1 The tale of a 1000 years (PROLOGUE)

Millions of years ago, The demon Lord destroyed more than half of the world. Fearing his plan would destroy the entire planet, The strongest God descended from the heavens. Their battle led on for a 1000 years and was known as the Millennium Age of War. Their war ended with both of them killing each other.

Every cell in their bodies transfused into the Earth and created a new world. A world of magic...

With the world, the lives of animals also evolved. The species which evolved forward are humans. Those who couldn't evolve lost their very mind and became monsters. Humans, as their bodies were similar to God and the Demon king, could take on attributes of magic from them. However, as the battle ended in both the deities' blood spilling, humans took over a fused trait of magic from both God and Devil. All the magic still couldn't change a human's scientific mind. A combination of science and magic led to the flourishing of the planet. The world was now an Ethiopia of dreams.

However, Magic was also used as a quick way for crime and not everyone's magic helped them to protect themselves. Hence to prevent this government made laws and took help from people who wanted some quick cash. Many people were wooed by the idea of making quick money while being in the law and hence many people chose this path. The pay was decided by their level of power. These people were known as spellcasters and helped stoped the crimes. The Ranking of your magic showed how much pay you could get. A higher rank also meant more freedom from the laws.

D rank: The weakest ranked spellcaster. The pay can range from $4000 to $5000. It has three subranks: D-,D, and D+.

C rank: A weak rank but immensely stronger than D rank. The pay can range from $10000 to $30000. It has three subranks: C-, C and C+.

B rank: This has spellcasters considered mediocre but is a force to deal with. A lot of spellcasters rank here. The pay is $30000 to $50000. The subranks are B-, B, and B+.

A rank: Spellcasters here are elites. Pay is from $100000 to $300000. Subranks are A-, A, and A+.

S class: These are the second topmost class of elites. The pay is from $5000000 to $ 10000000.

The subclasses are S, SS and SSS ( this was made to be different from other classes so as to show the difference in levels).

Z class: There are only 7 people in this class. A special exam is taken to be part of this class. The pay is confidential. Those in these classes have the most freedom as much as killing a person and getting away with it.

Those in Z class are called Spellkings or Kings and they lead the lower classes in their jurisdiction.


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