
The Genius Prince

In a realm where kingdoms rise and fall like the ebb and flow of the tide, one young prince embarks on a journey that will shape the destiny of his people and his land. James Vi Heisenberg, the third prince of his kingdom, finds himself thrust into the forefront of leadership as he sets out to govern the coastal region of Heisenport.

Daoist8g69MA · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Making Education Free for Everyone

As James rushed out of the Lord's house, a sense of urgency and determination fueled his every step. He was about to unveil an idea that would challenge the status quo in the kingdom of Heisenberg and potentially reshape the lives of its citizens.

Amidst the murmurs of uncertainty among the gathered applicants, James called out to Bahrian and the other soldiers, his voice cutting through the tension in the air.

"Bahrian, please gather all the applicants in an open ground. There's something important I need to share with them," James commanded, his tone firm yet filled with a hint of anticipation.

"Yes, my lord! Right away," Bahrian replied, swiftly executing James' orders with the efficiency of a seasoned leader. She directed her vice-captain to assist in organizing the applicants into orderly rows, preparing them for what was to come.

With the crowd assembled and anticipation building, James stepped forward, ready to unveil his revolutionary idea. As Bahrian carried out his orders, James surveyed the scene, his mind focused on the impact his words would have.

Once the rows were organized, James addressed the crowd with a mixture of confidence and determination. "Thirty rows will remain for orientation today. The rest will return at their scheduled times over the next few days," he announced, his voice carrying across the gathered crowd.

With this directive, James set in motion a plan that would not only provide opportunities for the applicants but also challenge the existing norms of education and employment in Heisenberg. As the applicants awaited their fate, the anticipation hung thick in the air, signaling the beginning of a new era under James' leadership.

As the applicants absorbed James' announcement, a wave of murmurs rippled through the crowd, each individual contemplating the implications of this new opportunity. Some weighed the potential benefits of undergoing training for 180 days against the immediate gains of employment, while others pondered the long-term prospects that education could offer.

James, attuned to the concerns of the people, stepped forward once more to address their worries. With a calm and reassuring tone, he offered a solution to alleviate their fears.

"People of Heisenport, I understand your concerns about sustenance during this training period. Rest assured, you will receive free education and support throughout the 180 days," James declared, his voice carrying across the assembled crowd.

He continued, "I will appoint individuals to provide for your needs, ensuring that you can focus wholeheartedly on your studies. Furthermore, upon completion of your training, you will not only gain permanent employment but also have the opportunity to become the first cohort of teachers, empowering future generations with the knowledge you acquire."

With this announcement, James not only addressed the immediate concerns of the applicants but also unveiled a visionary plan to uplift the community through education and opportunity. As the crowd absorbed his words, a sense of hope and determination began to replace the initial apprehension, signaling the beginning of a transformative journey for Heisenport and its people.

In the following days, James remained steadfast in his commitment to providing education and employment opportunities to the people of Heisenport. As the next 30 rows of applicants gathered, James reiterated his promise of free education, employment prospects, and a 180-day learning journey.

Addressing the assembled individuals with clarity and conviction, James conveyed his unwavering dedication to their development and empowerment.

"Dear residents of Heisenport, I am pleased to reaffirm our commitment to your future," James began, his voice resonating with assurance. "Each one of you in this cohort will embark on a transformative journey of learning and growth. Over the next 180 days, you will receive comprehensive education and training, equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in your chosen fields."

He continued, "Upon successful completion of the program, you will not only secure permanent employment but also have the opportunity to become educators yourselves, passing on your newfound expertise to future generations. This initiative is a testament to our collective vision for a brighter and more prosperous future for all."

With these words, James instilled a sense of purpose and optimism in the hearts of the applicants, igniting a newfound determination to seize the opportunities before them. As they embarked on their educational journey, guided by James' unwavering leadership, the promise of a brighter tomorrow began to take shape in the bustling streets of Heisenport.

James took the initiative to organize a variety of courses for the applicants to choose from, ensuring that they could pursue their interests and develop valuable skills. He also appointed individuals who were proficient in their respective fields to serve as instructors for each course.


Course Descriptions/Teacher Assignments

Construction Techniques

Professor: Luke Hanes

Education Fundamentals

Professor: James Vi Heisenberg

Culinary Arts

Professor: Samantha Berzamina

Finance & Trade Management

Professor: James Vi Heisenberg

Mathematics Fundamentals

Professor: James Vi Heisenberg

Martial Arts and Swordsmanship

Professor: Bahrian Dein Estounburg


James meticulously organized the schedules for each course, ensuring that they were well-balanced and feasible for both the instructors and the applicants. He also took the initiative to designate suitable areas within the territory to serve as lecture rooms. However, faced with the challenge of limited space in existing buildings, James made the decision to construct temporary shelters capable of accommodating up to 60 people at once. With this directive in place, the guards were tasked with swiftly building these shelters to facilitate the educational activities.

As the week progressed, all necessary preparations for teaching the batch of applicants were successfully completed. The guards and construction workers worked diligently to erect a total of 10 rooms, each capable of hosting up to 60 individuals comfortably. Despite the initial challenge of limited space, James's strategic planning ensured that ample room was available to accommodate the educational activities.

Furthermore, James took the initiative to share his knowledge of mathematics with Jesse Hanes, the sister of Luke Hanes. By imparting his expertise to her, James expanded the pool of qualified instructors, empowering Jesse to teach additional classes and contribute to the educational endeavors of the territory.



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