
Shisui's plan succeeds!

Two weeks prior, following Shisui's death, Itachi implanted Shisui's eyes into his eye sockets.

'Now I know what must be done,'

Slowly opening his eyes, the irises transform into twin pinwheels.

'Shisui, you've bestowed me with your eyes... and a plan.'

Focusing on Arashi, Itachi channels chakra into his newly acquired eyes. Moments later, Arashi stirs briefly from his unconscious state to form a hand seal.

"Release!" Arashi mutters before succumbing to unconsciousness once more.

Danzo's eyes flicker open groggily, only to lock onto Itachi's penetrating stare yet again.


"As per the plan, I erased Arashi's memories of that night; he remains blissfully unaware of the events.

Subsequently, I employed Kotoamatsukami on my father to gain his trust. Gradually, around ten Uchiha per day were shifting their loyalties, leading us to the truce between the clan and the village."

"Shisui once told me about the physical toll the Mangekyou Sharingan exacts," Kakashi remarks.

Itachi nods. "Yes..."

He reaches up to touch his eyes. "My vision is failing in both eyes. However, the outcome justifies the means."

Kakashi turns to leave, pausing briefly. "Shisui was an honorable man. It's unfortunate he won't be around to see his younger brother prosper."

Itachi remains quiet, allowing the wind to fill the silence.

As Kakashi departs, he glances back at Itachi one last time. "See you tomorrow."


In a blink, Kakashi vanishes from sight.

'I should return as well. The Hokage has summoned us for a meeting tomorrow.' Itachi thinks to himself before flickering away.

The next morning…

Itachi and Kakashi find themselves on the rooftop above the Hokage's office, greeted by Lord Third. The Hokage stands with his back to them, hands clasped behind him. Both Anbu kneel, their masks concealing their faces.

"You wanted to see us?" Kakashi inquires.

Without turning to face them, Lord Third begins to speak. "Tell me, Kakashi, how many years have you served in the Anbu?"

"I was recruited during the Fourth Hokage's era, so it's been roughly ten years," Kakashi replies.

Lord Third nods. "Itachi, your service in the Anbu has been considerably shorter. Despite this, you've ascended through the ranks at an exceptional pace."

"Yes, sir," Itachi acknowledges.

"Minato initially intended for you to join the Anbu as a way to confront the darkness within you, Kakashi. He also wanted to keep a closer eye on you," the Hokage continues. 

Kakashi lowers his gaze. "I suspected as much," he mutters under his breath.

"When Minato passed, I resumed the role of Hokage and inherited his Anbu force. Itachi, your rapid promotion from Chūnin to Anbu was partly because Danzo Shimura advocated for you. He wanted you within his reach."

Itachi doesn't react; he had already deduced this with Shisui's help.

Here's your revised scene:

"Your other role was dual, serving as a tunnel between the village and the Uchiha clan. Fugaku also applied pressure to ensure this," Lord Third states.

"Yes," Itachi acknowledges.

Finally turning to face them, Lord Third continues, "Keeping you both in the Anbu is unlikely to benefit you in the long run. In fact, it may only deepen the darkness in your hearts."

"Remove your masks," he commands, stepping closer.

Both Itachi and Kakashi comply, holding their masks in front of them.

"Ten years, you say? Perhaps I've asked too much of you," Lord Third remarks, taking Kakashi's mask and allowing it to be carried off by the wind.

He then focuses on Itachi. "You're the youngest ever to join the Anbu and the youngest to captain a squad. When the village sought someone to carry its burdens, you stepped forward. It's a quality I see in past Hokage and in those who may yet assume the mantle."

Accepting Itachi's mask, he releases it to the wind as well.

"Itachi Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, you are hereby relieved of your Anbu duties. Prepare for a new assignment."

"Yes, sir," they both reply, expectation coloring their voices.

"You'll be promoted to Jonin leaders."

Their eyes widen in unison. "What?"

Hiruzen offers them a warm smile. "Yes, I'm promoting both of you to Jonin leaders. Each of you will guide your teams, passing on the will of fire to the next generation."

Itachi nods, accepting the new role in silence.

"Return your Anbu gear to the office, where you'll find your new Jonin flak jackets," Hiruzen instructs before making his way back to his office, leaving the pair alone on the rooftop.

Changing into their new uniforms, Itachi examines himself in the mirror.

'Jonin leader? With all due respect to Lord Third, this may not be the best decision. I know my strengths and weaknesses. Join leaders build trust and bonds with their comrades and students, protecting them while entrusting them with responsibilities. Yuki sensei failed to do that; he couldn't even save Tenma or assert his leadership.'

Frowning, he recalls his previous team. 

'Only two of us remain from the original Team 2. Am I destined to repeat those mistakes? Shisui was right; I've always struggled with interpersonal relationships.'

"Hey," Kakashi interrupts his thoughts, standing in the doorway. "I'm heading out."

Itachi nods. 'I can learn from him. He may not realize it, but Kakashi is a capable leader.'

For the first time in years, Itachi fastens his forehead protector. 

'Whatever happens, I'm looking forward to what the future holds.'

With that final thought, he joins Kakashi, and they leave together.


Five hours later, the academy class finally comes to an end.

"Yeah!" Naruto exclaims, bursting through the door in a burst of enthusiasm. "Arashi, check this out!" He waves a sheet of paper in front of Arashi's face. "I passed! Believe it!"

Arashi can't help but smile. 'Naruto's worked so hard for this. It's truly amazing.'

"So, what did you get? Show me!" Naruto prods.

"Alright," Arashi says, pulling out his results to show Naruto.

"As expected, you're always at the top," Naruto notes with a grin.

"Hey, Sasuke, what about you?" Naruto turns his attention to their quiet classmate.

Sasuke unfolds his paper and says, "It's the same as always."

"I can't wait to graduate for real," Arashi muses. "I want to become a great and respected shinobi, just like my big brother." A mental image of Shisui, pointing proudly at his own Leaf forehead protector, flashes through his mind. "I'm going to make him proud."

"And I'll be the greatest Hokage the Leaf has ever seen!" Naruto declares, his face lighting up with excitement.

Both boys turn to look at Sasuke, who's been quiet throughout the conversation. "What about you, Sasuke? What's your plan after we graduate?"

Sasuke hesitates, then looks away. 

"Come on, spill it already!" Naruto urges, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Fine, idiot," Sasuke retorts, visibly irritated. "I'm going to be the captain of the Leaf's police force."


"Ahahaha!" Naruto erupts into laughter, echoing through everyone's ears, much to Sasuke's annoyance. 

Sasuke looks away, his expression a mix of annoyance and embarrassment due to Naruto's laughter. 

"That's amazing," Arashi says, trying to defuse the situation. "We'll all be working together, protecting the village." He smiles warmly.

Naruto, finally ceasing his laughter, seems to ponder Arashi's words. "You're right," he says thoughtfully. "Sasuke will be the captain of the police force, I'll be Hokage, and you'll be my top shinobi. We'll all achieve what we want."

Sasuke offers a nod of agreement. "Maybe by then, you'll be less annoying," he says, directing his gaze at Naruto.

"What?" Naruto exclaims, but Sasuke is already walking away. 

"Hey, where are you going?" Naruto calls after him.

"Later, Naruto. Itachi's here," Arashi says, spotting Itachi and moving to join him and Sasuke.

"Aw, come on! You're leaving, too?" Naruto whines. "Kakashi's always late anyway."

Arashi and Sasuke join Itachi, all three of them knowing that the paths they choose now will define their futures and the future of the village they all hold dear. With anticipation and uncertainty, they enter the next chapter of their lives.

And with that, we are finally done with this arc. What did you think of Arashi's childhood? What do you think will happen from now? Let me know in the comments.

As always, thank you for reading and have a nice day!

The_Hollowcreators' thoughts
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