
The Girl He Could Never Leave Behind

A girl with a fantasy to have it all, a lost boy-man looking for something more to life. Kayleigh, who knows nothing about living a life and Edward who knows all the wrong ways to live the life!Until one day... We were left alone on the table while our friends were on the dance floor ,dancing. I looked at him and I saw him looking everywhere but at me, his eyes landed on me couple of minutes later and made a disgusted face at the same time another round of drinks arrived. I stood up bottoming up the glass, my throat burnt but I needed it more than anything today; I grabbed Eddie's hand and dragged him towards the emergency exit he looked mad but I was glad he was letting me lead him. The moment we neared the exit door he yanked my hand off and grabbed my shoulder, he looked so angry right now that if this would a cartoon smoke would be fuming out of his ears. "Geez woman, what is wrong with you? why can't you leave me alone!" I raised my eyebrow, "you seriously have guts to ask me that after what you are doing to me?" He covered the distance between us without taking off his hands from my shoulder but this time he seemed even more angry, "What are you trying to say?" I gulped in fear while trying to get out of his hold," I am not your toy that you'll sleep with me whenever you please and later Ignore me like I don't exist" He froze as I said the truth out loud with courage, "This is over!" saying that, I freed myself from his hold and raised my finger at him,"Don't you dare cross my path again or I promise you I will make your life hell!" He stood there trying to recover from the shock while I walked out with my newfound pride and honour. Eddie never understood love at least he thought he did by doing things in his own twisted ways; While Kayleigh knew love but she never found it in a man, or will she find it any day soon?

somanikrupa · Fantaisie
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45 Chs

Chaos In The HOUSE

Next morning I woke up with the noise of a screaming lady, a whining man and a laughing baby, it doesn't take two to realise who it is! I pulled the duvet off me and walked towards the direction of the noise. Sam and Dan were arguing in a language foreign to me with my girl sitting on high chair with a bowl of food, excited and jumping so they would pay attention to her. I walked over to the coffee machine and poured myself a coffee before being a referee in their war, I took out my fav mug which said 'A Knight in Shining Armour' and had my name written right below it. I took two big sips from already lukewarm coffee and walked towards them waving my hand between them, "Alright guys, What a lovely morning it is! Now if you both would be pleased to tell me what on earth are you two arguing about?" I pulled out my best British accent to hint them that I can be mad any minute and not to forget the sarcasm dripping from every word. Sam was not an easy person to scare off on the other hand I give one look to Dan and he will give away every little details he knows, "Kay, this woman here is crazy. She literally doesn't understand a single word I say, I asked her if she wants to go out for the first half of the day and I'll look after Haley and then she started rambling and accused me that I only look after Haley according to my schedule and I don't think about anyone else…" before he could say more and create a fudging world war 3 in my house I cut him off "Sam didn't you tell me yesterday that you are working in the afternoon? Then why would you scold Dan, when he is being nothing but our saviour today?" Sam pursed her lips with a defeated look and looked like she would cry any moment but she did open her mouth to say, "yeah, I know that Kay but I called in sick at diner as I was planning to spend time with Haley and Dan was pushing me to work and I felt like he didn't want me to stay at home". I looked towards Dan raising my eyebrow, "I swear Kay I don't have anything to do, I thought she is just staying back home to ditch work for no reason now it looks like she is PMSing. I swear I didn't mean to hurt her!" I looked at Sam and really looked like she would be fine by just spending sometime with Haley and I know she was definitely not PMSing. I asked Dan if he could drop me off at work, that way Sam would get sometime to herself, Dan happily took the offer as he got an opportunity to ask me every detail about the wedding and to be honest I didn't mind him asking all the questions.

We left the house soon enough. Dan pulled out his remodelled black 80's Mustang, I must say it is his favourite car and he loved it more than his own life or anyone else in the world and he can totally kill a person if he/she even causes a single scratch on his bae. I got in to the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt and looked on my left to check if Dan was wearing his seat belt and after reassuring that he had his seat belt on I took out my phone and connected my phone with the car and I played 'Mercy' by Shawn Mendes. Dan kept the volume on medium so we could both hear music and talk at the same time, "So Kay, How was the wedding yesterday? Everything went well?" I gulped recalling the fact that now Jay and Beth knows about Haley and also recalling how Eddie was behaving with me, but I chose to ignore the latter, "everything was fine Dan but Jay and Beth knows that I have a daughter!" Dan looked at me with concern and anger but before he could say anything I cut him off "Don't worry Dan, they have promised me they won't say a thing to Eddie unless I want to confront him. They also want to be a part of Haley's life so I am planning to let them be." he looked at me reassuring that he doesn't mind it and everything will be OK. I recalled something, "oh ya, I forgot to tell you Jay asked me to go shopping with him on Wednesday as he wants to buy presents for Hailey. So how about you take that day off and find a date for urself." Dan cringed at the thought going on a date again, "Ohh c'mon Dan it's been so long that you haven't been dating anyone and not everyone is the same. I am sure you will find a better one this time."

"If you are saying, I will be open to dating but let me take my time to find one and I am so not going on date on a Wednesday night. I promise I will find a date." I am glad at-least he said yes for dating, "if you are saying so at-least you and Sam can go watch a movie, A marvel movie has come up and Sam has been so excited about it, why don't you join her?" Dan gave a thought about it for a second, "okay, that's a good idea I can take Sam for the movie. She is really mad at me today so I will get the tickets and make it up to her. You are a genius Kay" He hugged me with excitement and pulled himself back, "Now off you go, you are already late for work." I said bye to him and reminded him about Haley's schedule and left for work. The day went pretty quick and normal like the wedding chaos never happened.