
The Generations: REBIRTH

Uncovering the rich history and traditions of the werewolf community. Sakura forms a close bond with her pack, her loyal Alpha guards, who become her guide and mentor in the ways of the Kami werewolves on Paradise Island. Together, Sakura and her pack delve into her past, searching for clues about her missing father and the truth behind his involvement with the humans. Along their journey, they face numerous challenges and dangers , including encounters with humans who pose a threat to the werewolf community. As Sakura grows stronger and more confident in her werewolf abilities, she becomes determined to protect her kind and ensure the delicate balance between humans and werewolves is maintained.

SakuraGibson · Histoire
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: The Military Laboratory

Instinctively, the pack turned as one, their bodies pivoting to face a large window that revealed a grim scene. The room they had taken lair in resembled an auditorium, with rows of chairs neatly arranged. Through the clear window, they saw a man in a white coat, his attire disorganized, and sagging suit pants. His round glasses framed crazed orange eyes, and his wild, curly hair obscured much of his face. Yet, the horrifying grin that stretched across his lips was unmistakable.

Upon the table before him lay a small wolf pup, a member of the Mexican wolf pack, clinging desperately to life. The poor puppy was chained to a tall table; he had torn skin around the restraints. Despite his valiant struggles, he remained trapped. Bags sagged beneath his eyes, his eyelids were crusted with dried tears, and his once-pristine fur was now marred by dirt and dried blood.

Athen asked the wolves, "Is that the Alpha's son?"

"No," The Beta wolf gradually sank his head, exposing his teeth, "But he belongs to a Delta wolf in our clan."

Jack loaned a courteous hand on Sakura's shoulder. He whispered in her ear, "Look away, you shouldn't have to see this."

"Kenjiro most likely laid on that table," Athen said.

The scientist fastened a white mask securely across his face, ensuring its snug fit as he prepared himself for the upcoming procedure. He tied a surgical gown on his body. He reveled in the grating cries of the unfortunate wolf pup, savoring their frantic pleas for help.

With precision, he snapped a pair of rubber gloves onto his hands, the sharp sound of the gloves echoing through the room. His attention turned to a gleaming metal tray, where he arranged various surgical tools.

The man's laughter rang out, an alarming sound mocking the pup's distress. "Why are you crying, little one? What's the matter? Don't you want to grow up to be big and strong like your father?"

Unknown to the man, the wolves on the other side of the glass remained concealed. The room was separated by a one-way mirror, allowing the scientists to remain oblivious to the silent witnesses to his cruel experiment.

The wolf pup's desperate cries persisted, a haunting backdrop to the man's chilling words. "Oh, I apologize," he taunted with a cold smile. "It appears I've run out of anesthetic." His callous laughter filled the room.

The scene before them was gruesome and heart-wrenching. The scientists were subjecting the pup to cruelty as the man chopped him up like a corpse, causing him unimaginable suffering.

Athen turned away, unable to bear the gruesome sight, as it resurrected painful memories of the war that had ravaged his village. The racket of agonizing cries resonated, threatening to shatter their eardrums. Sakura's eyes brimmed with tears, her gaze fixed on the scientist's disturbing laughter. A searing fire smoldered within her, burning like a flamethrower. Her fists itched to shatter the glass, but knowing the consequences that might entail if the enemy was alerted, held her back. The thought of any sacrifice was unbearable, yet Sakura faced an agonizing choice that could determine the fate of everyone she held dear, including herself.

Cupping her ears and huddling in a fetal position, her feet rooted to the ground, Sakura grappled with her internal turmoil. Jack understood the moral conflict within her, but they had to stay hidden, maintain their cover, and complete their mission at any cost. While he longed for the scientist to stop, he knew they couldn't afford to reveal themselves.

The pup's cries had gradually diminished to the past like a fading memory. Its innocent eyes had grown dull, and a final, labored breath escaped its gaping mouth. The life of this harmless being slipped away before their eyes. The scientist shifted the lifeless pup's body, exposing its soft white belly to the gruesome procedure.

Sakura's voice trembled with tears as she whispered, "What's he doing to that poor lad?" 

Jack clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, a low growl emanating from his throat. He replied, "He's skinning it using a technique that starts with a cut along the belly. It's utterly despicable."

Starting with the rear left leg, the scientist firmly gripped the paw pad in his hand and started the incision, running it from the palm to the rear of the leg.

"I can't watch this," Sakura admitted, her discomfort clear in how she clenched her teeth. Her nausea was evolving by the second.

Athen concurred, realizing the urgency of the situation. "We need to get out of here before a guard spots us."

"This isn't good," The Beta wolf whispered. "How are we supposed to walk through the facility with no one seeing us?"

Jack, sharp-eyed as ever, spotted a vent above them on the wall next to a set of speakers. These speakers allowed those on the other side of the glass to listen in on whatever gruesome procedure was conducted.

Jack gently raised a paw and tapped Athen's hind leg to get his attention. Athen turned to him, inquiring, "What did you find?"

Jack lifted his paw to point at the vent in the wall and explained, "Look up there. The vent is spacious. We could squeeze in, but it'll be a tight fit."

One of their companions, a Mexican wolf, interjected, "I'd rather squeeze through a tight space than face the same fate."

Jack nodded, adding, "Let's move quickly and get out of here before we become the next victim."

Sakura skillfully retrieved a hairpin from her hair and used it to unscrew the flathead screws, securing the vent gently. As she opened it, a small cloud of dusty air billowed out when she carefully set aside the metal mesh, which landed atop the nearby speaker.

With a calm tone, Sakura reminded the group, "Stay quiet. The metal isn't meant to hold animals, especially not large wolves." The entire pack nodded in agreement.

Athen positioned himself beneath the open vent, allowing Sakura to climb on his back, giving her the height to reach inside. The metal provided a good grip, enabling Sakura to hoist herself up and enter the vent, moving with her elbows and forearms.

Once Sakura was securely inside, Athen joined her with remarkable silence. Jack followed suit, and the rest of the pack members hurriedly followed suit, one after the other, all before a patrolling guard could pass by and discover their daring escape.

The narrow ductwork was dark and dusty, and they had to move as quietly as possible, for any sound could reveal their presence to the enemy. The metal floor under their hands and knees was cold and unyielding, but they pressed on, knowing the importance of their mission.

The pack of Mexican wolves followed closely behind, their warm breaths and the occasional soft growl showing their presence. The darkness seemed to stretch on endlessly, and the only sounds were their shallow breaths and the faint echoes of footsteps from below.

Sakura suddenly halted the pack's progress in the ventilation shaft. She had spotted an opening below her, and as she cautiously peered through the vent.

A company of army soldiers had gathered in a dimly lit room. The flickering glow of a lone lightbulb overhead cast eerie shadows across their faces, adding an ominous tone to their hushed conversation. A detailed diagram of Paradise Island lay on the table in front of them.

Sakura listened intently as the soldiers discussed their sinister plot.

One soldier leaned over the table, pointing at various points on the diagram. He outlined their ruthless strategy to use Kenjiro to lead them to the island, exploiting his connection to the pack to destroy everything in their wake.

The strategist stated, "We've dispatched a navy ship with a couple of fighter jets." 

Another soldier, sitting on the table, leaned back and inquired, "Where is Kenjiro currently stationed?" 

The strategist responded, "He's on the vessel."

The soldier forcefully pushed back his chair to take a stand and shouted, "Why are we taking orders from a wolfman?" 

The commanding strategist, stern and unyielding, retorted, "Sit down, private. You know better than to question orders from a superior." 

The defiant soldier persisted, "No, I may know what we are up against!" 

The strategist explained, "The Japanese military harbors a secretive branch composing soldiers who aren't entirely human. The Japanese refer to them as Kami. We've dealt with these Kami since before the First World War."

"So, we're eliminating the competition," the private remarked.

The soldier chuckled and clarified, "No, that would be wasteful. We will use them as we have before the Russians get there first."

The private raised a concern. "Wouldn't that be seen as an act of war?"

The strategist explained, "No, it's a complex situation to grasp, but the island has its governmental system, but is connected to Japan."

Overwhelmed by the intricacies, the private whimpered as he wiped his hands across his face, "This is all so confusing..."

The private slumped back into his chair, feeling overwhelmed by the influx of information he had sought. A heavy silence filled the room until the standing strategist resumed his explanation by drawing out his plans on the board. Sakura discreetly retrieved her cell phone from her pocket and snapped photographs of the diagrams. Athen couldn't help but smirk and whispered, "Great idea."

Sakura's sense of urgency remained undiminished as she declared, "We have to act fast, or our home will become a graveyard for future generations to gawk at."

Athen nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the same conclusion. They had a duty to protect their home and would stop at nothing to ensure Paradise Island remained safe. 

As they progressed, Sakura listened attentively, hearing the human voices gradually fade into the distance. An alarming screeching noise emanated from the metal beneath their paws, causing Sakura to whisper, "Everyone, stop moving." 

The pack immediately froze in place, determined to prevent any further noise. Below, the men in the room had also fallen into silence.

One soldier asked, "What was that noise?" 

His companion replied, "It sounded like it was coming from the vents."

The metal continued to creak and bend, and before anyone could react, it gave way beneath one of the Mexican wolves. He fell through, cutting his thigh on the jagged metal edges and landing on a table. In excruciating pain, he writhed and screamed. The humans in the room stood up from their chairs, their faces etched with fear.

One of them slammed his back against the wall and exclaimed, "What the hell? How did that get up there?" 

Another pounded his fist on the table and yelled, "The wolves are escaping through the vents! Sound the alarm!"

The Beta wolf said, "Shit, Grimaldo, hang in there!" 

Panic spread through the group. Another Mexican wolf desperately cried, "What do we do now?"

A soldier violently pressed a large red button on the wall with his clenched fist. Immediately, loud alarms blared throughout the facility, drowning out all other sounds. The intense flashing of red lights filled every room and hallway, creating a chaotic and disorienting atmosphere. In their frenzy, the soldiers drew pistols from their holsters and began firing rounds through the vents.

Sakura cried out orders, "Move quickly, or we'll all end up like your friend!" 

She led the way through the narrow vents on her forearms and knees and urged the pack to keep pace. They navigated the metallic maze, taking sharp turns left and right, desperately searching for an exit.

Athen's voice grew urgent. "Sakura, we've got to get out of here. They're onto us."

Finally, Sakura's keen eyes spotted a vented mesh. She called out, "I found an opening!" 

The pack huddled around her as she tried to figure out how to open it. Unable to unscrew the mesh from the inside, she used brute force. She clenched her fist and pounded the vent, scraping her skin and drawing blood until the mesh finally popped out. Her body rolled out of the vent headfirst, landing on the floor with a thud.

Sakura lay sprawled on the cold, sterile floor, her fingers gently massaging her throbbing head. Her wide eyes were filled with fear as they darted around the room, taking in the unsettling sight before her.

She was in a dimly lit autopsy room, the overhead lights casting eerie shadows across stainless steel tables and clinical instruments. 

A sense of dread washed over her as she realized the gravity of their situation. In this room meant for the dissection of lifeless bodies, Sakura couldn't help but shiver, her heart pounding with fear and unease. The room had clinical steel tables, cabinets filled with gruesome tools, and large refrigerators lining one wall. Sakura cautiously approached one of the fridge doors.

In an instant, Athen transformed from his wolf to his human form, a desperate attempt to stop Sakura. He grabbed her by the shoulder, trying to pull her away from the fridge, his voice filled with urgency. "Sakura, please don't look inside. Trust me on this."

She refused to heed Athen's warning. She reached for the fridge door with trembling hands, slowly pulling it open. The shelves inside were stacked with large black bags, each bearing a chilling label with experiment information.

Sakura gasped in shock. Her eyes welled up with tears as she realized the horrifying truth they had discovered. She quickly turned back to Athen, her voice quivering. "Why would anyone do this?"

Athen firmly pushed the freezer door shut. He had warned Sakura for her own sake and couldn't bear to see her suffer. 

"I told you, Sakura. We need to find a way out of here. Let's focus on finding the Alpha's pup and leaving this place."

Sakura turned to the Beta wolf; she asked with a heavy heart, "What's the Alpha's son's name?"

The Beta wolf's eyes, reflecting the collective dread in the room, replied, "His name is Javier."

The pack's heartbeats quickened as they heard someone attempting to unlock the door to the autopsy room. Panic swept through the room. They entered the massive freezer frenziedly, seeking refuge among the rows of black bags. Sakura found a spot at the bottom of the pile, nestled between the black bags. She could hear the intruder's footsteps growing louder, each step echoing in her ears. Her heart pounded as she waited for the person to enter.

The heavy door to the freezer swung open, and a sense of impending doom hung in the frigid air. Combat boots entered, and the pack could hear someone dragging a heavy object. With bated breath, they watched as the intruder dropped a lifeless wolf's body on the floor.

Sakura's breath caught as she locked eyes with the dead wolf, recognizing him as Grimaldo. His lifeless gaze seemed to pierce through her, and she had to stifle a sob, pressing her palm against her mouth to prevent any sound from escaping.

The intruder closed the freezer door and locked the autopsy room behind them, sealing the pack inside with Grimaldo's body. The room became eerie, and the pack slowly emerged from hiding. Heavy with grief, the Mexican wolves couldn't hold back their tears as they mourned for their fallen pack member.

Sakura, Athen, and the rest of the pack stood in solemn silence, their sorrow etched on their faces. They had lost one of their own, and the weight of their situation pressed down on them. 

Sakura's voice trembled as she spoke, "I'm truly sorry for your loss, but we can't dwell on it now. Grimaldo's sacrifice will lead us to success. Besides, I can't remain in this freezer for long in my human form."

The Mexican wolves acknowledged her words with somber nods, their grief clear in their eyes. They followed Sakura, slowly leaving the freezer, silently bidding farewell to their fallen comrade. Sakura swiftly pinpointed another hidden vent concealed behind a lab table. She motioned for the others to join her and, with dexterity, deftly removed the vent's cover using a hairpin. Aware that the vents above weren't a workable escape route, they recognized they had no alternative but to persist in their journey through the vents below. Crawling onward, they remained steadfast in their mission to save Javier and honor Grimaldo's ultimate sacrifice.

The pack scraped their claws against the metal, carving their path through the vents; Sakura led the pack ahead. They reached a junction with three different vents, prompting Sakura to make a critical decision. Beside her, Athen offered his support, whispering, "Your instincts should guide you, not just your desires. Trust your wolf senses."

"Right," Sakura replied. 

She shut her eyes, embracing a moment of calm as she drew in deep, measured breaths. Her racing heart gradually eased into a steady rhythm. In the stillness, she distinguished faint, plaintive whimpers and muted cries emanating from the vents, accompanied by the unmistakable odor of antiseptic and festering infections. In that pivotal instant, Sakura found her direction, her eyes snapping open as she declared with conviction, "This way, follow me."

Within the confines of the chamber, a disheartening scene unfolded—countless young and aged wolves ensnared within eroded metal enclosures. These imprisoned souls were cloaked in filth, drenched in the stench of urine and feces, an odious cocktail further intensified by the sterile tang of bleach.

One cage cradled a timid wolf pup huddled in a desolate corner of its corroded metal prison. The profound trauma inflicted upon this surviving pup's psyche was a grim certainty, a wound that might never heal—a haunting mark destined to shadow the rest of its days.

"Javier," The Beta wolf called out. "We are here to rescue you." 

"Carlos… I'm scared." 

"You don't have to be afraid anymore, my Amigo."

In a swift gesture, Sakura extended her human hand to tackle the rusted mechanism. Carlos darted into the enclosure, swiftly seizing the pup by its nape before retreating into the labyrinthine vents, seeking refuge from the cruel facility.

Jack and Athen prepared to give chase; they pivoted to find Sakura seated on the frigid cement floor. Athen prodded impatiently, "Sakura, let's move." 

Sakura's eyes glistened with tears as she whispered, "I can't leave them." 

Athen's voice hardened. "What?" 

Jack added, "I don't think I could live with myself knowing we could have saved them, Athen." 

Grumbling, Athen conceded, "Fine."

Sakura swiftly released the latches on the cages, allowing the experimented wolves to escape alongside the Mexican wolves. 

Sakura instructed, "Jack, follow them and ensure they're healthy enough to return to the pack. I am counting on you. We'll be right behind you." 

With a resolute nod, Jack moved to carry out her request.

Athen transformed into his wolf form and approached Sakura, his eyes filled with guilt. He said, "I'm proud of you for helping them. Honestly, I'm not sure I would have done the same." 

"It's okay, Athen. We saved them, and that's all that matters." 

Their moment of reflection was suddenly shattered as the Military Police burst through the door, shouting, "Freeze, put your hands where we can see them!"

Sakura grabbed a nearby glass bottle filled with ethanol from the cabinet. She didn't want to harm anyone, but knew it was the only option to escape.

"Drop the bottle, lady!" The Military Police shouted. 

Sakura smirked. She dropped the bottle, which shattered on the floor. The Police shot at the bottle, but the Ethanol spilled and ignited, quickly spreading across the room. The Military Police, panic-stricken, screamed and ran for cover as the fire rapidly crept. With Athen by her side, Sakura escaped through the vents, leaving a room engulfed in flames and chaos.

Coughing and struggling to breathe, they pushed forward, driven by the situation's urgency. The heat and smoke became increasingly unbearable as they neared the exit.

When they finally reached the vent's end, they could only see the furry tails of the wolves they had released from their cages. Sakura couldn't understand why they hadn't escaped yet, but before she could react, she crawled out of the vent and stood up, followed closely by Athen. What greeted them was a row of ten army soldiers, their pistols aimed directly at Sakura and Athen.

Sakura let out a heavy sigh, her frustration clear. "Why are there so many of them?"

A soldier cautiously approached and demanded, "Get down on your knees with your hands up."

With a fierce growl, Sakura responded, "I don't bow to men."

The soldier yelled, "I will not repeat myself. On your knees, lady."

Athen and Jack joined the growing chorus of growls, steadily moving closer to Sakura to form a protective barrier against the approaching army of men. The rest of the wolves also chimed in, adding their snarls, displaying their readiness to defend the Alpha who had rescued them.

Sakura's anger boiled within her, and she growled like a wolf. The wind blew her hair, and her eyes blazed with a vivid red intensity. A radiant, white light enveloped her as her body transformed into a majestic, ten-foot-tall black wolf illuminated with bright red eyes. Brilliant lines and stars shimmered across her body as she let out a thunderous roar, fully equipped for the impending confrontation. 

The wolves seemed like mere toy breeds compared to her towering size. The stars on her fur gleamed like spinning shuriken. Drool dripped from her jaws, forming a menacing sight. 

"Wait," Sakura yelled, her voice carrying a tone of urgency, "Maybe we can avoid anyone getting hurt."

"Those humans deserve to pay for what they've done!" The Mexican wolves shouted, their anger palpable.

"No one deserves to die, do ya understand?" Sakura demanded firmly.

"Get back in your cages, you disgusting, vile monsters," a soldier barked.

"Release us, and there won't be any need for bloodshed today," Sakura declared.

The soldiers cocked their firearms, fingers resting on the triggers, their aim fixed on the wolves' foreheads, right between their eyes. 

Abruptly, a noise pierced the stillness, involuntarily causing Sakura to jerk her ears back. She widened her eyes and turned to look behind her, only to witness a blazing firestorm rushing toward her, accompanied by a mighty gale of wind. In an instant, the explosion erupted, propelling the wolves and Sakura with incredible force. 

The explosion catapulted the pack well beyond the gates, and Sakura was lifted off her feet and hurtled dramatically toward the soldiers.

Her body collided with a private first class, decelerating her in rapid motion. Sakura skidded for ten feet before coming to a halt beside a large tan vehicle resembling a cattle truck. The impact sent the man flying, smashing him onto the pavement. Sakura lay there, her gaze drifting away, fixated on the consuming flames as they devoured everything around them.

Sakura stirred and raised her head, disoriented and unsure how much time had passed since the explosion. Her ears tilted back, and she clenched her teeth, trying to make sense of the situation.

Feeling remorseful for the chaos, she muttered, "Shit, my bad, that wasn't part of the plan."

Lying by the base fence, Jack groaned and asked, "Sakura, what have you done?"

Sakura quickly defended herself, saying, "Look, I didn't know that the building was going to explode, okay?"

In the silence, Sakura strained to pick up the muffled sound of claws tapping on the concrete, gradually approaching her. She quickly rolled onto her back, wagging her tail in relief when she found Athen's imposing wolf's form looming over her. In the distance, sirens blared, signaling the escalating situation.

Athen smirked as he reassured her, "Come on, we need to make a trade for the kid and get our twins back."

Concerned for Javier's well-being, Sakura asked, "Is Javier, okay?"

Athen nodded with a grin, saying, "Yeah, I brought them to the gate while you were out cold."

Sakura tentatively touched her head with a paw and questioned, "Did I bump my head on something?"

Athen chuckled and replied, "The first transformation can be disorienting. So, can you get up, or do I have to drag you?"

Without wasting a moment, Sakura swiftly rolled onto her stomach and trailed behind Athen, with Jack close on their heels as they made their way to the gate. As they approached the gate, they noticed the gate guards were conspicuously absent from their stations.

The three of them sprinted through the entrance, their footsteps echoing in the desolate landscape. The expansive home was filled with miles of arid sand and towering, withered cactuses, victims of the unforgiving drought. Finally, they reached the heart of the territory, a vast canyon where the Mexican Wolves called their home.

Sakura stood in awe of the natural wonders surrounding her in the Chavez Canyon. The towering sandstone rock formations seemed to reach up into the heavens, casting striking shadows on the canyon floor. The narrow canyon walls displayed intricate patterns and were painted in a palette of warm, vibrant hues, offering a glimpse into the region's rich geological history.

She turned to Athen, her eyes filled with wonder and admiration. "Athen, this place is unbelievably beautiful," she exclaimed, a sparkle in her eyes.

Athen chuckled, his voice filled with affection. "You are the only one I know who would make the world your home, while the rest only embrace their cultural beliefs."

"I am fascinated by the world and the rich cultures and beliefs. The diversity of human existence across the globe is remarkable. It's amazing how people can be so different despite sharing the same planet. And it's not just the people; the incredible variety of environments and landscapes, too."

In the distance, a small river meandered through the rocky landscape, providing a lifeline of greenery and vibrant desert flowers that clung to the edges. The air was scented with the earthy perfume of desert plants, and the tranquility of the place was only occasionally interrupted by the distant calls of wildlife.

"Looks like we're here," Athen said. 

The canyon continued to unfold its wonders, revealing hidden alcoves, enigmatic caves, and concealed oases that served as shelter and sustenance for the local Mexican Wolves. It was a place of profound beauty, a sanctuary where nature's marvels and the wolves' way of life harmoniously intertwined.

Javier's exuberance was contagious as he dashed past the pack of loyal Beta wolves and nimbly weaved between Jack's sturdy legs. With a joyful leap, he vaulted onto Athen's powerful back and gracefully ascended his spine, springing off the wolf's head with a dancer's grace to land softly on Sakura's sturdy back. Javier gazed out at the vast, untamed landscape around them. 

His heart brimmed with happiness, and he chuckled as he shared his thoughts, "My father is in the large cave with my mother. I hope they missed me as much as I missed them."

Sakura responded with an affectionate smile, playfully bobbing her head. "More than ya know, lad. Hold tight, I don't want to waste a second more."

Javier nodded eagerly, his claws gripping her fur as they ventured deeper into the heart of the canyon, heading towards the Alpha Mexican Wolf's cave that held the promise of a heartfelt reunion.

Sakura couldn't help but chuckle in delight as she glanced around the extraordinary place. "This place is fantastic. Lucky you, Javier."

With a heartfelt smile, Javier expressed his deep affection for his home, saying, "It's a big home I love."

The entrance to the cave, a grand stone archway, stood adorned with intricate carvings centuries of wind and water had etched into the sandstone that. Inside, the cave opened into a spacious chamber with a high, vaulted ceiling, its walls adorned with ancient symbols and markings, each telling stories of generations long past.

The Alpha Mexican Wolf sat peacefully on a raised platform, a commanding figure whose face bore the lines of wisdom earned through countless seasons. With an air of curiosity, he raised his head and cried, "My son, is that you?"

Javier wasted no time; he joyously leaped off Sakura's back, landing securely in his father's outstretched arms. His mother, sharing the joyous moment, gracefully pounced off the platform to join the wonderful family reunion.

The Mexican Alpha expressed profound appreciation. "You didn't just save my family. You saved my entire pack. I cannot thank you enough. I rarely do this, but today, I bow to you, Alpha Leader."

Sakura exchanged a puzzled glance with Athen, their expressions mirroring their confusion. She gently spoke, "Please, call me Sakura. I am not the leader of this pack; you are."

The Alpha Mexican Wolf responded, his tone resolute, "You misunderstand. My pack would love to live on Paradise Island to escape the military's oppressive tactics that would turn us into monsters."

Sakura took a moment to absorb the situation before responding, "Our island is currently at war. Once it is safe, we'll be more than willing to assist you in relocating to our home, but regrettably, it might take some time. Do you believe your pack can hold out until then?"

With gratitude, the Mexican Wolf Alpha replied, "Yes, thank you, Sakura."

Athen advanced cautiously, his voice firm but not aggressive. "Apologies for the intrusion of this wonderful conversation, but we've come to retrieve our friends."

The Alpha chuckled, his demeanor lighthearted. "We escorted them to the Oasis, the one you visited before."

While struggling to maintain his composure, Athen resisted the urge to utter words he might regret later. He turned and walked away from the cave, fuming with frustration. Although different, Sakura and Jack exchanged respectful smiles and swiftly made their way toward the private jet. Michael and the twins were greeted with shock as they arrived to find Sakura in her wolf form.

Michael exclaimed, "Wait, you can transform into a wolf now?"

Athen interjected with urgency, "We'll explain later. Let's get on that aircraft and head home." Their story would have to wait for a more suitable time.

With their friends, Alex and Alec safely returned to their side, Sakura and the others wasted no time. They knew that the threat to their home on Paradise Island was imminent, and every second counted.

The pack ran in the arid desert landscape with an urgency toward the private jet that awaited them.

The private jet stood on the remote airstrip, a beacon of hope in the forlorn landscape. The old man's captain, cigar still in hand, greeted them with a nod as they approached.

The crowned wolf pack boarded the jet, their perseverance burning as they had to return home to save their island and its inhabitants from the impending threat posed by the humans. 

His voice was stern, Michael demanded, "Take us back to Paradise; everyone is in danger." 

The old man captain, recognizing the gravity of the situation, wasted no time. The plane's engines roared to life, ascending into the sky without delay.

Sakura's adrenaline was pumping inside the cabin, and her anger overrode her fear of flying. Athen placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, trying to soothe her.

"Everything will be okay," Athen said, his voice steady.

Sakura, however, needed more time to convince. She turned to him, her eyes filled with endurance. "I need to contact the island and let them know what's coming."

Jack, always resourceful, said, "Hailey and Alexa, they're connected to the island. If you know how to do it, you can reach them."

Sakura nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, centering herself. In her mind, she reached out to the twin warriors, calling out to them in the void. 

To her surprise, Hailey replied, "We hear you, Sakura. How did you reach us so fast? No one taught you."

Sakura conveyed the situation's urgency, "I had some supportive boost from Irish god magic. Anyway, the island is in danger. The humans are coming, and my father is with them. Prepare for war."

Hailey and Alexa, true to their warrior nature, did not question her command. Sakura's heart raced with anxiety as the private jet glided toward the vast expanse of the ocean. The island lay ahead, awaiting their return and the imminent confrontation with the looming threat. The battle for their survival had now commenced.