
Episode 1

(The episode opens with a group of magical creatures, including fairies, elves, and talking animals are walking in the woods)

A fairy: What a lovely day

An elf: I smell fresh meat

An male deer: Like freshly dead or getting there

An elf: More like lost soul

Fairy #2: I see her

(The group runs off and sees a girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes; has a long python tail with a hook end, lying on the ground, unconscious)

An female elephant: Pour thing, I'll get her some water (walks off)

Elf #2: I'll get her some food (climbs up the tree)

Fairy #1: I'll make her more fitting clothes (a bunch of green spots that turn into a ball of light)

(The ball of light turns into the suitcase)

(The elf comes back with fruit)

(The elephant sprays the girl with water)

(The girl slowly opens her eyes and sees the magical creatures)

(The girl's name is Kanisha)

Kanisha looks at the creatures): Who? (Gets up) who are you?

The elf: We are just regular magical creatures that helped you

Kanisha (feels her hair): By splashing water on me

The female elephant: Enchanted water

Kanisha (calm): Oh!

The elf: What's your name, young mutant?

Kanisha: I…I…I don't know

Fairy #3: Hmmm, well we can help you with that

The elf: But, before we get to that, (gives fruit to Kanisha) eat

Kanisha: Thank you

(Kanisha eats all the food animal style)

The female elephant: That wasn't what I was expecting

(The female elephant's name is Ariel)

(The elf's name is Trina)

(Elf #2's name is Doug)

(The Fairy's name is Dani)

(Doug examined Kanisha's tail and see it operates like a normal tail)

Dani (opens Kanisha's mouth): She also has a snake tongue and fangs

Doug (looks into Kanisha's eyes): And her eyes are yellow

Trina: Why so many snake features

Ariel: Maybe that is a creature she is like.

Kanisha: So, why are you examining me?

Dani: To find a clue who you are, I wonder what would happen if we step on her tail

Doug: I'll find out (steps on Kanisha's tail)

(Kanisha growls, tackles Doug, then attacks him off screen, while he is screaming)

(The group is looking horrified)

Ariel (holding a pear):?Girl, food, come get it

(Kanisha stops attacking Doug and swallows the pear and sits on all fours; then falls asleep)

Ariel (seeing everybody looking at her): Sleeping Pear

Dani: Let's go and take her to our home

(The screen switches to an enchanted cottage, then goes inside where everyone is eating and Kanisha is still sleeping)

Dani: So, no stepping on her tail

(Doug's arms are broken)

Doug: Yup, good thing we have enchanted water, but my arms still need time to heal

Ariel: Well, now we know to be careful with the experiments

(Kanisha gets up with her eyes glowing red)

Trina (relieved): She woke up, but (scared) she got freaky eyes

Ariel (concerned): Are you okay?

Kanisha (glowing eyes): Thanks for taking her in, I am one of Kanisha's many personalities, though I can't tell you all of her memories what I can tell you is that they have been stolen

Everybody (shocked): Stolen?!

Kanisha (glowing eyes): Yes, take good care of her and find a way to return her memories in those memories is the key to her powers

Dani: What is she some all powerful being?

Kanisha (glowing eyes) (wings appears): Considering she is part Angel, demon, celestial being, all parts of the animal kingdom, etc (smirks) tell me would you call that powerful

(Everybody looked powerful)

Kanisha (glowing eyes): Seems my time is up, good luck (wings wrap around her and faints on the bed)

Doug: I'm slightly scared

Dani: Thank goodness, I thought it was just me

(Trina fainted)

Ariel: Everybody relax, I have a plan

(Episode ends)

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