
The First Mana Monarch

Divine magic rules the world, but not when the Mana Monarch rises.

EmeraldRift · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

2 The Throne

I opened my eyes to the white room. But when I looked around, there were no pillars, no deities, just a throne of cold, black, stone. I spent a couple of seconds looking around but found nothing except empty space. I walked to the throne that was about 15 feet away. It's back stood 5 yards high with an intimidating aura that made my spine shutter. I walked around the throne with confusion 'what is this and why is it hear?' I heard of people being forsaken and unable to use magic, but only after disobeying their quests. I climbed onto the throne as the seat was 2 yards up and I couldn't just sit down.

It was just as cold and hard as it looked. It wasn't comfortable, but I still felt better and more put together than when I was just standing in front of it. Then my status screen appeared.

Name- Arcane Evergreen



Level 8

(584 exp till next lv up)

Class-Mana Monarch


Health-80/80 (+.8 per sec)

Stamina-80/80 (+.8 per sec)

Mana-380/380 (+3.8 per sec)



Vitality- 8




Spendable points-24




-Basic Fire Magic 1 -Basic Earth Magic 1 -Basic Air Magic 1 -Basic Water Magic 1

-Mana Vision 1

Current quests

-Level 10

Condition- reach level 10

Reward 15 spendable points and training arena (active)


Getting 1 skill was average, getting 5 was unheard of, and what was with this mana stat I had had never heard of? On top of that, why did I get a class I shouldn't get one till level 15. All this and some completely absurd stats. I was so shaken I nearly fell off the throne. How would I explain this to my mom? Would she even believe me?

I stood up and as the kid behind me impatiently asked me to move. I was still kind of stunned and walked away with a blank stare when I got outside I leaned against the wall for a second before Jessica begin the conversation "Hey, Arc you look a little starstruck you feeling ok?" I had no idea what to say and just mumbled under my breath. "What happened, did you not get Victoria" she said with a concerned look. "I-I-I didn't get anyone" I responded. She looked just as confused as I did. After a couple of seconds, she asked, "so you have no magic?" Magic was normally gained by asking your deity for power and them giving you some in exchange for a quest. "No I just don't have a deity, I have 5 actives and 132 stats totaled up." "Now I know you lying, that doesn't even make sense, and I was feeling bad for you." I looked at her and then just ran back home as fast as I could. When I arrived at home mom asked me how it went. Jessica didn't believe me and was my best friend, why would mom. So I ran. Again. Into the wood, I went to avoid people and try my skills. 'Maybe if I could show them my skills they'll believe me, they have to right?' After running for a couple of minutes I realized my stamina was about to run out, and I would be put under the effects of <exhaustion> and stopping my health stamina recovery for a couple of minutes. After stopping awaiting for the full 100 seconds for it to recharge, I became experimenting. "BASIC FIRE MAGIC ONE" I screamed at the top of my lungs, pointing my open palms at a tree. No response. "BACIC EARTH MAGIC ONE." No response. I began to cry on a little bit as I open up my active skills once again. I clicked on basic fire magic one to see its damage and cast time, maybe that would give me a clue of how to use it. It read

-Basic Fire Magic 1

[with the fundamentals of fire magic forming in your mind, you may create small, basic shapes of fire]

Cast time-dependent on effect

Mana cost-dependent on effect

Status effect applied-dependent on effect

(100 exp till next lv up)


I extended my hand once again and imagined small a ball of fire, about 2 inches in radius. When I open my eyes there it was. A small fireball resting in front of my hand. I imagined if launching into the tree and it did. I looked back at my mana 360/380. '20 mana, thats it!' I squealed with excitement knowing how strong this could get. I formed balls of water, wind, and rock quickly after that. Maybe it was my insanity high intelligence and wisdom, but it was all very easy. Last on my list was mana vision. I clicked on it on skills and it said

-Mana Vision

[Mana makes all spells and monsters, but seeing it's raw form can be quite overwhelming, so most eyes don't see it.]

Cast time-none

Mana cost-none

Status effect applied-those under effect can see raw mana (currently can only be cast on self)

Compared to the others it was quite underwhelming. If I could use it on others it might be helpful to make sure they believe me, but I couldn't. I activated it, the only Chang was small blue dots that floated around everything, and the small blue light that the squirrels emitted. I decided to turn it off like the lights where distracting. Before I knew it the sun began to go down. I started walking home thinking of all the cool things I could do with my new spells, and how tomorrow I would go hunting to get some sweet experience points.I arrived home with a grin wide enough to swallow a horse, which slightly considered mom. She assumed correctly that I wanted to go out and test my skill, even if she didn't know what it was. She wasn't surprised when I showed up so late and was still cooking dinner. "Hey arc I know I asked this before, and I expect a response this time. How did it go?" "I got 5 skills." She recoiled in shock a little almost touching the stew over the fireplace. "O-Oh" the look on the face was hilarious. "So what are these skills that you are so excited about, and who's your deity ?" I had completely blanked on the fact I didn't give a deity, not knowing how to respond I said: "Me, I think?" Mother's face was once again very confused, it had taken me to figure out what was going on and her intelligence was only a couple points higher than mine as she invested in dexterity and agility for her archery. I told her about what happened in the throne room, she really couldn't believe it even after I made a 2-foot long fire spear. I went to bed ready for the next day, and mom went to bed being so confused as barely remembered how to use the stairs.