walls. Help them to defend since the beasts don't know when to end things."

Zhou Mengyao ordered them as he took a Qi Restoration Pill, he also handed his servants the same pills and healing pills in order for them to be able to be of much use to defend the town.

Right now, the safest place they can be is the town which can be said to be in a perilous situation.


An explosion resounded as the leader of the beast tide felt angrier and angrier as its prey have managed to escape. He would have had lunch already but since its prey brought him to a town with a thousand people then it is much better.

Not can he only feed himself but he can also feed the other members of his pack.


The two wolves that lead the beast tide howled as they commanded everyone to siege the walls. The Thunderwolves quickly obeyed their order as one by one, a stack of wolves carcass can be seen laying near the stone walls of the town.

"These damn beasts, these pests did not know when to stop attacking."

Elder Mao Fang frowned as he is also forced to take arms, even after seeing the strong gates and some of the beasts are dead, the leader still wanted to force their way.

Elder Mao Fang did not set his arrow ablaze as there is just no need for him to do it, the reason they set it ablaze is in order for the other people's attack to be able to do damage.

He is someone who has experience with fighting, he naturally did not need any of that. He is a hunter first before he is the leader of the town so fighting is naturally engraved in his blood, it already flows in his blood as his ancestors are known to be hunters.

He injected qi in his bow and arrow as it lits up, he released his pull in the arrow as he aims it at one of the leaders of the beast tide. The leader naturally saw it in his line of sight as he managed to dodge it completely.

The beast looks in the direction of the attack and it looks at it provocatively, Elder Mao Fang naturally frowned at it.

"Arrogant, for such a lowly beast you are way too arrogant!"

Another two arrows soon flew in the air as it hits the said beast in its legs. The attacks came from the other two elders as they saw the opportunity that it got arrogant.

"You must pay a price for your own arrogance!"

Elder Mao Fang shouted as the said beast is in pain, its two legs suddenly stopped functioning as the arrows burrowed itself deeply into its flesh which made it stopped moving to make it a perfect target for natural-born archers like Elder Mao Fang.

Elder Mao Fang nocked another arrow as he continuously condenses qi, his target is its eyes which he has already lock as his target.

'Your dead!'

Elder Mao Fang coldly looks into the eyes of the said beast who is wimping in pain, as he released the arrow in his bow, it flew in a fast straight line as the blue colored arrow that is covered with qi can be observed flying on the battlefield.

The injured wolf looks into the arrow as it felt the danger, it still cannot move its legs and dodging seems to not be feasible as the fast arrow is approaching fastly.

As the injured wolf looks at it with fear knowing that it can die, the other wolf with the same strength or even stronger as him finally managed to react. He is busy sending out his attacks to breach the gates so he did not manage to react faster when his partner got injured.

With a swipe of its sharp violet claws, the trajectory of the arrow has changed as the arrow became a useless one as it landed on the ground.


The wolf howled very loudly as it proclaims its anger. Seeing that its partner is injured made it angry so he wanted the attacks of the wolves to be fiercer.

The thousand Thunderwolves whose numbers got reduced due to them sieging the town suddenly became much more active. They showed their sharp canine fangs as they use the body of the other Thunderwolves to be able to scale the 10-meter tall wall.

"These imbeciles did not even know how to show compassion to their kind. Release the oils in the barrel! Light them ablaze!"

One of the elders, Elder Ren Hong quickly commanded some of the men near him as he saw that they quickly act in his order. The men go down the walls as they brought barrels containing oils.

"Quickly let these imbeciles bath in the holy water!"

Elder Ren Hong quickly ordered some of the men as below the walls, the women and the young girls can be seen to be helping the other injured people and they are also the ones responsible for preparing the barrels of oil. They too have a role in the town's defense.

Zhou Mengyao quickly got to know the leader of the group and he handed them bottles of healing pills and he gives instructions to them on how to use the pill.

"Elder Ren Hong! The oils have already bathed the beasts!"

"Wait for them to stack first! I wanted to see these imbeciles be roasted alive! Wait for my order!"

As Elder Ren Hong is the one controlling the men in the defense, he waits for the Thunderwolves to be stacked neatly before he drops the fire to the Thunderwolves whose bodies are covered with greasy oil.


The Thunderwolves are set ablaze as one can smell the bad meat flesh of the Thunderwolves being roasted alive.