

Running, she muttered under her heavy breaths "Left left right, right again straight." What was she running from you wonder? Well I can't tell you that now, but all I can say is this was not anything from earth. Carrying her new-born in her arms, who was quietly sleeping and wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket, the darkness was closing in and getting nearer and nearer towards the woman and her child. All of a sudden, the baby woke up crying loudly. In an attempt to calm her down, the woman started singing a lullaby, "Where the wind blows in the east, there's a meadow full of memories, sleep my darling safe and sound, but if you go, you won't be found." When she approached the village, the darkness had disappeared and at long last she was safe from whatever lurked out in the woods, but the woman knew she couldn't stay or else she would put her baby in danger. She wrote a note that read 'please take care of my daughter as I cannot. Her name is Jasmine, I do hope you are nice people ~Mary' Then she carefully took off her necklace, which glimmered in the light of the full moon, and attached it to a thick, leather-bound journal. Mary then found a small cottage and placed her swaddled baby on the doorstep. She turned away and ran as fast as her legs could carry her, away from the village, her vision blurry with tears.

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