
The Drug Dealer Ended Up Going To Another World

Chris the the drop out that ended up dealing drugs in the city of Detroit as did to much drug dealing the cops tried to arrest him he suddenly vanished through thin air as Chris began to open his eyes it was clear to him that he was transported to another world how will make living the only skill he has right now drug creation he will end up using only to make a living but what will be the price at the cost blood, violence , and crime

Jonathan_Bencomo_2348 · Action
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17 Chs

Chapter 14 Recruits part 1

The deals with mutiple individuals was total success and business has Blooming much much more then before ….but a problem has arisen

Royal palace

(Steps , steps! , steps)

Royal messenger : haa..haaa…haa

The royal messenger was sent to the royal palace to deliver a message and that message would soon be the problem of em all and that problem is something that could not be overlooked

Royal throne room

(Knock! , knock! , knock!)

As the royal guards stood by the royal throne doors trying to ignore the knocking

Royal guard 1 : ingnore him

Royal guard 2 : wait why?

(Knock ! Knock! Knock!)

Royal guard 1 : because when a messager comes by I always have this sneaking feeling

(Knock!! , knock!!)

Royal guard 1 : is always bad and every time he gives us bad news it's gonna be bullshit

As the royal opens the get as he was annoyed

Royal guard 3 : open the doors you morons !

Royal guard 1 : wait wait wait , don't open-


Royal guard 1 : and shit

As the messenger enters he speaks of the situation within the capital

Royal messenger : sire I have Urgent news to report to you!

As one of the royal guards are pissed the fact that the messenger would bring bad news

Royal guard 1 : mother of sweet flying ! ..FUCK!

Royal king : ….hmm?…what is the news?

Royal messenger : sire there's been a new situation that's happening inside the capital and you haven't even heard ?

Royal messenger : there's been incidents happening for example the adventures guild

As he grown curious of what exactly is happening

Royal king : oh what of it?

Royal messenger : the adventures guild is sort on adventures bandits have been ambushing them all day

Royal messenger : and more bandits have been occupying all the ruins and what's worse there's a new kind of drug

The royal messenger shows him the drug they've never seen before cocaine

Royal king : hmm? What is that white powder

Royal messenger : not entirely sure but one of the citizen had it on her

Unknown : incompetent fool

The royal messenger looked behind him and it was the court magician

Court magician : let show you sire

As the royal guards bring in the person that had possession of the drug

Male drug addict : please please just give it back to me it hurts so much!

The court magician throws the bag of small cocaine on the ground and he rushed like an animal trying to fulfill its needs

Male drug addict : hahahahahahaha !!

He begins to lick the ground for the drug more then once

(Lick , lick , lick , lick)

Male drug addict : I need MORE!!

The king was not surprised by the scene as he was much calm as the court magician he had that smirk

Royal king : tell me how long has been going on

Court magician : more then a few months sire

Royal king : I see then I must take action as the royal king

Royal court : minister !

Royal minister : yes my king !

As he begins to issue orders and the changes that will be a major problem for Chris and his army later

Royal king : contact all the guild in all the towns and within the capital that all bandits have price of five gold coins

Royal king : and as for this new substance have the hero and his party find out the source of this drug and bring the leader to justice !!

As everyone inside the throne room cheers but one of them was actually a spie as expected of a corrupt soldier

Corrupt royal soldier : ….

Meanwhile Chris is at the cave introducing them of some gears they'll be gladly greatful

Chris : since it brought to my attention about your safety peeps you'll getting new gear now

Jane : new gear?

Nina : what's wrong with our gear now ?

Chris gave a reason why

Chris : your don't anything to protect your chest what happens if an enemy would just try and kill you bt surprise

Chris : and I need you all to keep fighting that's let me introduce

Chris : the 6b46 it's much more better approve and you can put armor plating inside it

Myu : boss what's different about it ?

Chris : what's different about it because now you can some ammo pouches on for frontal and sides …now is there anymore questions?

As Chris looks around to see if anyone wanted ask but none did except pierre

Pierre : no we understand boss

Chris : Okay good now if you all excuse me I have business

As he makes his way to the capital on horseback

(Clop, clop , clop)

The fastest way to the capital was through the tough Terrain in the mountains

Chris begins admire the sight of the view

Chris (thinking) : haaaa nothing more beautiful then this sight

Chris (thinking) : I should have my guys set up post here

He begins to take out his map from his satchel and writes out the location


Although as he looks at the sight once again he notices mutiple smokes

Chris : what the hell is this?

As he was curious to know what exactly is going on he went down from mountain as he makes it to the ground some adventures were walking by

As he hides in the bushes and listens on the conversation

Male adventure 1 : how long do we have to keep walking?

Male adventure 2 : until we find bandits and their own camp

Male adventure 1 : I don't know about this place I'm getting a good vibe at all

Chris (thinking) : what in the actual fuck is going on here?!

Female adventure 1 : uugh! Your always saying That when we first met even now

male adventure 1 : really then how about all of the other adventures that came before us !

male adventure 1 : we both know what happen to that Certain quest

Female adventure 2 : it was possible they had a mage on their side

Male adventure 1 :it wasn't even magic I remember because I over heard priestess discussing about fragment ! , metal fragments!

Female adventure 2 : maybe a bandit used some sort of weapon ?

Chris takes out a ppk19 red dot sight and a pbs1 suppressor and fires

(Pew , pew , pew , pew)

(Splat , splat , splat)


Male adventure 1 : aaagh!!


As he killed all four of them but left one alive for mutiple purposes

Chris walks up close as the adventure gets a good look at him

Male adventure 1 : w….wait! Your!


He knocks the adventure unconscious

Chris : looks like this little fucker is gonna be asked for some questions

End next chapter