
<The past>

Once apon a time

Their was a boy born in 2009 his blood type was unknow every Scientist called it the golden blood because of that the boy was kidnapped but never Succeeded but one day the boy and his parents got into an accident but then he woke up in a big bed that is soft as a cloud and wide as a house the boy questined him self but then he heard a person knocking outside the boy said come in a voice said

Hello young master breakfast is ready.

Young master the boy thought and saw his hand was soft as silk

Young master can i come in ?

Um yes-

Here you go young master enjoy your food ill just wait outside and wait for you to finish your food.

Ok thank you for waiting but you can go

But young master... who will bring your food down?

When did you wake up?

Um around 4 in the morning

What time is it now?

10 why young master?

Please sleep some more in your room for 2 hours or so

But I-


I- yes young master *bows* good bye

Bye byeeee

And thats it for this novel i have alot of novel and didnt finish so dont be shoke if i didnt finish this *3*

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