

Lectures were finally over and the Trio discussed and laughed with each other as they went out of the hall.

"That's so funny you know" Aria said

"What's funny?" Louis asked as he joined the girls

"Nothing" Aria answered as she detached herself from the group

"Hey where are you Going?" He asked

"Home!!" she ran off

He looked at the two. Soon James and Alec joined the girls

"What's wrong with louis?" James asked

no one answered him

"Did his love run away from him again?" Alec said mockingly as he laughed. Louis glared at him.

"You have to be serious with your life louis" Alec added

"Why do you chase after someone who hates your presence"

"I love her and I'm going to get her" Louis answered rudely as he left them.

"Hmm..Amber lets go home"

"Together?" she asked

"Yes of course"

"Its late and mum would be very worried" she grumbled but hugged her friend good bye as she followed her brother home

"Those twins" James added as he walked Bea home.

The next morning Oliver and Alec were walking out of class when oliver changed the topic to Alec's twin

"I don't get you oliver?" Alec glanced at him.

"Am just saying your sister would make a good wife"

"And so...."

"To me" Oliver answered plainly

Alec laughed at him till his stomach ached

"You think i cant get your sister?"

"You think she's like all these girls?" Alec said still laughing

"No one is hard to get"

Alec gritted his teeth

"Haha your angry already huh?" Oliver chuckled. They walked over to Amber' locker

"What are you packing up young lady?" Alec asked her

"just some books" she answered Still not looking up.

"That your going to carry all by yourself" Oliver said

"Let me help you pretty girl" he added

Amber glanced at him for a while and looked at Alec who was just staring at the two without saying a word

"No problem" and she handed the books over to him. He stumbled a little and got his balance back, he was about to move when she stopped him

"Am not done yet" she said

And he gaped he turned to Alec to help him but the boy burst into a fit of laughter. He bent his head low as he carried the remaining of the books she gave him

"I'm done" and they began to walk home.

"Wait...were actually trekking home" he asked

"Yes my house isn't that far" she replied walking with her brother

Oliver felt cold sweats run down his fore head as he paused and managed to move on. When he had reached her house and dropped the books. He left hastily without turning back. Alec laughed at him while he sat on the bed.

"So you haven't told me what you are using all these books for?"

"Just for research" she answered plainly

"On what?" not satisfied with her answer.

"On something Alec must i tell you everything"

"Yes i am your twin"

She glanced at him and smiled

"A naughty one"

"How far have you gone on your research?"

"Its just the beginning" and he looked at her and the heap of books beside her.