
My Stats

He lay there, unable to speak, his breaths shallow and slow. His eyebrows twitched with each labored breath, and he coughed, blood staining his lips. His body bore the scars of injury, his skin burnt and blistered.

The fire had raged, consuming everything in its path. The room had become an inferno, the heat reaching a staggering 50,000°. The acrid smell of burnt flesh hung heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of charred wood.

Slowly, inexorably, he felt himself slipping away. Darkness crept at the edges of his vision, threatening to engulf him. With a final, ragged breath, he succumbed to unconsciousness, the world fading into oblivion.




As he slowly woke up, the room around him began to become clear. It wasn't very bright, just enough light to see. As he stirred, the first thing he saw was the gentle curve of a woman's bosom, her figure leaning over him as she checked his head for signs of consciousness. It was the closest thing to him. She seemed kind, making sure he was alright.

"Oh my God, boobs. I thought I would never see one again," he murmured to himself, his face contorted with pain. He lay there, unable to move, feeling as though every inch of his body was shattered.

"When are you going to get well, Xavier?" inquired a tall woman, her long reddish hair cascading around her. Her lips were a vibrant shade of red, her eyes a mesmerizing blue, and her skin as pale as snow. With her elf-like pointed ears, and a black flower that looks like a tattoo on her left face side. She resembled a character from a fairy tale.

Xavier's gaze shifted to her, his expression a mixture of discomfort and gratitude. Despite the agony coursing through him.

"From my memory, she's my aunt. What the heck?" He muttered to himself, confusion evident in his voice.

[I see you can't move, host. Understood. Scanning host body]

The system chimed in.

'You'd better, because if anything happens to me, it's your fault, system,' Drake shot back, his frustration palpable.


'Why do you dare ignore me?' Drake trembled in desperation

[Scanning completed. Host's body was damaged with muscle pains, broken bones, cardiac arrest, confusion, hearing loss, seizures, burns, behavioral changes, and ocular cataracts.]

The system responded clinically.

'Wait, what? Don't tell me I'm gonna be like this forever, system,' Drake's disbelief colored his words.

[Indeed, host, it's permanent. There's nothing you can do about it]

The system's reply was unwavering.

Shock rippled through Drake, leaving him speechless. It was incomprehensible. Why was this happening to him?

'There must be a way, system... There must be. You can't leave me like this,' Drake cracked with emotion, the weight of despair heavy upon him.

Tears welled in his eyes, streaming down his cheeks. The woman who had placed a cloth on Drake's head silently left the room, her heart heavy with sorrow.

The humanoid voice reverberated through his head, its tone laced with amusement.

[Hahaha, I was joking, Host. I was attempting to exact revenge, and it seems I've succeeded. Warning: the healing process will proceed, but you should be prepared.]

Without a moment's hesitation, Drake accepted the challenge.

"Yes, do it. I don't care if it's going to hurt. As long as I regain control of my body, I am willing to endure any amount of pain," he declared resolutely.

His words hung in the air, a testament to his unwavering determination to reclaim what was rightfully his, why wouldn't he? If you were him I guess you would understand.


The pain surged through him like molten lava, searing every nerve, every fiber of his being. It was as if a thousand invisible hands gripped his bones, twisting and wrenching them apart, each crack echoing like thunder in his ears.

Every breath felt like shards of glass were tearing through his chest, every heartbeat like a hammer blow against his ribs. The agony was relentless, an unyielding torrent that threatened to consume him whole, leaving him gasping for air in a world drowned in torment.

Still, he couldn't help but wonder why he was still alive. The answer lay in the system's merciless punishment of its host. Pain, coursing through their veins, served as the ultimate retribution. As long as it pulsed through his being, it affirmed their control over the host's life and death. Each crack of bone, each tear of the muscle, reinforced their dominance.

Tears streamed down his face as he gasped for breath amidst the relentless agony. He screamed until his voice faltered, every cry echoing his defiance against the tormentors who held him captive in his own body.

[Healing process completed.]

Hearing his scream, his aunt rushed to the room straight towards Xavier's side. "Xavier, are you alright, dear?" she asked, extending a helping hand to lift him.

"I'm good, Aunt. No need to worry so much," Xavier replied, a gentle smile gracing his lips. Internally, he felt a rush of relief at being on his feet again. "Yeah, it feels good not to be bedridden," he added, pulling his aunt into a warm hug, overcome with joy at his newfound mobility.

"How many days have I been in bed?" Xavier inquired, assuming it couldn't have been more than a day.


The system ignored him. His aunt paused for a moment before responding, her laughter bubbling forth. "You were out for approximately 4 months," she said, chuckling at Xavier's bewildered expression.

Xavier's eyes widened in disbelief, his jaw-dropping. 'System, she's lying, right?' he asked, seeking confirmation from the voice within.

[The host body is too weak, and yes, she's lying]

The system confirmed.

Xavier's smile returned, bolstered by the system's validation. "I knew it," he muttered under his breath, though a tinge of bitterness lingered in his tone.

The system interjected again, revealing the full extent of Xavier's absence.

[Actually, she miscalculated the days and months. You were out for 6 months, making it six and a half months in total.]

Xavier's smile faltered, replaced by a somber expression. "You should have just said it," he murmured, his voice tinged with resignation.

Observing Xavier's changed demeanor, his aunt sensed something was amiss. Xavier seemed different from the boy she remembered – more expressive, more emotional. The once stoic, emotionless figure now embraced his aunt willingly, a stark departure from his previous detachment.

[You know, you didn't let me finish.]

"Xavier, are you okay? Is everything alright with you?" His aunt inquired, her voice tinged with concern as she gently squeezed his pale cheeks. "You know you can talk to me."

He hesitated for a moment, the weight of his thoughts bearing down on him.

"Don't worry, I'm alright. Can I have some time alone, Aunt?" he requested, his tone soft yet firm, signaling his need for solitude.

She left the room with a smile on her face, ready to spread the news to her sisters. Singing excitedly as she left.

Sighing, Drake watched as the woman who looked like an elf walked away. Surprised by his sudden curiosity, he hurried over to the mirror to get a better look at himself.

"Hmm, almost like me. This is how I used to look when I was young, except now my hair is short and it's black and red. Men you are looking cute," he said to himself, staring at his reflection as he absentmindedly touched his face and hair.

"But what do you think, system? This body seems very weak and I can't even breathe well. I'm too pale. But still, this body is cute. My problem is why did you have to transmigrate me into an 18-year-old boy? Seriously."

[Host, even though I am a high-ranked system, it was not my will to choose this for you. As you can see, you are in another world now. In this world, you might meet other users who have systems like mine, but they are rare.]

"Hmm, I see. So..."

[And you have to kill every last one of them, or they'll kill you. What do you humans say? Hmm?]

The system pretended to be deep in thought, which irritated Drake.

"Ok, just tell me, will you?"

[The magic word.]



"Ok, please," Drake whispered.

[It wasn't so hard to just say it, host.]

Drake rolled his eyes and continued to examine himself in the mirror.

[Kill or get killed.]

"What? No, that won't happen. I have never killed anyone before, even though I do want to kill someone so badly sometimes."


"OK, so there isn't anything else to do, for real?" Drake asked, bowing his head slightly before shouting.

[I guess you want to get yourself killed. Let me correct you. You have killed four men.]

Drake looked at his reflection in the mirror, his face filled with irritation and surprise.

"How? What do you mean?"

[It was your ignorance. When you held the wristwatch, the rule book was there, but you ignored it. This led to you getting punished and implicating others. So I will say they died because of you. But anyway, at least you got 200 Crystal Stones. You have to kill to live and get stronger. Your main mission is to conquer the world.]

Hearing what the system said, Drake realized it made sense. After all, this wasn't Earth anymore. This was another world, a world for him to conquer, a world for him to play his games.

"Hehehehehehehehehehehehe," he chuckled, taking a deep breath as he sat down on the bed. "So, what system are you? You didn't introduce yourself from the start."

[I didn't think you would ask. I am the Lust System, a high-ranked one. So I would say this: host, you will earn points from sex and I am here to help you conquer this world with your harems.]

"Awesome, I haven't banged some ladies for a very long time." He happily said. "So can I see my stats?" He asked curiously.

A reddish panel appeared.


[Name: Xavier Thyrasou]

[Age: 18]

[Race: Hybrid]

[Level: 1]

[HP: 100/100]

[Exp: 0.00%]

[LUK: 5]

[AGI: 20]

[INT: 10]

[LP: 20/200]

[Willpower: 1/100]

[CHA: 0/20]

[Lineage: Null]



"So what's this lineage thing all about? Why is my lineage Null?" Drake asked, his confusion evident in his tone. He had never encountered this concept in any of the systems he had read or written about.

[The lineage, also known as 'Bloodline,' is used to measure a host's heritage, ancestry, and any special abilities or powers they've inherited.]

"Then why is it Null? Does this mean I haven't inherited any?" Drake's voice carried a hint of sadness.

[About that, host, you don't have one yet. You will have to level up for more information.]

"Seriously?" Drake rolled his eyes in frustration. "So what about LP? What does it do?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

[LP stands for Lust Power. This power is used by hosts to heal themselves and to utilize skills. You can obtain it by having sex. Not only that, as you level up, it increases, and you don't only have to obtain it by having sex alone. You can also obtain it when people around you lust for wealth, love, attention, sex, violence, and fame. Warning: Deficiency of Lust can trigger Lust rage.]

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