
The epic of the idiots!

The reality... It is often portrayed as something sad and meaningless, something you can't expect anything from unless you are a ''blessed'' person either with talent or beauty. This group has seen it all, being themselves part of the excluded people (Or at least most of them are). Who would have thought they would end up that way?. Out of so many people, they, simple Fanfiction authors and translators, would end up in one. - Get back to work, you bunch of useless people with little brains! - ...great adventure Being enslaved and locked in the bodies of the characters of their stories, Kira and the group of imbeciles she has as friends will have to embark on a journey full of courage, honor... And senseless stupidity! A true epic that not even fucking Gilgamesh would want to avoid being part of! An epic... of idiots! I don't own the anime/manga/and more mentioned in this fic besides my MC and some OCs. This is a non-Harem story I always welcome those who see and warn me of typos or any other mistakes I leave out there in the chapters. Thank you very much for reading Warning, this story contains some pretty silly humor that might offend some people as many jokes are xenophobic, racist, classist or about sexual diversity.

KiraWolf · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Chapter 01: Madness, despair and Gacha! Pt 01

- ...SLAP! - Not forgetting to finish his previous curse

Carplex screamed at the top of his lungs, waking up his friends, who were scattered on the floor.

- Damn it Carplex, could you at least turn it down a bit? - Kira said as she felt as if her head was about to burst.

Ryu and Tanya looked around in shock at the black room they were in and the incredible...

- It's a reincarnated cliche! - shouted Guren as he got up at full speed and ran forward, unintentionally stepping on Curious and Edu.

- Ugh! -

- Son of a bitch -

Paying no more attention to the poor victims, Guren saw with glowing eyes a machine with several colorful buttons on it.

- Buttons! -

- Catch him! - shouted Ryu, while at an incredible speed Zek knocked Guren down.

- Hateful! - Said Guren as he reached out his hand and managed to touch a button.

[He selected the Reincarnation option]

[The Transmigration and Gamer System options are discarded]

The robotic voice left everyone speechless, soon the group stood up and gathered together.

Zek and Edu were in charge of holding Guren (after giving him a mega beating) while they tried to figure out what the fuck was going on.

- Fucking asshole, I wanted my own gamer system.... - Curious muttered as he looked somewhat annoyed at Guren.

[Select your main character and world]

The robotic voice was heard once again buttons appeared with glowing reds with a word written on a small sign

Gacha of worlds and gacha of characters.

Quickly everyone panicked, they knew that the only one of the group with a pretty good luck among them was Curious, therefore the reasonable option would be to let him press the buttons.

- GACHA! -

- But what?! - Curious was surprised to see that in the small instant he was distracted Kira and Carplex jumped like hungry beasts on the glowing buttons - Stop the furry! -

To his good fortune Carplex seemed to agree with his thoughts.

- No Kira, no! - He shouted as he tried to stop him - 'I won't let this son of a bitch take away my chance to become OP and handsome!' - thought the Venezuelan.

- YES, KIRA YES! - Ignoring everyone's desperate cries Kira triggered the gacha without blinking - 'The millionth time is the charm!' - thought the furro while trusting that his luck would change.

- NOOOOOOO! - Everyone in the group shouted in unison as they prepared to mother the gacha addict.

When at that very moment the voice rang out once again saving the boy

[Selection has been successful]

[History-worlds selected]

[System Gacha Multiverse

Innovate Clear

Gamer Slayer

A Player's Guide to Conquest

Reincarnated in Harry Potter Whit a Third-Party System....]

- WHAT?! - A shrill shout was heard as everyone was shocked.

Truly... They were screwed if they ended up in their story worlds!

They might look simple and nice but only they knew how much darkness was in them and worse yet, nothing guaranteed that the world wouldn't carry their discarded ideas making it even more terrifying to think of what awaited them!

[Characters gained:

Merlin Gaunt (Ryukides)

Kuro Tepez (Curious)

Thomas Gray (Kira)

Zack Fair (Edu)

Kurosaki Yuu (Carplex)

Suzuki Ryu (Tanya)...]

Everyone's eyebrows twitched as Kira tried to seize the opportunity to flee when.

- ARGG - They all fell to the ground in a great pain that spread rapidly through their bodies.

Soon their sights blurred and their consciousness seemed to fade away as they fell into a deep sleep.


In the ancient times several million years after the big bang and the birth of the first gods

A new god was born

This god carried the concept of imagination, knowledge and knowledge along with all that it entailed.

His name was History

Eventually History ended up gaining a deep affection for mankind as he saw their attempts to progress and become better and better, even granting them the gift of knowledge.

But what he never expected was that this gift after several generations would mutate and create a special one... The benefit of the author

Although at the time both he and the other gods did not come to see it as something bad

Those who stood out among others for their ability to imagine and create were especially able to use it with an excellent fluency.

Even if in their original worlds they were simple writers, using the benefit of the author as a connection to History they began to suck their divine power and with that power countless worlds, universes, multiverses and realities were created.

The gods marveled at the beauty created by the human imagination.

Although it was not all necessarily a good thing...

The author's profit became stronger

The more attention the works received

The greater the chances that their stories would become a new reality.

But the problem was that there was no discrimination in the kind of attention they received.

Thus was born the real terror, many gods died or went mad just being in the presence of these beings.

Creating a negative counterpart

Releasing monsters and dark protagonists in many realities.

Thousands of worlds were destroyed and several gods who tried to stop them died or were enslaved by them.

Finally History got fed up and decided to create his own army.

He would repair the mistake he had made, but he felt it was unfair to take away the gift he had given to humanity.

So he opted for another way, he would turn a random group of authors into his mercenaries who would be in charge of eliminating those "dark beings" even if they had to destroy the worlds they inhabited.

And as an extra for them, having created so much pain and suffering, he decided that as a form of punishment he would also turn them into his own protagonists.

For what reason? So that they could have a taste of what it feels like to be at the mercy of the whims of a random asshole.

Since now he is the Author and they are his "puppets" (Protagonist).


Back with the assholes

Hours later...

Curious slowly lifted his aching body...

- 'Fucking Kira, now what the fuck did you do to me' - wondered the boy but he couldn't help noticing that something felt different about him?

- Ahh damn it I haven't felt like this since the last time I had a date.

Curious was surprised to see a strange guy with spiky hair wearing the exact same clothes as Edu.

Quickly Curious looked down at his own hands to confirm

Extremely white skin bordering on sickly

- 'Oh shit!' - He turned his gaze to the guy with spiky hair and asked for confirmation - Starving? -

The man let out a small groan as he stood up.

- Guh... I'm Mr. Skeleton premium for you, babyface -

- To the chile, if it is the eduardo - Curious said.

- ...Jorge Do you want a kick in the ass? I told you it's Edward Why does everyone think my name is Eduardo? - He complained as he went over to give him a well-deserved kick in the ass.

- Ah it's just that before you had a face more for an "Eduardo" than for "Edward" - Said the now vampirized Mexican.

- And now? - Edu asked while striking a pose as if holding a sword.

- Now you look like my math teacher," replied the boy as he wiped the wax from his ears with his little finger.

- ...I didn't want to go to these extremes, but you're crying out for me to kick your ass, Jorge -


- ... Who the fuck are you? - Ryu asked as he stared at the trap in front of him.

- I could ask you the same question - Said the other guy, he had a healthy white skin, bright blue eyes and blackish hair with some bluish touches.

- Tanya? - asked the other with some hesitation.

- No, the neighbor, of course I'm the one and only! -

- Yeah, well it was either you or it was Kira - Ryu said downplaying the trap as he went to see if this situation had been repeated with the others.

Meanwhile the trap now identified as Tanya stood there petrified with a somewhat amused expression.

- M-Me, did you just compare me to Kira?! -

His furious shout was worth 80kg of shit to Ryu, who only concentrated on seeing who was who.


- Son... of a... bitch - Carplex muttered as he stood up in pain - Huh? Why is everything dark -

Panicking Carplex noticed how he couldn't see anything, he could feel his eyes open but no matter how much he opened or closed them everything was still dark.

- Did I get hit by a fucking truck? -

Hearing that voice nearby Carplex moved as he tried to get closer to her.

- Ouch! - Shouted the voice as the boy felt like he had stepped on something - Can't you see where the fuck you're going, asshole?! -

- No, I'm blind! Damn it! - Carplex said as he felt like crying. He hadn't even gotten to see his first boob in real life and he'd already ended up blind! Was there anything worse than that?!

- '...Okay, this is awkward' - Kira thought as he didn't dare to look at the boy in front of him.

Soon an awkward silence spread until another boy arrived.

He had stark white hair and quite dark eyes.

- Let me guess. You're Kira aren't you? - said Ryu while pointing at the guy with black and white hair.

- ... What gave me away? - asked the now bicolor

- Kira's the only asshole who thinks having more than one color hair would be awesome and Carplex is random enough to make a blind prota - Said the white-haired guy with a cold and analytical voice.

- HEY! - shouted both assholes

It was true... But that didn't mean they couldn't be offended!

- At least I didn't go for the most incredibly generic, white-haired edgy sir! - Kira shouted, trying to defend her tastes.

- Yes, it's generic! - shouted Carplex as he stared into nothingness.

Ryu and Kira looked at each other for a few short seconds before shouting

- You don't talk mister good eyesight! -

- Why are they like that?! - Carplex shouted a bit irritated - Why don't you consider my feelings?! -

- Who the hell cares about your feelings?! - Said Kira

- What Kira said! -

- Damn it - Carplex muttered as he got into a fetal position - I'm the fucking Admin you guys are supposed to respect me, fear me and worship me -

Soon the others arrived and several looked at Carplex who was muttering on the floor things like "Where's the respect I deserve?" Or other crap like "I am the Admin.... They should worship me as their God!"

- Okay, better not tell me I don't even want to know - Curious said while wisely pushing the admin away very slowly using his foot.

- A talking porcupine?! - Kira said as she pointed at the spiky-haired guy.

- ...This just got personal - Edu said while making a scary face

Without realizing it, a sword appeared in his hands.

Ahhh is it weird that I like to do kind of stupid things in my stories?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

KiraWolfcreators' thoughts