1 Prologue

The name's Vyth...Vyth Drydenn and this is my story.

It is now the year 4021, everything we once knew and called our home here on Earth is sadly no more. But, before I go into recent details let me take you back awhile to where it all began to go wrong.

It was 1999, roughly some 2000 or so years ago which quickly plummeted into a sad day in hell. An epoch with which mankind marveled at the dawn of a new age. Technology was on the rise, medicines had eradicated much disease, overall quality of life improved, things were good or so we believed.

At the beginning, most people failed to realize that as time went on all of this came at a great cost. Many were far too busy within their own minds to pay close enough attention to a much bigger picture, something dark was forged in the background. Back then we fought wars for survival, but instead things just got worse over time. It was petty, like even if things could be fixed somehow someone was always trying to take advantage of someone else and the wars raged on.

Every time some breakthrough occurred or a decade passed it seemed to break within itself creating chaos and panic. For this instance it was Y2K then or so it became known. Despite the differences, things remained decent even if imperfect. Those with deep pockets had the means to an end while anyone less fortunate struggled and hid.

Human Life as precious as it is was unraveling at it's seams, ripping the fabric of consciousness, consuming itself to a point of no return. As soon as things were looking up it all just got worse, many panicked, stole, killed, which ultimately bred war among chaos as something much darker awoke.

I recall it like it as just yesterday. In fact it was almost a year ago today. I know this may seem a little crazy but, truthfully I tell you it is and I'll get to that part in a bit. First, let me rewind to a place where I lived in Frederick, Maryland at the time. Weeks in, it was almost the end of August after going back to school. I came home, did my homework, chilled for awhile playing xbox til around dinner time.

Mom had come home just an hour early and Dad soon followed thirty minutes later. They both had the typical 9-5 jobs. I was the oldest of 3 other siblings. I had a two sisters and a younger brother and growing up the struggle to be the perfect older brother was always real. My mom kept me under tight wraps and my dad on the other hand was a bit more relaxed and hardly there due to being an important person in the military.

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