
The Forgotten Deity Heavenly God

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 {Mysterious Flowers And Butterflies}

Another foot steps kept on walking forward. A ring of bells kept coming out Guo Yao looked down and he noticed this person was wearing black shoes. This person made everything so quiet how powerful is this person his body is telling him to run away but his body felt weak is he going to die here? The footsteps stopped moving and the person held out his white hands for Guo Yao to take. Is this the groom to take away the bride but that won't make sense at all. Guo Yao reached over and took the mysterious person's hand with such cold hands yet for some odd reason Guo Yao felt like he was safe with a mysterious person. Guo Yao faked to fall over and he tried to see what this person was built out of. This person is strong and tall he has well built muscles, his breath is so quiet like a ghost. The mysterious person's footsteps were like a teenager yet at the same time the mysterious person started walking forward. Guo Yao walked along side the person as the mysterious person was walking in the passed of Guo Yao who looked around he notice white lily's growing beside him as he is walking, red spider lily were also started to form on the other side as the lotus flowers were in front of him. Each step he made a lotus flower would appear he felt like he was really living a dream this person who is he? He must be a demon ghost? No he is extremely powerful and Demons and Ghost are pretty much the same live in the same place. The person stopped walking as the person looked at Guo Yao who couldn't see him as it was dark outside and the full moon was shining brightly but the moon was red as blood. What the hell is happening Guo Yao felt so nervous aren't we there yet and why did he stop is he about to attack him he might not have much magic energy left in him anymore his a good martial artist so he can hold his own but inside the person held out a red umbrella that peach blossom on them as red blood started dropping down. The mysterious man kept on walking while holding on Guo Yao hand ever so gently like if he held it any tightly he would disappear. 


Once they were a god who loved humans this god was always around the mortal humans no matter what it didn't matter what they looked like this god was so truly born with pure kindness. One excited festival there was a young boy who was done with his own life while this god was dancing for millions of people he noticed a child falling this god had a face mask on. While his beautiful golden silver white wings moved forward he courted the child who was ready for life to end. The young boy looked at the mysterious god who saved him no other god was like this god when he felt this god warmth he felt like he could live again. When this god mask fall off his beautiful face showed in front of million of people he held the child hand as he touched his cheek.

"Why did you save me I don't want to live anymore," the child said.

This beautiful god held the young boy hand and the god knelt down.

"But I want you to keep on living and become a great man you are supposed to be. If you can't find a meaning of living then live for me I will wait for you, no matter what let's see the world together mmm?" This god was full of kindness that the young boy couldn't say no to this god.

The child and this god traveled all over the world. This god taught him martial art writing music, and taught him thousands of languages but one day this god disappeared without a trace. The child felt broken at the time this child was now fifteen years old and decided to be strong he must willing to do anything so he was willing to crush anyone that went in his way. This time the child knew it was his turn to protect the person who brought him back to life. He didn't care weather he walk on the path of blood as long as his strong enough to protect this person he will do anything.


Demonic Ice Wolves growled at the mysterious who moved his lips and the Demonic Ice Wolves whimpered in fright and ran away from this person. Huh so these wolves weren't working with him? Guo Yao looked around they have been walking for a long time huh look there is the formation. 

Such a strong formation spell if one were to try to break it they would be deeply wounded or suffer the amount of energy making the beast go wild as well. Guo Yao pounded if he should warn this person. The skull had flowers inside it which was just strange. Guo Yao opened his mouth to warn the person but the next moment the mysterious young man's foot crushed the skull like it was just a small rock destroying the formation just like that. 

An hour later the person closed the red umbrella and left Guo Yao hand. Guo Yao moved his hand around and he looked around mmm the person moved forward to grab the veil from Guo Yao face but Guo Yao jumped backwards.

"Ruo attack," Guo Yao said as the ribbons moved toward the mysterious man but suddenly he disappeared butterflies swim all over Guo Yao while the flowers touched the ground laying out the ground work. These are mysterious flowers and butterflies. One of the butterflies landed on Guo Yao finger tip and touched his cheek as if it was looking for warmth and it disappeared. These butterflies are all so mysterious. A blue butterfly flew forward showing a large gate and Guo Yao saw the words Pei Temple.

Old Man Matt said that there wasn't a temple of Pei nearby. This might be the last one near here to think that this ghost hated General Xserve that much. The flowers that were one the ground were along gone Guo Yao didn't have the time to worry about the flowers and butterflies. He needs to worry about what will happen now. 

Guo Yao walked inside the place was every quiet the moon was no longer red. As he stepped forward he notice all the nineteen brides with him that would make him a twenty. Guo Yao walked around as he stared at them.

Mmm one can not smile nor show joy in there face. This ghost really is against someone being happy. Guo Yao heard the door open and Guo Yao rushed forward in fast speed he stood still not making a sound and keeping a straight face.

A gasp came out as a thud sound was heard. A young girl stood in place next to Guo Yao who wasn't moving. The black mist moved toward the living girl and Guo Yao threw his fan forward blocking the poison smoke and Guo Yao threw his hand forward as he was ready to attack the young person grabbed on Guo Yao hand.

"Sir I beg of you please save me."

"What is your name."

"Lucy Greenfield."

"Why are you here?"

"I am from the Fairy Sect and they all wanted me to go forcing me without asking saying because I am weak I should go first I really didn't know my senior sisters and brothers would be so cruel," Lucy said as she fall on the ground and started crying out.

Waaa waaa waaa.

"Alright stop crying I will help you tell me what do you do?"

"I am an alchemist," Lucy said with a proud smile.

"So you handle poison?"

"Mmm yes my entire body is pretty much covered in deadly poison."

"Is that something to be proud of?"

"Brother you can't be saying that."

"How do you know I am boy."

"I have study the human body I am twenty years old and guess brother I will twenty-one years old in two days you must take me to drinking."

"Alright I will do that but if your Fairy Sect is so unfair why not live it?"

"I am going to live it I am sick of it you know what I think it's fate we meant each other."

"Really and how it."

"Guess I am like you."


Lucy snapped her finger and her gender changed into a guy and he let out a cough and waved his hand this guy had short brown hair and deep green eyes as he threw his thumb up in the hair he grabbed his Yero Device.

"Mmm Brother I believe the ghost disappeared."

"Yeah let's just-"

"Haha we are here do you think anyone can stop us!?" Someone shouted. 


Guo Yao walked outside and notice the fat chubby and his gang as they walked around and he rubbed his stomach.

"Grab the ghost girls and take them away we are going to make so much money."

"You can't go in," the guy said. Guo Yao didn't know whether to be shocked or not this person is actually a guy but his shorter than him. 

"Tell me your real name."

"Isaac Brother what about you?"

"Guo Yao."

"Guo Yao mmm alright Brother Guo," Isaac said and both of them looked straight ahead. Isaac liked wearing woman clothes so he didn't change his clothes but he wasn't bothered by anything he blew a kiss and gray thick smoke surrounded the group of them and wrapped them in one. 

"One you guys might be the ghost so we must check."

"Haha do you think we are scared we hired our own magic users!"

Even though magic was real in the mortal realm many people still didn't really understand the way the upper realms understood it. 

"What did you say."


Isaac jumped backwards he grabbed two daggers and his eyes lit up as he killed the two assassins. 

"You idiots hired assassins?"


"Formation skill!" They four other people shouted.

"Isaac who are they?" Guo Yao asked.

"These are from Blood Lust Guild they are known to be cruel and whatever formation they are making won't be any good," Isaac said.

"How powerful are they?"

"Martial Art rank 7."

Guo Yao whose martial art rank was a 1 looked away ashamed he would be so useless in battle right now. 

"Stay behind me," Guo Yao said. Guo Yao clasped his hands together and closed his eyes as he started moving fingers together. Isaac looked at Guo Yao in awe he really wanted to know what this guy was about to do. Four other guys appeared out of nowhere Isaac couldn't sense there breath.

Finn who wasn't scared to flirt winked the Isaac who made a funny face.

"I am a guy," Isaac said stopping him.

"Who do you work for?"

Isaac was actually from Immortal Celestial Heavenly Realm he just wanted to take on this job because it paid handsomely but he didn't think that Guo Yao the famous god he has made history all over would be here and would be the one to handle this matter.

"Isaac isn't that you?" Ryker asked.

"Super fucker it is me."

"Damn what a small world to think we all ended up here us five dudes damn it we need something fun."

"Shut up fucking idiot you can't do shit."

"Sense the guy who works for the God of Poison."

"His my idol."

"Damn it you have a missed up head," Ryker said.

"Fuck you too asshole," Isaac said.

"Damn it this is Unyielding Devour Skull if Brother Guo Yao is hit with this he will suffer so much."

"Prince stop it run away."

Guo Yao was quiet. Ryker rushed forward to stop him but the moon was cut in half everyone looked up in the sky when they notice Guo Yao in the air his eyes opened they were white as snow he waved his hand as he pointed his finger forward the skull that rushed toward Guo Yao. Guo Yao didn't make a move he held two fingers forward and raised his finger in the air as he struck down and the large half moon moved forward and crushed the center. Guo Yao felt the Heaven Punishment. Guo Yao screamed the lightning wrapped around Guo Yao body and he fell down. Finn court Guo Yao and Guo Yao coughed out blood and he trembled damn it that was much heavier punishment but that was amazing his trick actually worked.

"Are you crazy, you got the Heaven Punishment!"

"It wasn't the first time I got it, actually that much weaker then the one I had before must say I am getting used to this," Guo Yao said.

"Now do you guys still want to fight us?" Isaac asked.

"Dare not."


But other went to grab the brides and Guo Yao tried to stop them but he fall down his weakness was truly something that drove him mad but he wasn't really angry just felt like he would smash something at this moment.