
The Given || Alpha

Gabe felt out of place, being ignored by his only family. But that got even worse, and that took a hit on him. He lost everything even his reputation and his dignity that he never would've imagined he would loose. But after every door closing is a new chapter beginning, he left his family, only to be part of the ones he needed.

yander · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Given [pt. 1]



"No!" I retorted.

"Yeeesss." Lucy said, dragging the word.

"Will you stop that? You've both been going at it for an hour." Harry exclaimed, making Lucy and I stop our bickering.

"Because what you said is so not true." I retaliated. I've been stressed out enough because I stressed about getting killed by Harry when that had never been the case. Now I'm more than stressed.

"Sure. The full moon of the month rises later, we'll see how what we said was so not true." He said, keeping his hands firm on the wheel as he drove to somewhere I didn't know.

"Well, how am I not feeling some sort of pain." I lied, I had been feeling sick at times lately but I wasn't going to let that affirm their statements. "I'm sure a transition from human to wolf would be excruciating."

Yes. On the way, they just told me that I was transforming into a wolf. They just said it out of the blue and at first I thought it was a joke but then, why would Harry joke with me, we were definitely not close enough for that.

"Oh. The pain is bad alright." He smirked. "You wanna feel it?" He tested me when he raised his right brow.

"What?" I asked confusingly.

"Lucy." He snapped his fingers at her as I could see them making eye contact through the rear view mirror.

"Yes." As soon as she said that, I felt a blow to every part of my body and I was struggling in my seat. I felt my bones cracking inside me and my organs repositioning. I couldn't even force out a scream at how unbearable it was. The seatbelt that Harry had put on me earlier was the only thing keeping me from jumping out the window to end this pain.

As soon as the pain came, it disappeared quickly. I could tell it hadn't been long because of the same scenery on the road like how it was five seconds ago. But wether or not it was just mere seconds, I felt as though it was going on for hours.

"What was that?" I screamed. Both looked unfazed by that and even Lucy seemed to giggle.

"I thought you said you wanted to feel the pain." Harry smirked. This was torture. If this was a figment of my imagination or nightmare, I better wake up now.

"I didn't say that. I just asked you." I growled only for him to shrug in response. "Then why is it gone?"

"Because of me." Lucy gleamed in the backseat. I turned my body to look at her with wide eyes and she waved on me cutely.

"What? Are you a witch?" I asked in disbelief, what dimension have I been sucked into?

"No. I'm a wolf, silly. Like you." She smiled. How do wolves have powers?

"In this world, wolves have powers." Harry started as though he read my mind. "We're not just some shape shifting animals. We're supernatural."

His words had me thinking if I had superpowers and what it was. Although I still doubt that what they say is true, it still makes me wonder.

"And yes, you do have superpowers but, no, I don't know what it is." He did it again.

"Wait. Is yours telepathy?"

"What?! No! Something so weak like that? Never. Why, did I read your mind, pup?" He had the nerve to tease me. "It's just that you're predictable."

I felt the growl on my throat. Gosh, I was really embracing the wolf thing, huh? I still don't believe it.

"What are your powers?" I asked both of them.

"I'm a healer but I don't just heal. Every aspect of healing comes with my power. For example, making sure you don't feel the pain of your transformation, like a shield. I did that." She never failed to hold that smile. It was comfortable in a way but also very creepy. Then I realized she was probably that greenish orb I saw every night. It was her teal hair.

I nodded in understanding and uttered a low and genuine thanks because I would do whatever I can to make her do that to me and take the pain away because what I felt earlier would seriously be the death of me.

"I also healed Harry from the bruises and wounds you gave him." Way to ruin the mood. She seriously had to remind me of that night. I see Harry tensing slightly and Lucy retracting from her seat from the sudden realization of she shouldn't have blurted it out.

"I'm sorry. You're not gonna kill me right?" I cowered in my seat. For a moment I forgot that this is probably Harry's car and he could kill me right now.

"My power is strength. I am the strongest in our pack therefore giving me the role of the main protector. So, no, I won't harm a member of the pack." He stated. Phew. At least that's out of the way and I could breathe properly now.

"Being the main protector also makes me the right hand man of the...alpha." He continued. He sighed at the end of his words making me wonder why. Am I going to meet the Alpha? Would the Alpha not want me? Am I gonna get killed by the Alpha instead of Harry? My mind went places.

"Am I going to meet the Alpha?" I asked in a small voice. I was still so scared and they should understand why. However, nobody answered me. But it was this time that I used my upgraded senses, which I now discovered was from transforming into a wolf, that I noticed the atmosphere had changed. It had gone more gloomy.

"You're going to meet all the others, Gabe." She still smiled although I can feel the same glum radiating from her.

"Where are we going?" I asked, diverting the topic.

"To the pack house. Everyone's waiting for you." For the first time since the beginning of the ride, he looked at me and smiled. I could get used to this. No scary Harry.

A few minutes later, we pulled over a big house. It had three storeys and was pretty wide. It had modern and traditional designs all over the place with big tinted windows.

There were a lot of people outside, I assumed all of them are wolves. They stared at me, which made me fee small, all the way from the car to when I reached the front door where we were greeted by an older omega.

"Are you gonna drive me back home?" I asked once we settled in the living room. It was only the two of us left since Lucy went out to their infirmary to tend to those in need.

"No. You're staying here. I told you, it's going to be a full moon later. That will be the last stage of your transformation." He informed me. Now I needed to process more things in a small matter of time because apparently I only have a few hours before turning into a wolf completely.

"Wait. How does that even work? The transformation. Were you transformed, too?"

"No. I was born as a wolf. Now. The transformation has four stages. First is the adjustment of your body to the new genetic material inside you. This phase is normal, nothing drastic, you just lose your senses for a couple minutes. The next is your brain and body claiming a role or status as a wolf. Wether you're an alpha, an omega, or a beta. I will teach you more on that later." He took a break and stood up, grabbing a glass and a bottle of alcohol. I stayed sat in the chair, zoning out sometimes to fully comprehend what he was saying.

"Third stage is your body adjusting everything. To your senses, your scent, your movements, your insides, anything you had already before. The amount of enhancement to those values mentioned depends on your role. Some of your abilities are heightened, some are lowered. Some are added, some are removed. This is the most painful part, that's why every pack has a healer that would attend to the transforming one. And the final stage only occurs during a full moon. A transforming wolf must be surrounded by a pack. This same pack is usually the one who issued his or her transformation. This is done because under the full moon of the transformation, the senses are at its highest ever and the wolf inside would behold what the pack needs. Hence, the power that it SHOULD possess would be GIVEN at that time. Any questions?" He ended, sitting cross-legged across from where I sat with a smile.

"Yeah. H-How can I reverse the transformation?" I asked out of fear. He had the audacity to laugh.

"You're funny. Well, you can't. Once you got bit, you're done for." He sipped on his glass of wine.

"Is that how that works? So did you bite me? Is that what this is?" He chuckled again as though everything I'm saying is stupid and funny to him.

"No, I didn't. Lucy did. At the party, you don't remember?" Then it hit me, how I remembered that I should've been unconscious because that was the last thing I remembered when I went out to get fresh air.

"Why did I tackle you, then?" I asked. I didn't care if would trigger him or hurt his pride, I needed to know.

"First stage, you'll lose your senses. It was probably the wolf in you already telling me to back off. It didn't sense me as non-threatening so that's why." He explained carefully, I'm shocked he doesn't hold a grudge. And non-threatening? Does he even see himself in the mirror?

Silence enveloped us and I was able to absorb everything. Then I tried to remember everything that happened the past few days since I was bitten. It made sense to me now how I seemed to be out of my normal self. It was scary but now I understood.

"Why did you choose me?" I was dumbfounded. Was it my luck that I was the one they chose?

"Now is not the time to answer that question. I'll tell you when the time is right." He held so much resoluteness in his voice that I couldn't protest.

"When am I going to meet the Alpha?"

"We don't have one. Didn't my brother tell you?" I turned my head around at the voice coming from behind me. Harry and him had too much resemblance that it was really obvious that they were brothers.

"I'm Heros, nice to meet you." He took my hand in his and shook it. I was still astounded at how similar they look and how much more good looking he was compared to Harry.

"Oh, thank you. That's awfully nice of you." He exclaimed out of the blue and I look at him with extremely wide eyes in confusion.

"Don't scare him." Harry growled at him. Heros only smirked at him.

"I'm not." He defended himself. He then turned back to face me. "My power is telepathy. I can read your mind." He used his pointer finger to point to the side of his head.

So that's why Harry seemed to despise it when I asked earlier if his power was telepathy.

"Brother. That's very mean of you." He blurted out once more looking at Harry with a fake pout. I face-palmed myself. I forgot he could read minds and he probably just read mine.

"What? What do you mean? What is he saying, Gabe?" Harry was almost fuming as he was left out in the conversation I had with my thoughts and Heros.

"I don't care, you're so mean." Heros crossed his arms and stood up, stomping like a child whilst he walked away.

This gave me a headache. Two Harrys? But the thing is they were complete opposites. I don't know if I could handle this.
