
The Dream I Wished For

Parfait_Amore · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Prologue 1 - Her Story

God... how I wish for him to remember me. Not as a 'someone important'. But as 'me'. He is so close... but so far. Now, his sweet smile is for another girl. Now... his warm hugs are for her. Now... his big hand only holds hers. Too bad. Too sad. His beautiful hazel eyes only have the reflection of that girl, which is not me. Not... me.

If my life is a book, he is undeniably the happiest chapter I've created. He will be the longest story I wrote, and I wish it would never have an end. But if it does have an ending, I hope for a happy one. Maybe like Cinderella with her Prince Charming. Like Beauty and the Beast. Like becoming a husband and a wife.

Now that only memory is what left between us. We met in that old tavern near the outskirt of the town. I was just running wild... you know. Once a month, I sneaked out at night. I wasn't wearing a silly puffy gown, but I wore normal clothes like a normal village girl. Instead of wearing a crown, I wore a rag. Instead of wearing heels, I wore flat shoes. I didn't bring any diamonds, but I brought my heart made of gold with me. I just thinking of having some fun like normal people.

I hate the idea of an arranged marriage. Why people push their hearts to love the one they don't? Like Mother and Father. In public, they are like the perfect couple, but behind our people... they argue so much. I know the fact that Mother married Father for fame and riches. And Father married Mother to fulfill his responsibility as a ruler of a kingdom. I surprised they are still together. But... they got me. How could they have me without love, right? So I always thought that... if one day I'm going to get married, it must be with the one I love. I knew love does not always come to you, instead you have to search for it. So I did. I search for my love. And I found it!

He was the only son of the tavern's owner. His charming smile and brown hair made me fell head over heels. Oh, I fell hard. Especially when he asked me to dance with him. It was fun! I felt a tingling feeling in my heart. It is not so hard to realize that it was obviously 'love'. Right?

We danced for hours, and I knew he was a gentleman. We met again for some brief time. He didn't know who I was, but he kindly cared for me. And I love the cares he gave me. It made me happy to think someone thought about me.

But unfortunately... Father found out. And I was grounded. I could not go out, even during the day. Father was so mad and Mother was ashamed of me to the point they refused to see me or hear my reasons. They called me a 'good for nothing' daughter. A worthless daughter. How they wished for me to be born as a son instead of a girl. A girl cannot rule the kingdom. A daughter cannot govern or inherit the title of the family. A girl is totally useless.

In my room, I always wonder about him. How was he doing? With whom? I was afraid of the thought that he would forget me, eventually. So I took my chances to go out one night because the guard on duty forgot to lock my door. It was my lucky opportunity and I would not miss it for the world!

I forgot to wear my normal clothes. I just ran in my dress and without any shoes. But I wore a robe to hide my face. My mind was full of his face and smile. All I think was to see him immediately.

It took me hours to reach the tavern on foot. But I reached it finally.

Yet what I saw was heartbreaking.

He was there. Smiling with another girl. They had these annoyingly merry faces. All the people in that tavern looked delighted and blithe too. The owners looked extremely happy, like they just received good news. I bravely asked a nearby person what happened.

"Harry just finally proposed to Veronica! What a lucky lad! She said yes! Veronica is to die for!"

I fell on my knees. It was hard to hear my tears because of the loud noise. No one... literally no one could hear my sorrows and whine. They were too absorbed with the celebration that they didn't see me. All I wished, for now, is to go home. But I don't know what to do. I was alone. Always had and always will. So all I could do at that time was...

I cried.

These precious memories I cherished so much become nothing. Was it all fake? Was this a dream? If so... please wake me up. This is a nightmare!

The last thing I could remember was someone pulled my hand from my back. And I was finally home.