
The Forgotten Deity Heavenly God

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 {Akqu Curse}

Guo Yao knelt down as he grabbed on Tessa hand and Jacob rushed forward as tears streamed down. Tessa moved forward and she let out a cough it was really quiet as if no one was fighting at the moment. All the other ghost were put down and their veil were back on making them stop moving. While Tessa was bleeding she looked at Guo Yao.


"Why are you thinking me if..."

"Was I helpful?" Tessa asked.

Guo Yao eyes widen and he nodded in a gentle manner yes when the ghost wasn't paying attention he was about to get Ruo to wrap around the ghost.

"Yes you were every helpful."

"Good, Jacob don't steal anymore and always be brave can you protect him?" Tessa asked.

"Of course."

"Thanks," Tessa said and her eyes closed as tears streamed down. Guo Yao was kneeling down the bell of the Heaven started to ring in the mortal realm stopping Grace Lover to stop trying to break free. As high up guards walked forward the saw blood all over the place but it seemed like the mortal humans were safe. They looked at Guo Yao knowing he was the one who did this if he didn't warn about the full moon thousands of people would died. 

"Junior Zion Pei," Guo Yao said.

"Yes Prince thank you for catching the ghost."

"Mmm what will happen to her?"

"She will be put away for the moment and we will be talking about it more."

"Where he why is my beloved!"

Zion held his finger and he let out a sigh.

"My father said he will not come and see you and the punished you get is what you earned."

"WHY IS HIS HEART MADE OF STONE WHO IS THE BITCH!" Grace shouted and started to move forward.

"Don't call my dad a bitch."

Guo Yao knew this Xserve Pei is married to a guy this woman is just lucky because Xserve fall in love with a man sigh love is so... Who the hell knows let's hope my love life isn't like this just a simple girl simple life will be great for him.

While Grace was dragged away Guo Yao let out a sigh. He waved his finger for all the other mortals to forget what they saw well the part where these gods came from thin air.

The next day. Guo Yao, Jacob, Peter, Ryker, and Finn were standing at the grave stone of Tessa as they stood there Guo Yao put flowers down and he let out a deep breath he notice the young boy was bleeding.

"Take off your bandages so I can help you," Guo Yao said in a gentle manner. The boy first was calm and quiet but he took of his bandages and Guo Yao saw purple line marks.

Guo Yao stepped forward. How can that be how can this be hasn't been 200,000 years sense that curse was destroyed he was willing to give up everything to make sure the humans were safe he suffered so much.

The screams of people fire as Guo Yao was burning his wings were shining brightly. This curse how can it be here who would bring this curse back no no if this curse spread out it will be deadly and dangerous! Guo Yao gasped as he fall on the ground how can this be Akqu Curse how can it be here this is really bad. This curse created so much trouble for the gods even for himself he had to be willing to suffer massive burns to take care of this curse to think this curse is back. When Guo Yao calmed down he looked at the child who stepped backwards.

"Wait don't-" Guo Yao shouted and held out his hand and he felt so much pain that mask person and he remembered being carried wait how was he able to make it out of that place out alive anyway?

"We need to go back to Immortal Celestial Heavenly Realm," Guo Yao said as he waved his finger in the air and they all disappeared from the spot.


Inside the spirit meeting room everyone was talking among each other. Guo Yao was wearing different clothes as he was rubbing his bare feet as he felt worried he really need to find that child before things got out of the mess. When he first came here he rushed straight to Julia and explained everything he knows about the mortals matters more then any other gods he told the story how this curse can truly make it a living nightmare like 200,000 years ago. 

"Alright calm down we have three matters to talk about first is Grace Lover we must put her in a mountain is any of you willing to imprison this ghost."

"Why should we do it, General Xserve why isn't he here this is his ex lover."

"Tsk I wonder how his handling his dear wife."

"Oh please his the wife."

"Stop messing around. Whoever is the wife must be on bottom," Someone said. Guo Yao chocked as he heard these gods talking. 

"Alright stop talking I am asking anyone."

"We aren't taking her in my dad and father both said this."

"Alright then who will take her in this spirit ghost is extremely powerful it's not like we just threw away like that she will make chaos and the other places are highly ranked but still."

"How about my mountain?" Guo Yao said.

Everyone forgot that Guo Yao once ruled over the largest realm and the prisoner in Guo Yao hand never dared to run away who knows what he did. Actually Guo Yao remember this out of nowhere.

"They is a mountain I used to keep prisoner she won't be able to run away and it will weaken her as time goes by to the point where she will want to pass on it's cruel but she killed thousands of people."

"Alright thank you Prince Guo Yao for that is the second matter."

"Akqu Curse is back."

Everyone broke in chatter as they talked among each other.

"How can we handle this matter this curse killed million of people who would dare bring it back to make it worse how strong is this curse?"

"I am not sure either but what the prince told me is that this curse is on a small child."

"How can that be!? Shouldn't be..."

"My guess they is a human who has made it ever since 200,000 years ago and wants to recreat this kind of curse and if I find them I will make them wish they never got on my bad side," Guo Yao said.

"Alright we will handle this matter right we must find this kid right away before the curse spread because when it's fully trigged it won't be good for us gods."

"Yes I agree."

"Alright I am Saint Vanessa I am new in this meeting."


"Thank you, I will handle the matter of Akqu Curse once someone I knew had it and died from it so for 200,000 years I been studying it."


"What is the last matter."


"This is out of the question if you don't know the answer that's alright have your ever seen colorful butterflies that changes colors, and they are flowers."

One moment everyone were talking among each other the next moment everyone kept their mouth shut. The moment they heard those words butterflies.

"Explain what kind of flowers?"

"White Lily, Red Spider Lily, and Lotus flower, yes when this person was walking the enter moon was pure red like blood do you know what that meant."

Everyone didn't say anything they mattered to each other. Julia who is always brave hands trembled after all everyone knew who this person was and they wouldn't dare say this person but they knew if the prince encountered him he must have been in danger.

"Little Prince tell me did anything happen to you..." Elder Jones asked. Everyone wanted to ask if he lost an arm leg, or suffered some other way.

"No but what is it tell me."

"What Sister Julia?"

"Prince you have been out of contact with the immortal world alright I will explain everything to you, as you know the higher up and the lower realm like they are ranks one hundred gods these gods are known to be the strongest gods. In Demon world they have somewhat the same rank as well and they are one hundred frighten gods that are so powerful out of those the most frightening one are the ten Chaos Ghost Demon Lords, yes remember this they is the death skull Demon God Rockson this demon is known for hanging bodies around for the fun of it and loves torturing living being this god is known as the weakest one, Nine Tail Fox Demon God is she is a goddess who is known for powerful illusions and formation spells she is someone no one deal with when it comes to anything, eighth rank Light, Water, and Fire Tiger Demon God Ryoko facing him is like asking for anything this Demon god I would say his a person who will rip your body apart and now remember this Prince Guo Yao all of them have guards and these guards from servants to guards, and elite guards are extremely powerful are ranking them from this from the weakest to the most powerful but don't forget the other 90 rank demons they are as powerful as well, anyway the seventh person is Shadow Devour Ghost Cat, this person is a guy who isn't weak at all his sneaky and someone who is able to devour someone enter soul and become stronger from that, fifth person Alchemist Fairy Ghost Paige, she is known as the best skilled doctor and someone even us sometimes ashamed to say send someone to ask for her help she is someone is is able to even bring someone who is almost about to die from death, but she is also skilled in poison her enter body is covered in poison, fourth Ice Demon God Mara she is someone who has frozen enter god realm by one strike and destroyed it she also has froze cities in the humans and destroyed them for the fun of it, Skull Silent Demon God it's rare to know but Elder Gray didn't you encounter him?"

"Yes I have it was 100,000 years ago and this person was extremely powerful his speed and skills were outstanding he killed everyone with one move, the reason why I lost my left arm was because of that man."

"Alright the second person Sword Demon God no one really sees him much when they do you might as well run to the other side, his strength is frightening he once challenged the most powerful sword master which he wanted to challenge you Prince but you disappeared without trace so he destroyed on of your realm out of rage thinking that will get you to come but you just didn't bother."

That's because I no longer want to hold weapons swore to someone dear to me.

"Anyway he doesn't come out of often actually known of the top ranking Demon gods come out."

"Wait is this higher realm?"

"Mmm yes they are the same level as us but someone of them must be in a higher realm by now, and the last one the number one is..." Julia didn't even want to say it.

"Tsk you guys act like something this person is truly the most frightening person even strikes fear all the gods realm hearts. This person is known to wear only these types of clothes red, black golden, and dark navy blue, his the Red Butterfly Flower Moon Demon Celestial God, they is a reason for that name, anywhere he goes it says that the sky will turn red and the rain will drop red, his powers is also unknown but over 300,000 years ago Red Butterfly Flower Moon Demon Celestial God Emmanuel challenged one hundred gods to a fight he said if he lost he will burn his own ashes and make sure he is never reborn again but if he wins the one hundred gods must give up there seats and be back to normal people and start over from the start. Of course the way this kid said it is was so huh arrogant, we all thought it was funny and only 97 gods took on the challenge," Millie said.

What to challenge 97 gods who are the top one hundred is way too much who won. Guo Yao was dying to know this answer now.

"I will finish it the gods took on this challenge thinking it will be easy we also broadcast it all over the world the world even the higher realm we wanted to show everyone that were powerful. The first god truly lost so bad it was so shameful, the way he fought is something no other gods can forget he was like a beast who wasn't scared of death. Each flower had its own abilities and it felt like they had the mind of their own. Emmanuel was truly someone who made history all over the world to make matters worse he was Ghost Demon, after he defeated all these gods Emmanuel name was heard all over the entire world and gained bunch of worshipers as well."

"Mmm yes keep on going Julia."

"But the 97 seven gods who lost went back to there words saying that everyone would forget but Red Butterfly Flower Moon Demon Celestial God didn't forget he told them they have to give up everything but those gods refused so instead Emmanuel turned around. We all thought this demon god forgot about it but the next we knew he destroyed all their temples and destroyed everything it was a blood bath. The words he said if you want to back out your words then let me help you idiots. After that we sent guards to stop him but he would slaughter them like it was nothing and our guards would be deeply wounded his a man who is cruel."

Guo Yao was amazed he missed such a god show he blamed himself but he doesn't remember what he was doing that time damn life sucked so much!

"Oh so have you ever seen the moon?"

"Only once I never want to see it again, and it's just one there once they were nine red moons and it covered the city that disappeared in one night."

Guo Yao can sense everyone's mood was down so this Emmanuel is really that powerful. If he was 300,000 years ago or something like that happened. In the gods heart Emmanuel had terrier, fear, hate, and somewhat respect. Julia sighed she never forget those eyes that looked like blood Emmanuel is someone no one ever wants to cross it's been 300,000 years if he was that powerful 300,000 years ago how powerful is now one dared to ask that question everyone looked at Guo Yao who wasn't even killed.

"Wait you said he challenged 100 people those people didn't take it were you three?" Pointing at Chuck, Mark, and Xserve who should be here.

"Yes, his butterflies are truly something else," Chuck mattered in his eyes has fear those butterflies are nightmares and each color of them are dangerous and the way the destroyed one mind is just way too much. For Mark the way he suffered in the hands of Emmanuel clone that clone was so powerful and it didn't even use any kind of abilities but only martial art the fear he grew toward that person it felt like every time heard his name he would get so angry it didn't help that his casting was even more powerful he didn't have to try at all. For Xserve he once told Chuck and Mark that he suffered from his second moon abilities so of course all of them knew how powerful that demon god is and how did Guo Yao make it out alive.

"Alright Guo Yao how did you get out alive? Did the butterfly harm you in the way they are deadly they can kill someone within a second for mortals they will dead within a second for a god we will suffer a lot and we would need to rest for three months and that's just from one attack plus that's just the lighter butterfly not the most powerful butterfly," Chuck said.

"Well as I said all he did was take my hand when it was raining which I notice it was red he held an umbrella out for me as we walked he destroyed formation easily his breath was calm and quiet, let's see mmm yes as for the butterflies they didn't do anything to me they just played in my hair and showed me the way and disappeared, the flowers were laid out in front of me and I walked on them."

"They didn't even poison you did anything to you?"


"Prince promise me something you must be careful we don't know why Emmanuel is showing his face after so long but we do know that he came to you and if he wanted to he could of killed you but he didn't we don't know the reason so be careful."

"I understand."

Everyone agreed to keep an eye. Everyone knew how much power Emmanuel had both in the mortal realm and the underworld how powerful is he now everyone really wanted to know. 

For Guo Yao he was looking away he thought those flowers were so beautiful and the butterflies were very cute. He wouldn't dare say this out aloud.