
Chapter-2 : The World Of Reincarnation

"huh??" I was shocked after she knew what I thought How did she possibly know what I was thinking about.... I am inquisitive about this world... What exactly is the world of reincarnation...

( As I was lost in my thought again she spoke )

" So ? So you want to join me ? " said red hair 

As I watched, the aura surrounding  red hair suddenly shifted and became a thick, impenetrable fog. I felt a cold, piercing gaze on my back, emanating from an unknown source. I turned to look, but there was no one there. Suddenly, a dark figure materialized behind red hair. I wanted to warn her, but before I could even speak, she swiftly and expertly defended herself from the attack. I was amazed by her quick reflexes and skill, and grateful that she was able to save herself.

What exactly is happening here I couldn't understand nor suspect anyone for all of this happenings to me...Is it my end so soon ? Am I going to die ? I could feel the cold stare Red hair was giving I could understand she could hear my thought but I just couldn't get the situation and was scared...

" Wow as energetic as ever..." the dark figure spoke , As the dark figure was nearer I could see a Dark haired boy with blue eyes....I was really confused about the situation I was already confused about my own existence and now all these mysteries were appearing like haunting me down....

" Yeah ofcourse Afterall you will always attack me out of nowhere " said red hair . she seemed to know him well as she didn't seem to be worried even a bit...both of them seemed to know each other...

"Was I overthinking for no reason...."I thought to myself 

" Yes you were idiot " said red hair turning to me...

" How can you-" before I could complete my sentence the boy cut me off in the middle..

" Who are you idiot " The Boy suddenly turned towards me

" Idiot ?My name is not  "idiot" " I replied him back

" That's what my love mentioned you as , Then what's your name ? By the way my name's Roy " he says

" This idiot doesn't have any , looks like a new reincarnation And I told you don't call me your love you may die by my hand kiddo " says red hair with a serious tone..almost as if she is ready for a battle 

" I would love to die by your hand my love..." says Roy unbothered as if it was some daily thing 

( HUH... is he flirting ??)

He suddenly looked towards me and said " No name huh...May I name you little cat..."

" If you got a good one " I said

After at least 20 minutes of silence it looked like Roy came up with a name for me , I don't know why but the feeling of getting a name felt good...maybe because I wasn't named ?

" Looking at your fluffy beautiful fur reminds me of the fluffy lotus I saw when I was a kid " said Roy breaking the silence

"And-" as i was just about to speak red hair spoke before me " So ? what's your conclusion ?"


She seemed more serious than me and i could say that made Roy happy since he was smiling

" *laughs* what do you expect from this master mind " He asks as if he was proud

" Well nothing..." i said

hearing my answer Roy seemed to freeze right in the spot and red hair was trying not to laugh...

" Come on speak out the name already " says red hair

With a small proud giggle " Fluff " he said...

Well it was fine at least better than being called as idiot...I don't know what I am going to end up as and how am I going to end up.... The more I thought about this life the more I was scared of what would happen to me at the coming future but however my past life was like , I hope this one as a reincarnation go toward a good ending....

" So ? Can we call you Fluff ? " Asks Roy

" Call me anything but not Idiot so i am okay with Fluff " I say..

Out of nowhere i remembered the offer , After giving a second thought to the offer red hair offered I decided to follow her after all I don't know how will I end up all alone....

" I decided I would travel with them and learn about this word of reincarnation...After all , I want to know what this world is...what i am...also there are many things i question about the unsual thing in this world...Maybe i can find out about this world if i have some companion...after all i dont know anything about this world...I have very low survival rate with how i am right" I thought to myself 

"Yes you will i will make sure we find out the mystery...i will be a loyal companion for you , fluff" Red hair said looking at me out of nowhere...

Suddenly something hit me...a question i had been wanting to know about...curiously i asked her "How..How are you doing that? How are you reading my mind? Does this world has some magic?..."

With a long pause i add " Even though i cant remember things much about my past life i can atleast remember that magic or animals talking is unusual for a normal world..."

Roy and red hair share a little glance at eachother and start to laugh"And here we thought you were already used to it since you have a very strong aura around you...." roy says looking down at me...

" Oi..red hair what is your goal ? Is there any reason you are travelling for ?" I asked her since I was curious about it...

" I travel to find the reason too.." she says but the intense look on both Roy and red hair says it all...that wasn't it there was another reason something else that made her travel....

It was getting darker and I could feel the cold air....The forest started to darker and creepier than it already was , The forest was all silent...- We decided to stay in a cave that was few steps away from where we were standing . Roy used his hands to simply form fire which shocked me a bit but I was really tired of all the shocks I received in a day....So I decided to know about it the next day...

Heres the Second chapter

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