
The Empire's Secret Killsquad

"I want to leave." "Ugh again?" "How is that possible?" "Wakey wakey!" In the Empire of Verdana Tempus, lies an inescapable cruel fate. The 'Users' as they are called, are beings, raised in artificial environments and programmed to be war machines. The Gods of the past are returning and once again the echoes of a dreadful war can be heard. This world is bitter, painful and thoroughly twisted. This tale of the future overlapping with the backstabbing events of the past is now beginning! "Go complete your destiny." ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Author here! Serializing since 1st of July. Updates every day. Sometimes weekly (not yet) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

MiraclePharmacist · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
21 Chs



"What!! that's not possible, how can this be?", many sounded their opinions of disagreement and I too was unable to accept this.

This child had been trained and raised in this facility, out in the outskirts of Verdana!

The Users circled around him and looked at him in surprise, with respect and with questions.

(Nightblade, just where have I heard this name before?) I spoke in my mind. I tried to recollect any information to that name.

Suddenly, a few pages came into my mind.

Code: Nightblade

Danger- High

Current members: 3

Ancestral status: ----

I couldn't remember more than that, but it seemed that this boy had some incredible blood in him.

The Professor let out a chortle and was looking at the boy with a wide ear to ear grin, he resembled a demon looking down towards an opportunity.


A large explosion occurred and smoke filled the room, force surged and spells were shot, some of the young Users cried in pain after being hit.

"Defensive positions now!" shouted the Professor, trying his best to stay cool.

The man rushed off into the thick smoke and had probably started fighting, cries and wails were heard.

I remembered what I had forgotten.

Users were calling out to me, shaking my shoulders but I didn't budge. It didn't matter anymore, if what I remembered is true then something great is coming…

"If he finds out…we'll have a huge problem at our hands…"

The next thing I saw was a shard of ice spiralling towards me. It stabbed me in the chest, piercing my heart. I fell to the ground and my vision blacked out.

"So, it begins now."

I heard a woman's voice say as I faded into nothingness. At least she sounded like she was amused.


I reflexively jumped back at the sound of the explosion, I used elemental sight and looked through the thick veil of smoke.

"Aether, there are 12 or more hostiles approaching armed with weapons, awaiting your orders to engage said enemy."

"Permission granted, all units are to engage in combat, kill if necessary and activate your repulsion gloves."

We didn't have our specialised weapons with us now. Fighting with repulsion gloves would be difficult.

Fists connected, spears thrusted and cries were heard, the smoke soon cleared out.

A man in a white vest and white pants walked forward with the head of our Professor in his hand, his vest was splattered with blood, he then motioned for his troops to disengage and he said, "All of your units have been eliminated and so has your Professor, this…", he raised the head he had in his hands with disgust, "is the level to which the Institutions have dropped huh?"

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway, all that is left is to take you- Unit 00 back to the rendezvous point and blow up this place."

Venti stepped forward, "Who are you? Are you 'Trojan'?" his voice filled with sorrow and his expression as cold as ice.

"Trojan? Don't mistake us for that lazy bastard."

"Then who are you? Are you with Erika?", Arthur was ready to fight at any moment.

"That's too many questions child, you will know our purpose of being here soon, now come without resistance and no more blood will be shed."

He seemed to be confident and his presence was daunting. I assume he was the enemy leader.

A mage launched a spell and trapped us in a cage of ice, I tried to break through but I couldn't, after all the Professor had died before we could gain our force permits from him. Although I could feel the power within me, I just couldn't get it to take form and answer my call.

"Now then let's go.", the man said.

"Wait." Aether said.

His face deadpan and his fists clenched. Purple tendrils of lightning formed around his arms and he told them,

"My unit isn't going anywhere, It seems that you aren't Trojan, so it should be fine for me to kill you right here and right now." His voiced filled with malice.

(Looks like his switch has been turned on…)

Power swelled and I felt an immense pressure.

Eventually I succumbed and fell down, unable to move or talk.

I couldn't hear anything either.

"Get up it's over", I heard Aether say. He got Arthur and Venti back on their feet and we looked around to see what happened.

"They're dead, all of them.", Arthur said while stepping forward to observe the massacre that had just happened.

All the enemy forces were torn apart, quite literally their bodies were ripped open with large gashes on their chests and backs. Venti turned towards Aether to say something but he stopped.

I too was speechless, because the scene was terrifying– yes but what was even more terrifying was that Aether had a weapon of descension in his hand.

And made it terrifying was that, "I-It's a s-sword.", I said, my voice trembling at the sight of a long black sword in his hand, it had golden markings engraved in it and a familiar symbol as its sword guard.

The only sword among the Descender class weapons.

"Sword of Thunder – Vajra, it seems that this is my weapon of descension." he said

I know, I know. Editing takes time, I'm alone after all!

But I hope this chapter was readable too.

MiraclePharmacistcreators' thoughts