

The suffocating tension hang thick between the two warriors who stood on opposite sides of the large arena. They stared at each other in a way similar to a predator staring down on its prey. The dragged out anticipation for the signalling horn to blast and the fight to begin was eating both of them up on the inside.

Only one of them was going to walk out of the arena alive and both warriors had a confidence that declared themselves as the champion. The weapons in their hands boosted that confidence.

The one warrior, lean and agile, held a large broadsword, it was an extremely heavy weapon, but the warrior wielding it held it as if the sword weighed less than a feather. His opponent, standing only a hundred meters away, had an entirely different weapon. A giant battle axe that he rested comfortably on his shoulder, he too wasn't bothered by the weapon's weight.

The silent hum of excitement echoed between the tall walls of the dome as spectators whispered amongst themselves, placing bets on who would be the victorious warrior.

Emeric tried to ignore the buzz of excitement around him as he tightened his grip on the broad sword he held. He focused his whole mind on the fight that lay before him. He knew that the warrior he was facing was no child's play opponent. He was a brilliant warrior and was adored among the dome fights.

He had earned his freedom a couple of years ago, but in his time as a Domer he had grown to love the adrenaline rush that dome fights and the metallic stench of blood brought so much that he came back to fight on his own free will.

Emeric on the other hand was fighting against him will. He had to fight if he wanted to survive. Each victorious battle he fought brought more tedious fights and more deaths to his name. He hated the dome and being called a Domer, but if he wanted to earn his freedom he would have to survive long enough...and that meant he had to have more than 100 kills on his name.

Emeric had 99. He only had to fight on last fight, take on last life to be victorious and walk free again.

The hairs on the back of Emeric's neck stood on end as the signalling horn blasted a low mournful note for a few seconds and then slowly faded into a distant echo. The crowd had fallen into an eerie silence.

The warrior opposite Emeric started to charge as he let a battle cry escape from his lungs. Emeric slowly moved forward. He let he tip of his sword drag in the sand as he approached his opponent in a deadly calmness.

The aura he was giving off sent shivers through the crowds.

When the two warriors were a mere 4 meters from each other, time seemed to stand still...

Emeric jumped into action and ran two steps before launching himself into the air.

He brought his broad sword over his head and down on his aponent in one thunderous clang...

Chapitre suivant