
The Force Within The Veil

**The Force Within the Veil** At twenty years old, Harry Potter has faced more than most wizards do in a lifetime. Yet, a mystery from his past remains unresolved: the fate of his godfather, Sirius Black, who disappeared through the Veil of Death years ago. While exploring the Black family library, Harry stumbles upon a journal—Sirius's journal—one that has been mysteriously updating itself up until a few years ago. The entries reveal an incredible tale of Sirius's survival in a distant galaxy, his encounter with a brave woman named Shmi, and the life they tried to build together despite relentless danger. As Harry reads on, he learns of Shmi's capture and the birth of her child—a child who might carry a legacy as powerful as Harry's own. Determined to find Sirius and uncover the truth, Harry embarks on a perilous journey that will take him beyond the boundaries of the magical world he knows, into the vast, unfamiliar realms of a galaxy far, far away. Along the way, he will face formidable foes, form unexpected alliances, and discover that the bonds of family and friendship extend beyond the stars. In "The Force Within the Veil," join Harry Potter as he traces the footsteps of his godfather, unravels the secrets of the past, and faces the future with courage and hope. This epic crossover adventure bridges two beloved universes in a tale of magic, the Force, and the enduring power of love.

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16 Chs

Chapter 5: Unveiling Secrets

The twin suns were setting over Mos Espa as Harry and Hermione made their way back to Watto's shop. The encounter with Shmi had left them with more questions than answers. They were determined to uncover the truth, but they had to tread carefully.

As they approached the shop, the streets began to empty, and a sense of unease settled over them. Harry's instincts were on high alert, but he knew they had to press on. Watto was busy haggling with a customer as they slipped inside. Shmi was in the back, diligently working on repairing a droid.

"Shmi," Hermione said gently, "we were hoping to speak with you again. It's important."

Watto glanced over, his beady eyes narrowing. He grumbled under his breath but neglected to say anything reminding Harry or a goblin in the similar mannerisms.

Shmi wiped her hands on a rag and stood up, looking more composed but still weary. "Of course. Let's step outside."

They found a quiet corner away from the bustling shop. Shmi's eyes were filled with confusion and exhaustion, but also a flicker of curiosity.

"We believe someone might have tampered with your memory," Hermione said softly. "It's crucial we find out if you remember anything about Sirius Black."

Shmi shook her head slowly. "I wish I could help you, but I don't remember anyone by that name. My memory is just... blank."

Harry exchanged a glance with Hermione. "May we see you again, perhaps at your home? Being in a familiar place might help jog your memory."

Shmi hesitated but then nodded. "Alright. My work is done for the day regardless."

Watto's gruff voice called out as they left the shop. "Don't be late for your shift tomorrow, Shmi."

They walked together through the darkening streets of Mos Espa, the sounds of the market fading into the background. Shmi led them to a modest home on the outskirts of town. It was simple but had a warmth to it that spoke of resilience and hope. The building was made of weathered stone, with a low roof and small windows designed to keep out the intense heat of the day. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the temperature dropped rapidly, and a chill began to set in.

Inside, the home was cozy and well-kept. Worn but clean rugs covered the floor, and the walls were adorned with simple tapestries and handmade decorations. A small table in the center of the main room was surrounded by mismatched chairs. Shelves lined the walls, filled with various trinkets, tools, and a few cherished items.

Shmi offered them some water and gestured for them to sit. "This is where I live. Please, feel free to look around."

Harry and Hermione began to explore the small abode. Photos and trinkets adorned the walls and shelves, telling the story of Shmi's life. Hermione's keen eyes spotted a small, intricately carved box on a high shelf.

"May I?" she asked, pointing to it.

Shmi nodded. "Of course."

Hermione carefully brought the box down and opened it. Inside were various keepsakes: a locket, a piece of fabric, and a small, ornate mirror. Hermione held up the mirror, examining it closely.

"Harry, look at this," she said, showing him the mirror. "It's enchanted. I can feel the magic."

Harry took the mirror, feeling a faint pulse of energy. "Could this be part of the memory charm?"

Shmi watched them with a mix of hope and fear. "What does it mean?"

Hermione looked at Shmi with determination. "It means someone went to great lengths to make you forget. We believe this mirror might hold the key to unlocking your memories."

They worked through the night, carefully dismantling the enchantments on the mirror. As the first light of dawn began to creep through the windows, the mirror's surface shimmered and then went still. Shmi gasped as memories flooded back into her mind.

"Sirius," she whispered, tears welling in her eyes. "I remember now... he was kind. He helped me when I was struggling. But... there is no clear recollection of him beyond that."

Harry felt a surge of relief mixed with confusion. "Is there anything else you remember?"

Shmi nodded slowly, her expression distant. "Yes, about my son, Anakin. One day, I found myself pregnant with him, but there was no father. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn told me Anakin was conceived by the Force. It's still hard to believe, but it's the truth."

Hermione listened intently. "What about Anakin? Where is he now?"

"Anakin left with Qui-Gon Jinn to be trained as a Jedi," Shmi explained, her eyes filled with pride and sadness. "I miss him every day."

Harry and Hermione exchanged a glance. They had come seeking answers about Sirius, but now they were entwined in a much larger mystery.

"Shmi," Harry said gently, "would you consider leaving with us? We can take you away from here, to a safer place."

Shmi's expression turned somber. "I wish I could, but Watto has placed an explosive device in my spinal column. If I try to leave, it will kill me. He will never let me go."

Hermione's eyes widened in horror. "That's barbaric!"

Shmi nodded. "It's the reality of being a slave here. It's terrible, but it also offers some protection from bandits. Under Jabba's rule, slaves are considered property, and harming or stealing another's property is not tolerated."

Harry clenched his fists, feeling a mix of anger and helplessness. "There must be something we can do."

"We will find a way," Hermione said, her voice firm with determination. "But first, we need to find Sirius. Do you know anything about a place called the Oasis of Shadows?"

Shmi shook her head. "No, but there is something. I recall an incident involving Jabba the Hutt. If there are any answers to be found, it would be there. But I must warn you, it's extremely dangerous. Jabba's palace is not a place for the faint-hearted."

Harry felt a chill run down his spine at the mention of Jabba the Hutt. "Why would Sirius be involved with Jabba?"

Shmi looked uncertain. "I don't know the specifics, but Jabba deals in secrets and information. Perhaps Sirius went there seeking something or trying to hide."

As they pondered Shmi's words, Hermione's eyes narrowed in thought. "Harry, what if it was Sirius who placed the memory charm on her? Maybe it was for her protection."

Harry shook his head vehemently. "He would never do that."

"But think about it," Hermione insisted. "This mirror is too much like the communication mirror he gave you. It has his design all over it. If we can figure out the clues, maybe we can get a better idea of where he is now."

With the map in hand, Harry and Hermione prepared for their journey. They knew it would be perilous, but their resolve was unwavering. They had come too far to turn back now.

As they left Shmi's home, the weight of their mission pressed down on them, but so did a newfound sense of hope. The palace of Jabba the Hutt awaited, and with it, the answers they desperately sought.

As they made their way through the darkened streets, Harry's sense of unease deepened. He could feel eyes watching them from the shadows. Hermione must have sensed it too because she moved closer to him, her wand hand twitching slightly.

Suddenly, a group of rough-looking bandits emerged from the shadows, surrounding them. "Well, well, what do we have here?" the leader sneered. "Two lost souls wandering the streets at night?"

"We don't want any trouble," Harry said calmly, keeping his voice steady. "Just let us pass."

The leader laughed. "Oh, you'll be passing alright. Passing us your valuables."

Before Harry could respond, the bandits lunged at them. Without hesitation, Harry and Hermione pulled out their wands, but instead of revealing their full magical abilities, they opted for subtlety.

"Stupefy!" Harry shouted, aiming his wand at the nearest bandit. The man crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Hermione followed suit, casting stunning spells with precision. "Stupefy! Stupefy!"

In moments, the bandits lay on the ground, stunned and incapacitated. Harry and Hermione exchanged a glance, breathing heavily but unharmed.

"We need to move quickly," Hermione said, her voice urgent. "Before they wake up."

They hurried through the streets, their senses heightened and their wands at the ready. The encounter had shaken them, but it also reinforced the need for caution and discretion.

Aayla Secura, a young Twi'lek Padawan, had seen her share of dangers during her training, but nothing had prepared her for the relentless brutality of Jabba's Palace. The dark corridors echoed with the screams of tortured droids, while the relentless Gamorrean Guards patrolled with their menacing vibro-axes. The oppressive atmosphere was punctuated by the occasional roar of the Rancor, a monstrous creature that devoured anything unlucky enough to cross its path.

Captured during a reconnaissance mission, Aayla had been brought to the palace as an exotic prize. Jabba, ever eager to display his power and wealth, kept her in a heavily guarded cell deep within the palace. Her lightsaber had been confiscated, and she was shackled with heavy chains that limited her mobility.

Aayla's sharp senses detected the subtle shifts in the palace's atmosphere. The fear and desperation were palpable, but so was the flicker of hope she held onto. She knew that if she could find a way to escape, she could continue her fight against the forces of darkness that threatened the galaxy.

Meanwhile, Harry and Hermione approached Jabba's Palace with a mixture of trepidation and determination. The map Shmi had provided led them through the treacherous desert, where the scorching heat of the day gave way to the bitter cold of the night. They arrived at the massive fortress just as the first rays of dawn began to illuminate the sandy landscape.

From her cell, Aayla could sense the arrival of strangers. Her connection to the Force allowed her to feel the presence of other beings. She closed her eyes and focused, reaching out with her mind.

Harry and Hermione crept through the dark corridors of Jabba's Palace, using every ounce of their stealth and cunning to avoid detection. They could hear the distant screams and the unsettling sounds of droids being tortured. The Gamorrean Guards patrolled the halls, their heavy footsteps echoing ominously.

As they rounded a corner, they heard a faint whisper in their minds, guiding them towards the source of the disturbance. Following the mental trail, they moved quickly and quietly, the Force guiding them to a heavily guarded area where Aayla was being held. Peering around a corner, they saw the young Jedi Padawan, her blue skin contrasting sharply with the dimly lit cell.

Aayla looked up as they approached, her eyes filled with determination. "You must be the ones I've been sensing," she said softly. "I am Aayla Secura, Padawan of the Jedi Order. What brings you to this dreadful place?"

"We're looking for someone," Harry replied. "A friend named Sirius Black. We believe he might have been here."

Aayla nodded. "Jabba deals in many secrets. If your friend was here, there might be records or someone who knows his fate. But first, we need to get out of here."

Hermione examined the locks on Aayla's chains. "These look complex, but I think we can manage."

With careful precision, Hermione used her wand to unlock the chains. Aayla flexed her wrists, feeling a sense of relief as the heavy shackles fell away.

"Thank you," Aayla said, her voice filled with gratitude. "We must be cautious. Jabba's palace is heavily guarded, and the Rancor is a constant threat. Follow me."

Aayla led them through a series of hidden passages, avoiding the main corridors where the guards patrolled. Her knowledge of the palace layout was invaluable, and soon they found themselves in a less-guarded area.

They reached a small chamber filled with records and communication devices. Aayla began searching through the records, looking for any mention of Sirius Black. Harry and Hermione joined in, their eyes scanning the various documents and data logs.

As they searched, the tension in the air was palpable. The palace was a maze of danger, and they knew they had to find the information quickly and leave before they were discovered.

Aayla's sharp eyes caught a reference to a recent prisoner transfer. "Here," she said, pointing to the log. "There's mention of a human male matching Sirius's description. He was taken to a secret location known only to Jabba's most trusted lieutenants."

Hermione's heart raced. "That must be it. We need to find out where this location is."

Aayla nodded. "I have a contact who might be able to help us. She's a dancer in Jabba's court, but she's also an informant for the Jedi. If anyone can get us the information we need, it's her."

With their plan set, they moved swiftly through the palace, avoiding detection with Aayla's guidance. The young Padawan's presence was a beacon of hope for Harry and Hermione, and together, they knew they had a chance to uncover the truth and rescue Sirius.

As they approached the court where the dancer performed, Aayla signaled for them to wait. She slipped into the shadows, making her way toward her contact.

Harry and Hermione waited anxiously, their senses on high alert. The palace's oppressive atmosphere weighed heavily on them, but their resolve remained unshaken.

Aayla returned a few moments later, her expression determined. "She's agreed to help. We need to move quickly. Follow me."

They navigated the palace's labyrinthine corridors, guided by Aayla's contact. The dancer led them to a hidden passage that bypassed the main security checkpoints, allowing them to reach Jabba's inner sanctum undetected.

As they approached the heavily guarded door, the dancer whispered, "This is as far as I can take you. Be careful. Jabba's most loyal guards are inside."

Harry and Hermione nodded, their wands at the ready. Aayla ignited her lightsaber, its blue blade casting an eerie glow in the dim light.

With a nod from Aayla, they burst through the door, taking the guards by surprise. The fight was intense but brief, their combined skills quickly overwhelming the unsuspecting sentries.

Inside, they found a series of data terminals. Aayla quickly accessed the system, her fingers flying over the controls as she searched for the location of who they thought was Sirius Black.

"There!" she exclaimed, pulling up a map. "He's being held in a secure facility on the outskirts of the Dune Sea."

Aayla expression resolute, stated. "We need to move quickly. Jabba will soon realize what's happening."

As they made their way out of the palace, Aayla sensed the location of her confiscated lightsaber. "Wait," she said, stopping abruptly. "My lightsaber is nearby. I'll need it for what's to come."

Following her instincts, Aayla led them to a storage room. Among various confiscated items, they found her lightsaber. The moment she held it, a wave of determination washed over her.

With renewed vigor, they continued their escape. But just as they neared the exit, the ground began to tremble violently.

"What now?" Hermione muttered, her voice tinged with anxiety.

The floor erupted with a deafening roar. The massive form of the Rancor burst through, its eyes gleaming with hunger and fury. The creature's massive claws reached for them, blocking their path.

"We've been discovered!" Aayla yelled, igniting her lightsaber. "We need to fight our way out!"

The Rancor was a fearsome beast, towering over them with thick, leathery skin and razor-sharp teeth. Its roar echoed through the chamber, sending shivers down their spines. The beast lunged at them with surprising speed, forcing them to scatter.

Harry and Hermione readied their wands, their hearts pounding with fear and determination. The Rancor advanced, its terrifying presence filling the corridor.

"Stupefy!" Harry shouted, sending a stunning spell at the Rancor, but it barely seemed to notice.

Aayla moved with the grace and precision of a Jedi, striking at the Rancor's vulnerable spots with her lightsaber. "Keep it distracted!" she called out.

Hermione joined in, casting spells to confuse and disorient the beast. "Confringo!" she yelled, aiming for the Rancor's eyes.

Despite their efforts, the Rancor seemed nearly unstoppable. The ground shook with each of its massive steps, and it roared in fury as it swiped at them.

Just when it seemed they might be overwhelmed, the Rancor's attention was momentarily diverted by a loud noise from the entrance of the chamber. Aayla seized the opportunity, delivering a precise strike to one of the Rancor's legs, causing it to stumble.

"Now! Move!" Aayla shouted, leading the charge toward the exit.

As they ran, the Rancor recovered, its rage palpable. The beast lunged at them one last time, and they barely managed to dodge its massive claws. The exit was just within reach, but the Rancor was closing in fast.

"Go, go, go!" Harry urged, pushing Hermione ahead.

With the Rancor hot on their heels, they sprinted toward the exit, their hearts pounding in their chests. The taste of freedom was so close, yet the danger was far from over.

Just as they reached the threshold, the ground shook violently once more. The Rancor let out a deafening roar, and the path ahead of them began to collapse. They had mere seconds to escape, and the outcome hung precariously in the balance.

As the dust settled, the fate of Harry, Hermione, and Aayla remained uncertain. Would they make it out of Jabba's palace alive, or would the Rancor claim them as its next victims?

That was a long one! If you want to read five chapters or more ahead become a subscriber at EpicFuzion Tales on Patreon. Next chapter release on 7/20/24

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