
The Dream I Wished For

Parfait_Amore · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Prologue 2 - His Story

It is hard to continue this job. At first, I loved being a knight. This was my dream job, although I am a member of a Duke family. I grew up watching both my grandfather and father served the royalties as knights. Grandfather served the first King and died at 70. Later, my father followed in his footstep and served the Crown Prince, which now is the present ruler of our kingdom. Not soon after, I joined the knight guild and become an S-rank knight myself. It was an honor for my family. If my elders are still living, they will be super proud and over the moon.

But not soon after, I admitted. I regretted being a knight.

No... it is not because being a knight is a tough job. It just because... I suddenly develop a feeling towards her. The Princess.

Princess Sabine Deianira Volkov. The only child of King and Queen. The only girl that able to attract me.

There is an enormous wall between us. She is a royal and I am her escort and personal knight. I even swore to protect her with my blood signed. She never knew that I have feelings for her. I was her knight for 5 years since she was twelve and I was eighteen. We were so young. But I always know that she was a calm and sweet little girl. She is so precious and yet she doesn't get the love she deserves best from her parents. So she tried to search for her love by herself.

My princess is forever a book lover. She loves storybooks so much, especially ones with prince charming in them. I always thought that it was silly because the prince charming doesn't exist to me. It is only a fictional character created to please and flutter a maiden's heart. My own younger sister is a huge lover of this genre of story, and I find it is quite annoying. But when I see my princess read them happily and enjoy them, I smile with her. She is in her sweet sixteen now, yet she is still so adorable.

But this adorable princess of mine is quite naughtier than she looks. I know the fact she sneaked out once every month, especially during the night. She went to the town near the castle every now and then to see the world. And I always followed her. Not because of my duty as her personal knight, but because I always want to protect her. I always think about what would happen if I choose to inherit my family title instead of becoming a knight. Can I ever hold her?

God... this is so stupid. How can I even imagine that?!

One night, my princess went to an old tavern. She wore normal clothes, as normal people would wear, but she always forgets that her golden hair always stands out. But the people here could not recognize her because she never had her debutante, and the King never let her out in public. The people only know they have a princess but never knew her face.

That night, I wondered why she entered a tavern without money. I knew she never carried even a single copper coin with her because she only sneaked out to see the world. Perhaps she was curious about the music that came from the old tavern. As always, I was on my guard. I watched her from afar. I would make sure that she would go home safe and sound.

Suddenly, I saw a man asked her to dance. How dared he?!

My princess never dance. But that night, she danced so beautifully. She could dance. She knew how to have fun. And she is a wonderful dancer.

It annoyed me to see her first dance with another stranger, an unknown guy she just met. But I tried to calm down and assure myself that it was only going to happen for that night only.

But I was wrong. On the following night, my princess sneaked out again! She went to that old tavern. And then I knew something was off.

She went back home late that night. I realized she seems to not be in her normal self. Normally, she would sneak out once a month, but now she almost sneaked out like every night. She is an outstanding student, but now she always slept in her class. She always daydreaming and anyone who knows her well would say that she had changed.

I knew at that point that she was falling in love with that random guy from the old tavern. God, I hate it so much!

She was still young. So she fell in love easily. This is not a serious love. It would end up soon.

Afraid of losing her, I decided to tell the King because I believed it was the best thing I should do. I told the King that the princess sneaked out at night. But I wasn't sure if that decision I've made was actually good for her... or for me?

Unfortunately, things suddenly got out of my hands. The King was furious with anger. To the point that he humiliated my princess in front of his subjects. Saying that she was a 'good for nothing' child and she should have been born as a boy instead. I saw how heartbroken she was, and I felt so guilty because it was my damn fault. Everyone was talking badly behind her.

I just wanted the best for her. But my point of 'best' was actually the worst for her. She got grounded. I saw how she tried to defend herself in front of the King and Queen and how they gave her cold shoulders.

I felt so bad!

I tried to talk to the King but my argument was useless and he even questioned my position as a knight.

I knew that it was all my fault.

My princess refused to eat and was not allowed to leave her room until further order from the King.

So I tried to fix this mess I've made up. On the night of my duty to guard outside of her room, I purposely unlock the door and left them open. I hid myself so she would not see me. I knew she would use that chance to escape. And she would run to that tavern to meet that guy again. But if that would make her happy, I would gladly take the risk. I don't care if I would get stripped off by my rank or anything. As long as she's happy. I would give up my everything for her.

At first, I decided to not follow her. But when I realized she was wearing a dress and no shoes... I hurriedly ran after her.

I rode my horse to the tavern, but I could not find her. I asked the people around if they see a young blond woman running into the tavern, but no one saw her. I was getting worried. This was my fault. If only I didn't tell the King... If only I didn't let her escape... If only I could run after her... this thing would not happen!

I had the thought that maybe she already escaped with that guy. But then, I saw that very guy was standing there, in the middle of the tavern with a young woman beside him, which was not the princess! And I got confused.

At that very moment, suddenly the guy got on his knee and proposed to that woman!

Everyone was enjoying the moment, and it was so annoyingly loud! So I wanted to go out because I had to find the princess.

Finally, when I reached the door... I suddenly had the feeling to turn back for a second. I didn't know why, but it was such a strong feeling. So I did.

As I turned my back, I saw a woman was standing there, stiff. Unlike everyone who celebrated that moment happily, that young woman surely did not. She was standing there like a block of ice. And I could see she almost fell to the wooden floor. It only took me a second to know who she was. I hurriedly held her hand and hugged her from behind. I closed her eyes and whispered to her...

"It is alright. I'm here with you."

My princess burst into tears. And almost fainted.

I carried her back home. I knew she was extremely exhausted. On the way back to the castle, she fell asleep in my arms. And I never let her go.

It was a silent night, and the stars were really breathtakingly beautiful. I saw a shooting star. I remembered my younger sister once told me that silly myth that if you wish upon the shooting star, your wish or dream would come true.

I knew it was silly. It was so stupid. But even if it was nonsensical, for the first time I had my first wish.

"I wish anyone will never hurt her, especially me. I don't want to hurt her again. Please let her be happy."

It was the dream I wished for.