
The Fallen Restarts

I remembered,I died sacrificing myself inorder to defeat a lifesucker;a spirit type creature that sucks away every entities' mana,health, and any other things that involves life in fifty

-meter radius.

The lifesucker loves crowded places so it can absorb more lifeform,and that is my fucking town.We,the sorcery soldiers decided the plans;elemental sorcery cannot affect a lifesucker because it will only be absorbed,dark magic will only make the creature stronger,holy magic can exorcise if you have more magic capacity than a lifesucker,but it is useless if you are inexperienced,obviously physical attacks cannot damage it because it is a spirit.The only way is to overload it with holy magic and it will eventually explode with a boom,so I decided to end my life.

I touched the life sucker while carrying a hundred kilograms of mana crystals and wearing all types of mana enhancing accessories,I also used body enhancement using holy magic so my cells will be unscathed.Finally,I released all the mana that I have and carry by using all types of holy magic.

The lifesucker exploded along with me saving many lives but some did not make it so the others mourned.

Now, I am hearing a lot of voices while being a skeleton;

"Your sacrifice will not be forgotten"

"We will pray to your soul"

"We will miss you"

My ass!you all did not care,

and I only agreed because that is the only vigorous way to say goodbye to the cruel world.I promised my adoptive parents that I will die that way after all.

My name is Clyden McFathom,I was found in a dark forest,adopted and always criticized because of my accent.Goods is sold to me with the price double,they will only hit me or threaten my family if I complain about the price,if I will be the one to threaten them,the same thing will happen.I was bullied everytime,despite having great magical powers,I will not do bad things to people.But this day,my physical and mental suffering will end.

I,woke up in a dark room and heared voices;


"Is that you?"

"I finally met you!"

Who is that? I said while shaking my head trying to wake up literally.

"Do not be afraid,I am here to help you."

For what?

"I have been watching you all the time,your choices were right."

"You have fulfilled your mission being a human."

"I am here to give your reward."

Reward?but I am dead.

"I am not giving it to you being a spirit you idiot."

"I will reincarnate you to an another world."

"As for the reward,say it to me now,

however,I cannot grant you having tangible things."

"What is your wish on your afterlife?"

I can wish for stronger a body with no shames,stronger magic power,stronger status and be surrounded with good people.

"Is that all."


"I wish you good health,good personality,good use of abilities and status and good luck to you my precious being.You decide wether you will be a hero or a villain.Farewell."

Okay,thank you.

After that,I see the light,the wind and the strong pressure inside my abdomen.

After that,I realised that I am seeing the sun and wind because I am falling from the sky.I tried to scream,but all I heard was an infant crying.Who is that! I said to my mind.That is me you idiot! I said again to my mind.

I fell into the giant thorn bush but nothing hurt and I remembered my wishes.

A gardener found an infant and took it to his employer.The employer's heart was melted seeing a cute infant and decided to adopt it.

Clyden McFathom is named Colth Mcdagger by his adoptive parents whose species are Myth Barlog.

Myth Barlogs' original forms are like of a human,so most of the other creatures are most likely not afraid of their appearances.

I continued my living as a Fallen Myth Barlog.