
The God of Taboo

The man's leather shoes softly tapped the marble floor. Every step quietly announcing his presence. His shimmering eyes began to come alive as his thoughts were on the princess from the ceremony. As the man approached, Jamil greeted him with a deep bow, "The great Damu has returned." The man with diamond eyes was no ordinary being. He was the supreme god of fire, named Ayele Aadi Damu, who could bring forth life and destruction. Notoriously known for his viciousness and worshipped because of his absolute power. Due to the legend of his existence, Ayele chose to keep the most sacred secrets of his heart hidden. No one but his trusted creations knew that the god had an unquenchable desire to experience love. Because of this, he had become completely consumed with finding his own mate. - "Just who I've been waiting to see," came the rumbling voice of the god of fire. His tone was rough as his shimmering eyes narrowed. Lesedi, who stood unfazed before his creator, was use to the god's quick temper. "Ah, your greatness. My apologies for arriving after you." Lesedi's silky voice could be heard as he greeted Ayele with a bow before beginning his report. "King Amir has already begun sending royal correspondence across the land to different kingdoms to notify eligible princes and kings that princess Zaila is now of age. During the ceremonial banquet the king and queen announced that the princess has already received four marriage proposals since before the new moon. We mustn't waste time, we will need to begin the mission immediately." This mission was one of utmost importance, it needed to be dealt with delicately. "Have a letter sent to the king. Let him know that I wish to meet with him and the queen in two days time. We will move forward from there. Do you have any additional reports?" Ayele thoughtfully responded. "Were you at the ceremony today?" Lesedi probed the god. "Today was a special day that I had been looking forward to for quite some time now. Of course I was in attendance." came Ayele's blunt answer. "I made sure to not become a spectacle, I hid my true form." Before responding, Lesedi rubbed his bearded chin and slowly shook his head with a sigh. "Why do you ask?" questioned Ayele as he watched his most trusted creation's hesitation. "She saw you." said the spy. "Who?" Ayele enquired, his eyebrows raised slightly surprised. "The princess." Lesedi replied.

Terri_Le_Shae · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


"My loves, can we try to stay peacefully on topic?" Queen Zulwa smoothly interjected. Looking from her husband to her daughter she continued, "What you're father is saying is that we will have a visitor tomorrow. Please be on time because I have no issue with coming to find you myself." the queen's tone began light then ended sternly.

"Yes, mama." princess Zaila painfully responded trying desperately to hold her tongue. 'And to think I thought I was a woman now?' Zaila thought to herself while internally rolling her eyes, 'Just let me live, mama.' Relaxing her shoulders, she then looked toward her father.

"As for the correspondences, your mother and I will send them out as we please. There will be no diplomacy within that discussion." came King Amir's deep voice. "However...I will send you a list of the kingdoms that will be notified."

"Thank you, father." Zaila softly replied with a slight bow of her head. Pausing to quickly gather her thoughts Zaila started to speak "If I may add..." The princess looked between her mother and father before continuing, "I would like to rank the list of the kingdoms according to my own preferences...if your majesty and the queen would permit my request."

The king and queen paused immediately then made eye contact. King Amir furrowed his eyebrows at the queen making her shrug her shoulders with a sly smile that made him laugh and shake his head. His laughter made his wife smile with a nod. Together the parents turned back towards their daughter.

"You may." came her father's answer.

Taking a much needed deep breath while exhaling through a smile princess Zaila, a little louder than a whisper, gratefully said, "Thank you."

After hugging both parents Zaila dismissed herself and started to make her way out of the garden. Before she could get too far, she heard her father's smooth voice,"And Zaila.." Turning to look over her shoulder to hear him better, "At a later time, you and I will discuss your ceremonial performance."

Gritting her teeth to suppress the annoyance in her voice, the princess replied, "Yes, father."




After breakfast princess Zaila went to find Amina, her closest confidant and sparring partner. Amina originally belonged to a nomad tribe called Watuwa Moto. Their name translated from Swahili meant people of fire. The Watuwa Moto people were well-known for their military strength; each warrior began combat training by the age of 5. They were also known for their allegiance to Damu, the god of fire. The highest form of worship to the god was through blood sacrifices of pure royal lineage. This was the purpose for the Watuwa Moto's invasion of the Zulum Kingdom.

Many years ago, Amina and some members of her tribe were captured while attempting to abduct Ziraji, the king's youngest son, who was age 3. Amina was a 12 year old Commander in training for her tribe's militia. After being held captive for a few weeks, her military skill set was revealed by the king's trusted General Azizi after fighting her during the Watuwa Moto's attack.

Instead of sentencing Amina to death for her crimes, King Amir presented her with another option. This compromise was done in hope's of developing a masterful warrior in princess Zaila. Realizing that this was the only solution that would allow her to keep her life, Amina agreed to pledge her service and loyalty to King Amir and his kingdom.

After changing into a lemon color cropped shorts set that molded to the princess's shapely figure, Zaila and Amina met in one of the palace's inner courtyards. This spacious courtyard was used for combat training. One wall was lined with swords, spears, and other weapons that were used for practice. The floor was made of soft grass divided by flat, neatly laid stones that served as walkways between entrances.

"Greetings, princess," came the former Watuwa Moto tribe member's vibrant voice. "Please select your weapon of choice." Amina, now the mature age of 22, stood at 6' with a slender womanly frame. Her skin was copper brown and she wore two long, cornrowed braids that ended at the middle of her back. To the natural eye, Amina appeared to be just a tall beautiful woman with round honey colored eyes and a sultry magnetism. However, underneath the truth of her exterior was a highly skilled assassin who was trained to seduce, subdue and slay any targeted foe on command.

Walking over to the weapon wall, the princess selected a spear that had a blunt tip. After Zaila made her choice, Amina went and picked up one as well. Standing on opposite sides of the large space, both women readied themselves. Amina could tell that Zaila had some frustration she wanted to release because of her quieter presence in the courtyard today.

As their eyes met, she gave the princess a mischievous grin. Taking a breath, Zaila returned Amina's expression. Then with a nod of her head, the princess charged forward holding the spear in her left hand. Reaching the center of the courtyard, their spears collided with a loud pop! Amina, gripping her spear horizontally, raised it to block Zaila's attacks. Everytime their weapons smacked against one another, the force from each collision sent vibrations into their hands.

Amina swung her spear at Zaila making the princess bend backwards to avoid the unexpected counter. 'Changing up the combo today I see,' thought Zaila to herself as she dipped down to swing her spear at Amina's feet. This made Amina jump into a twisting back flip.

"Good." came Amina's approval, when she landed, to pause their warm up. Her voice was even as though she had not been fighting a short while ago. "Now, before we continue, tell me what's on your mind."

"I want to rule, Amina. I do not want to be a wife of a king. To have my freedom stripped from me." said the princess, her voice filling with anger. "I was born to rule...It is in my blood. But, because I am a woman...I am unfit." Zaila shook her head in annoyance.

"What a shame," Amina spoke in a dry voice. "Princess Zaila Athumani, the mighty warrior princess of Zulum, has decided to wallow in her own self pity."

The princess glared at Amina with an eyebrow raised, " Are you mocking me?"

"Yes. I am." came Amina's blunt answer. "Are you going to do something about it?" By now both women were standing near each other slowly circling the middle of the courtyard as they spoke, still gripping their weapons.

"I am not going to fight you." huffed the princess as she turned away from Amina. She wasn't in the mood to talk in this way and did not appreciate Amina's insensitive observations.

"Here you are carrying on as if your life is about to end this instant. You have never experienced that type of situation to be acting like that." came Amina's low voice. "I'm not telling you to fight me. I am asking you if you are going to do something about your problem." Amina stopped walking and looked straight into the princess' eyes. "Stop complaining, it does not suit you. You are stronger than that."

"What do you suggest I do, Amina? Seeing that you have all the answers." the princess said sarcastically.

"That, I cannot help you with." Taking a step towards the princess, Amina continued, "Have I taught you nothing?" She pointed at the princess with her spear.

"It's not that simple. My parents are unyielding." retorted Zaila as she began spinning her spear, in one hand, above her head preparing for another round of sparring.

"You are much wiser than you seem to believe. But when will you stop relying on others to do the work for you?" came Amina's thoughtful response as she stepped into a fighting stance. "If there is something that you want, take it."