
A suden ARK angel...

A suden ARK angel...Crashing from the sky falls a ARK angel...LUCIFER I finally found you i wold end you here and now...I am not so sure i since i came to earth i lost 95% of my power but with the 5% I can still abliriate you with my special move HELLS CRY...I KNOW you could Lucifer thats why i called back up six other's are on their way now as we speak...THATS still not enough to defeat the DEAMON KING...CRASHING down from the sky six other ARK ANGELS...I see you are all here lets defeat LUCIFER once and fore all...HUH bitch HELLS CRY All seven ARK ANGELS ARE dead except fore ARK ANGEL MAELSTROM HE cuts my arm off and it hurts like hell BUT i am still THE DEMON LORD and kill him in one movement...WHIT i never asked what's your name young girl...MY NAME is ACUME SO you are the demon king huh...yes as you herd my name is LUCIFER WOW i NEVER noticed you are a gorgeous young lady how old are you...WELL i am hmmm i am 17 years old...oh ok SO ACUME...OK so mister LUCIFER HOW OLD ARE YOU...oh a couple BILLION YEARS So do you thing i could stay over your humble home fore a couple weeks...ahhh sure WOW i never noticed MR.LUCIFER is handsome ahhhh let's go home AND EAT LUNCH ohhh its only 10:34 AM ...LADY ACUME we forgot the grocery...oh yea lets go...NIGHT has come...ACUME dinner is ready lets eat...yea lets dig in...NEXT day I have to go to school Lucifer...GOOD bye MR ACUME...I AM HOME ALONE so boring . NEXT CHAPTER LUCIFER does a TOUR around the city .CHAPTER 2 ENDING