Prologue Part 2

On that day Amari was going home from the library, he had bided enough a year ago but he wanted to finish his last remaining books and knowledge that really wanted for now, and today was the day he finished, it was finally time to rebel. When he got close to home he smelt blood, thinking it was from another block or alleyway because he has an abnormally senses, nose, and just about everything than a normal human, he thought nothing of it. However he stopped before the door because of the strange sounds that resounded beyond it, but he continued forward.

Upon opening the door his legs halted, his breathing ragged, his heart clenched, and his mind went blank. The scene he walked into was his father and mother beating EMS to death with its skull caved in and its blood lined and stained the house and its soft, almost inaudible whimpers, and the smiles that hung on his "parents" faces. Amari fell on his knees with a THUD and SMASHES the floor with his fist, then an inexhaustible angry that came from the depth of his body that was built up for many years, and raises to his throat and comes out as an agonizing shout of pain, fury, sadness, and despair, that almost sounded beastly.

The roar of rage caught his "parents" attention, but it was already too late before Amari moved in a speed that was impossible for humans and grabbed their throats. Before his "mother" was able to speak or beg he crushed her throat with his strength, and threw his father on to the floor in front of EMS, and dropped his "mother's" corpse. Again before his father could say anything he crushed his leg, causing his father to howl in pain, but Amari socked him in the jaw, breaking it before he went to the kitchen coming back with a knife that was used to cut him many times before. With that knife, he tortured his "father" in the worst way could, trying to show him the pain he went through, suffering and repayment for EMS.

After torturing his "father" his mind started to function properly again, he dropped to his knees a second time with his hands hanging by his side, his eyes lifeless for a moment but then were filled with determination. But before he could get his bearings, the deafening sound of hundreds of footsteps rushing towards his house invaded his ears. This most definitely the Akame gang responding to the cry of pain from his father that came from the monitoring system in the house his father put up.

They rapidly approached him and were already in front of the door, the only way to escape would be through the forest, his only home left. Amari rushed into the forest and they quickly followed, Amari was quickly surrounded even with his inhuman abilities because of their shear equipment, and number of men. With the situation turning bad Amari family rushed to his aid, and so the war between the Akame gang and the Wonderland's beasts went down. The battle was fierce with the advantage of their homeland, numbers, and Amari, the beast put up a good fight, but with the humans' equipment, they were able to keep up, so both sides lost a lot of numbers rapidly, but the beast had the upper hand. The Akame gang were losing with only a few dozen alive, but they were surrounded by hundreds of beasts and the b*****y "son" was still alive, so we no choice left the Commander pulled out a very secret weapon that was powerful enough to wipe out 20 meters of land in an instant. He threw it in the center of the animals and detonated it before they had a chance to escape.

Finally, after the detonation of the bomb the battle was over. Akame forces were completely wiped out, but the other side wasn't fairing any better. The beasts were only left with 20 or so left, but they were heavily injured and would die soon. Amari was heavily injured and only alive because some animals sensed danger as soon as the Commander pulled out the bomb and blocked him. He was missing both legs, an arm, his ribs were broken and pierced some of his organs, Akame and his blood covered his body along with cuts, and with blood leaked from his mouth.

He spat out blood and lifted his trembling and weak head to look at the aftermath. Blood drenched the floor of the forest giving it a hellish scene, limbs of all kinds covered the floor along with empty bullet shells, guns, ammo, all kinds of equipment, and little bits and pieces. The smell gunpowder, blood, burnt flesh, and many other smells maybe even urine blocked that once natural smell out. The once lush vigorous trees and plants were now burnt black and dead. Amari looked at the scene for a while before he dropped his head before raising it and roaring out in a maniacal and psychotic laughter.

"HAHAHAHA" Amari sighed. "So this is how I die huh. Pretty pathetic, I wasn't even able to bring my one true family to a more peaceful and safe place before I went and got them killed. I guess without true strength or smarts other will step all over you and greed was my downfall... I'm truly sorry everyone, I hope we can all meet again in another life. " He said to no one particular then raised his head to look at the stary night with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"At least I died on such a beautiful starry night." He smiled before his eyes slowly died out and his body grew cold. The souls of the deceased drifted for a bit before they disappeared entirely to someplace unknown.

Unknown Place...

"Oh, what do we have here. Hooo, we have something truly different here, hehe."

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