
do you know who I am?

"so you are hulk," Madara asked as he sat on one of Iron man suits. In front of him, a green guy landed in front of him.

"let me fight him. This is a job for the strongest Avengers." Thor said as he floated down using his hammer. At the same time, many more Avengers started arriving.

Ant-Man, Black Panther, Captain America, Vision, Black Widow, Iron Man, and Wasp.

"strongest? then what's so good about this guy?" Madara asked with a smile.

"Hulk strongest!!" Hulk yelled a thor as he ran towards Madara.

'His strength went up.' Madara thought as he dodged Hulk's attacks.

(Madara could pretty much enhance anything from enhancing his reflex capabilities to even his looks...)

While Madara was facing the Avengers, Seth was watching a movie about a dinosaur park...

By his side, one of the Avengers was watching him closely.

"not trying to be rude or anything, but you looking at me that hard isn't going to make me fall for you. I don't swing that way... in fact, I don't swing on swings at all." Seth said to Hawkeye.

"oh, what would I do?" Hawkeye said as he held on to his bow.

"for one, you should leave so I can watch the movie," Seth said with a deep frown.

"so rude," Seth said as he threw his popcorn to the ground and walked out of the movie theater.

"you could clean that up, yet you call me rude," Hawkeye said as he followed Seth.

"Clean? Do you know who I am?" Seth said in disdain. Who was he to clean?

"Since you want to know so bad, I will tell," Seth said, not giving Hawkeye time to speak.

"I am the ancestor of all ancestor. I'm the lord of the sun. I'm the light in the dark and the darkness in the morning. I the living embodiment of the word badass, I don't know where I was taking this." Seth said as he started running away.

"Hey!!" Hawkeye yelled as he started running after Seth.

'I should look for doctor strange while Madara gets Hulk. I think I saw him in that building.' Seth thought as he ran towards a building that was invisible to almost everyone.

Covering his body in lightning that blocked out time and magic, Seth walked into the building.

"Anyone home? I came to look for the strange doctor," Seth yelled as doctor strange, who was floating in the air of the lotus position, appeared before him.

He had a slight frown as he looked at Seth.

"so it was you who looked at me on the moon. At first, I thought it was that bold guy who was on the moon, but I knew it wasn't him." Seth said as he looked at him.

"what did you do? why do I feel like time and space was put from the outside world." Doctor strange asked.

"not to be rude, but you are a dumb ass. You have the ability to see both past and future, help you can even time travel yet you don't. Since you know so much about time, you should be able to guess that in 10 seconds, a lot of things can happen." Seth said as he cracked his fingers.

"... you can see into the future, but do you believe that your strength could stop the time stone?" Doctor strange asked.

"you see..." Seth said as he suddenly disappeared.

"I can teleport," Seth said as he tried to grab the necklace off doctor strange, but lightning suddenly burst out of it, trying to protect the necklace.

"How cute," Seth said as he lightning started attack doctor strange.

Seth calmly tapped the necklace as it opened up, showing a gem within. (control over earth, pretty much all metals are under mc control.)

"not bad, not we will be the master of time... I guess we can go searching for the other stones before leaving. it can be like a game." Seth said as he turned to leave.

"you are not going to kill me?" Doctor Strange asked as he looked at Seth.

"Just who do you think I am? I'm a man, not some animals who run around taking this from others." Seth said with a frown.

Doctor Stange went blank as he looked at his necklace. Where was the stone? Didn't he just take it from him?

"didn't you just take the stone?" Doctor Stange asked.

"what stone? Now you are pointing fingers? anyway, I should get going, seeing as there is not bad guy here." Seth said as he disappeared.

'Bad guys never win, so all I have to do is be a good guy while I'm a Bad guy; I'm a genius." Seth thought as he walked towards Madara.

"found you," Hawkeye yelled as he pointed an arrow at Seth.

Seth put his hands up as he started walking backward.

"stop walking," Hawkeye said, but Seth just continued walking backward.


A guy holding a hammer flew into Seth as they both went through many buildings.

"his clones are in another space." Iron man said as he dodged the limbo clones while flying towards Madara.

"how do we see them?" Captain America asked as he wiped the blood off his cheeks.

"give me a second. I will give you all armor." Iron man said as he fried at Madara, who was facing the hulk.

"you did that on purpose," Seth yelled as he took the hammer out of Thor's hand and threw it at Madara.

(MC can control the element of Earth, so control thor hammer is not impossible.)

"That was because you just went off running," Madara said as he held his hand out and tried to catch the hammer, which slammed into his face, sending him flying.

"can't catch even a hammer. can you believe the guy?" Seth said as he looked at Thor.

"..." Thor

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