
Girl in the dream

After the leader of this village told me all the whole thing about my meditation, I collapse due to finding the truth. The villager let me rest in this room. That night I have a dream of a world without anything in it. The scenery of the sky unfolding the clouds adorning this blue sky. The sun was shining so brightly. The land I walk on is not a land, but a sea? I'm not so sure, but if I look down upon my feet, I can see my reflection in it, which is like a mirror. I don't know where it is, but I'm sure this place is so calming for me.

In the world, without nothing, I can feel the breeze upon my face. I can feel the serenity in here. If only I can stay in here forever, but there is no way I can stay forever in here. No matter what, the dream was only a dream is not a reality. Suddenly I felt a presence in this dream. I can hear someone calling my name, the sound of a girl calling my name repeatedly. her voice was very gentle and kind. I wonder who's voice is this? Because I feel really nostalgic hearing this voice.

'Galen.., Galen, Galen...'

She called my name happily, I can feel the faint of a tremble from her voice, And then she cries but she can still keep her smile. I'm not sure who she is. I can't see her, my vision was too blurry. Even so, I can know that she cries. Because her voice is filled with sadness at the same time, I can feel happiness in it. I see the girl standing in front of me. She wore white one-piece clothes and she using a hat made from straw. Her clothes were like a summer outfit.

"Who are you? why are you calling my name? Do I know you? and Why did you cry?"

Asked me curiously and somehow I've heard this voice somewhere before, but I can't remember whose voice is it?.

'Hehe, you will find out soon. Finally, you wake up. I have been waiting for you to wake up Galen"

"What do you mean waiting for me? And Why did you waiting for me?"

She's waiting? For what? Why did she waiting for me? Are she is someone that I know?

'Because you're the chosen one and you're the only one who can break my curse, Galen. I'm sorry if this is so sudden but please find me in Avalon'

My mind can't comprehend upon hearing about the chosen one and a place named Avalon. In my Era, I've heard that name in the tales of Arthurian legend, but that place should be just a fairy tale. I don't even believe that place exists. In the first place, I even don't believe in a fairy tale. They are just the story for the children.

'My power in this world is limited I can't stay too long. I can't interfere with the world more than this. You must find me in Avalon, I know you didn't believe in a fairy tale, but that place is real you should search for it. And when you find it.. please wake me up because I'm the answer that you seek.'

The girl's body slowly vanishes. Watching the girls in front of me slowly vanishes. I desperately want to ask her about what her meaning about the answer that I seek? My face put up a puzzled face.

'What? What it's mean? Chosen one? Your power limited? The answer to my question?'

"Wait, hey what do you mean?"

How can she talk about me like she knows about me for so long? She knows that I don't believe in a fairy tale. I realize if she really knows me then there's a possibility she is someone that I know, But that it does not rule out the possibility that she is a supernatural being who knows about me. From the bottom of my heart, I believe she is someone who I know and maybe someone who close to me.

"Wait, are you..."

I have my suspicion about her for the first time I heard her voice.

"Until we meet again Len. goodbye!"

She waved her hand while she said the parting word with me in the second she said the word. She completely vanishes from my eyes, leaving behind her tears and many questions inside my head. I can't see her anymore. But one thing for sure. I have 50% clearing my doubt at the girl I believe she is 'her'. The world then slowly vanished too, which means the dream is already finished is my time to wake up.

Slowly I open my eyes and wake up. I can still remember clearly about my dream is just that I can't see the face of the girl. The girls who called my name.

'What a dream. is that a sign or what?'

I tried to gather my though since it was the first time I have a dream like this.

'Should I believe her? No, the real question is why I should believe her?'

Yes, there's no reason for me to believe or follow what she said that was just a dream. I can ignore it and pretend that I never have that dream, but the problem is. I believe she is 'her', That is why I can't ignore it. If the girl in my dream is true 'her'. That's means I will... no, to be precise I already believe in her, but if she is not... Then, I don't know what will happen to me...

There are so many pros and cons. Even so from the bottom of my heart, I choose to believe the girls in my dream were "her".

'If it's her, then I... hah, for now, I will put aside this matter. There is another thing that I should do.'

Yeah, I must meet with the leader of this village first. I should know what happens to me then I will find the truth about that girl.

Raised from my bed. The room where I sleep was so big. This was a master room. The villager said this room is made for me. Yesterday it took all of my minds to comprehend what happened. The result was my panic attack is back, That's why I need some rest. In this room, there is a bookshelf, a big table, a wardrobe, a desk, and a sofa. On the table I see a new pair of clothes it looks like those clothes were for me to use. for now I will use it, my clothes from before was jeans and some polo shirt. For people in this Era, they said my clothes are weird, just like taro and aliya said. To avoid unwanted attention, I will wear the clothes they give to me. I don't want people in this place to make a fuss about me.

After changing my clothes, I looked at my face in the mirror. I saw a young man with white hair in it.

"wait a minute... is that me? the hell why my hair turned white?"

I'm surprised to see my hair and grab the mirror closely.

"How the hell, my hair turned white? Is this marionette syndrome? But I shouldn't have that much stress, you know. How in the world my hair turned into white?"

I didn't realize yesterday because I was too focused on my time skip. The marionette syndrome is an alleged condition of hair suddenly turning white. The names come from the queen of Marie Antoinette of France turn stark white after her capture following the ill-fated flight to Varennes during the French Revolution. The medical record says that if you have an extreme burden of stress or a great burden of negative emotion, you can develop this syndrome. The syndrome itself is named after Queen Marie Antoniette develop this syndrome because of her extreme stress and negative emotion. The problem is, right now, I don't feel have that much negative emotion or that much stress that can change my hair color. Yet my hair turned white.

"This is a problem why is my hair can change to white? And my eyes? why are my eyes change the color too?"

Another thing that I realize was is not just my hair that change the color. My eye's color turns into coral green.

"what the... ah there is so much I didn't understand after I woke up from meditating. This is the worst. What happens to the world seriously, and what happens to me? sigh..."

I make the face of someone who already has enough of some bullshit while sighed. I desperately try to find the answer, in my despair, trying to accept this changing world.

"Whatever, I will ignore it for the time being. I already have enough burden on my mind!"

In the end, I ignored it, because I don't want to make my mind have more burden than this. And after that, I go out of the room to find the man who acts like a guard, give me a greeting, and bowing down in front of me.

'ahh, this is getting more irritating. I'm not used to this kind of thing, after all.'

I want to complain, but it looks like my complaint will only make them feel bad. So I chose to let them bowing in front of me. One of the guards then stands up and says.

"the elder already waiting for you in the meeting room, My Lord."

says the guard, inform me.

"ah yes, yes, can you show me the way?"

I will act like this for the time being though, I don't like it.

In the meeting room when I open the door, there are 2 older people and 1 man with a young face waiting for me. they are the elder of this village, or you can say they are the leader of this place. the 3 Elder give me a greeting and bowing to me.

'ahh, yes, yes. Just get over already.'

I said in my mind while I look irritated at the 3 of them.

"are you already okay, Lord Galen?"

said one of the elders with the young face

"yes, I already have enough rest. Thank you for the room."

"I'm sorry for being rude after seeing you for the first time my lord. I forgot to introduce myself. my name is Warren. I am an Elf"

said elder village, his face is still young. It's hard to call him an elder. is he just said that he is an elf?.

"this one name is Hoshi. I'm just an ordinary human, My Lord"

she is a human. Even though she looks so old, but she is still vigorous.

"my name is Arashi, and I am a beast-man,"

said the last elder, whose face looks like a tiger.

Wait, a beastman? an Elf? yesterday I can't see it clearly because of my panic attack and trying to calm down my mind but right now... ahhh this world is no longer the Earth that I know, isn't it?.

Now in this Earth or this Era, there is a race like Elf or Beastman? The world sure change in a weird direction. This world is just like a fairy tale. I'm sure there is another race like those two. so maybe, I must get used to seeing it.

"so, before the talk about me. I want to go around the village? I want to make sure to my mind that this is not the Earth I know."

You can say I still don't believe it. That I have a time skip experience, so to make my mind believe, I need to see for myself that this world is already changed, I tried to break my denied mind.

"yes, you can. my Lord, we will be going with you,"

said one with a look of like a tiger, Arashi. he waging his tail from his back

"Nah, wait, you don't have to come with me. I don't want to become a center of attention."

I believe if I walk around with someone who looks like a leader from this place, it will only make more unwanted attention.

"don't worry about it, my lord. We can use concealment magic, so we can't be seen by other people."

The Elf elder said, Warren.

"oooo, so there is magic like that too huh? ummmm, can you cast it on me too?"

"of course we can."

Said warren. He really looks full of confidence with his ability.

"then let's go."

The elder cast a spell upon me, and themself. At first, I thought there is nothing change. Is it really work? After I test it on the guards, they can't see me. If you want to know why I'm sure the spell is work. Is because if the guard sees me, they're gonna bow and greet me again. But the guard didn't bow or greet me again when I'm in front of them, that's why I said the magic is worked.

The four of us, going out of the building. All people can't see us. This is feeling so much better because I'm sure the villager will surely bow if they see me.

I look around the village. There are so many races in this village.

the village is split by 3.

First Village is for agriculture. They are the ones responsible for this island food stock and the corps.

In the Second Village, there's the sound of 'clang' 'clang' from anywhere, It was the sound of forgery. The elder said this village section's specialty is forging tools for agriculture and weapon. But it looks like to me right now they're making some weapon. Because it looks like that thing is a weapon in my eyes, there is a big sword, katana, dual sword, normal sword, a bow, some magic staff or magic tool the elder said the first and second village is responsible for the money of this Village sometime the weapon and harvest made from here is got export to the outside of the world with some connections.

In the Third village well maybe I can't say it a village, there is just three big building in here who looks the same of the aula that I live right now, and there is one big dojo. it looks like the third village is for people of this village to learn self-defense martial arts from hand to hand and combat with a weapon.

On my thoughts after seeing all of this.

'I don't know what they mean by the normal village, but this is entirely not a normal village, is it?'

I don't know the standard of the village of this era. Is it all the villages like this, or only this village operate like this? If only this village was the one who operates like this, then this is not a village. This is like a clan of ninja or a big organization. How can they say that this is a normal village? they have the training hall this big and even they can make a weapon and magic tool... I really don't understand at all.

After looking around all of the villages, I try to go back to the lake where I meditate,

since the first time I wake up, there is this feeling of uneasiness from this lake. I faintly feel there is something big live in here, but I ignored it cause I think that only one big fish but then the next morning after I wake up, I feel another presence in this lake that as big as the one I feel from the first time I wake up.

I don't know how can I feel it from that distance, but my instinct tells me so.

"There is a big creature in here," I said

"hmmm did you mean three guardians? your friend?"

ask Hoshi.

"friend? what friend? wait... is it Teacher? or Andrian? Evie? Rien? but there is no way they're still alive, no? or are they time skip like me too?"

I said while turning my head to the three elders. I feel if the three of them was a time skip like me, then I will be happy too.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, it's not them but your another friend,"

Arashi answered me. While I was confused by his answer. Suddenly I feel something. I feel a big creature coming from the sky with a big wing, the creature then land in front of me, and also there is two big presence from the bottom of the lake, show themselves before my eyes.

it gives me a quick shock the big creature from the sky and the lake that I feel it was

'Koi fish, Red snake, and an Eagle.'

the three of them look at me and said in unison.

"""welcome back, master"""

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