
The shy girl

My name is Roselyn, but my friends call me Rose. I'm very smart, but I'm also very shy. I'm also one of those people that has crushes on different guys and when they don't like me I usually find a new guy to like. Yeah I'm a bit boy crazy. I love Billie Eilish she's my favorite singer. I've always loved the arts. I'm in Chorus and I'm a very good artist. However, I've always been terrified at sports. They were never really my thing. But I do know how to play the piano. I have a couple friends cause I'm not very popular. But my one true best friend is my friend Amber. She may be loud and crazy at times, but I love her. We both have a find interest in scary movies and we both love Stranger Things. The thing is she totally gets me and she's just as boy crazy as me.

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