
The Dragon Slayer In ElderScrolls

"The Dragon Slayer Armour Defeated by the Ash One in lothric, as it was left to rust until it slipped into abyss swamp, where it was possessed once again by the memory of the hunt" or so the story goes until it was dragged into the realm of Mundus, landing in the mortal plane of Nirn. Author here, Ill take a while for this to update, as I'm busy with my first novel but this will get daily update I don't own dark souls or Skyrim and I don't own the front cover as I got it from a random google search. So if you're the owner text me so I can take it down or give credit to the owner. Monday and Wednesday for chapters

Emmanuel_Reyes · Jeux vidéo
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15 Chs

The fall of the dragons

Two groups fought, for one wanted freedom and the other wanted to please their daedric prince, Mehrunes Dagon. The battle was fierce, and each group were full of wounds by blade or spell. A loud crashing of stone could be heard, as both groups stopped fighting as they gawked at the giant behemoth creature. Wearing a giant armor wielding a great shield and giant great axe. The group of the nords felt the beast bloodlust for its fury was directed toward them. The Nords screamed their battle cry, for they knew that it was their last battle.

The giant armor was met with every arrow and spell that the nord knew, but not single dent was ever made into armor. Soon the armor had enough for the ant didn't know their place. thus, swing his great axe, slicing through many of the nords.

One nord screamed for "Sovngarde!!" As he jumped at the armor, slicing his two axes at the armor legs. Only for the nord to be backhanded into tree, thus ending his life.

Soon the battle came to an end for the giant cast a lighting stake, smashing into the floor, hitting every nord and ending their lives.

The armor stared at the occult's who were bowing and worshiping the armor, praying toward him, only to receive a lighting spear to the group, nearly killing them. Soon the occult just realized that the armor wasn't on their side, thus they began to run for their lives'.

A loud horn could be heard as an army was approaching towards him, for the commotion was heard by a nearby a hold. Three people and giant white dragon could be they came to halt facing the giant armor.

The Leader came forward, as he was frowning staring at the armor "you there, what do you say in your defense for slaying this people"

Nothing silence came from the armor due to the armor having two people fight for dominance.

"KILL them" said a young boy with a tone full of malice

"NO, you do not command me" Said another voice

The white dragon spoke to the nord that talked to the armor.

"Hakon One-Eye Mu Fen hurry Fod Mu Laan Wah Viik Ahrk ok Lahvu" as he spoke nearly all the words in dragon tongue, for he had just started learning the tongue of men.

Hakon One-Eye responded "you're right Paarthurnax, we must hurry. But this creature is abnormal, could be a daedric artifact".

The Armor began to move as he looked down at the Nordic person

"did you say dragon?" with tone of hatred and bloodlust

Paarthurnax began to feel tense for he felt the armor bloodlust and a sense of threat coming from it.

Some Nordic fell to their knees due to sheer pressure oozing from armor bloodlust.

The situation grew tense, after a few periods of silence, the armor spoke "I'll join you in your fight against the dragons"

A young boy voice ranged out in the armor head "NOOoooo" as he disappears along with all its grudge and hatred. Only memory was left for the armor to consume and use to learn of this world.

Soon the army marched to throat of the world to fight against alduin and its tyrant army of dragons and priest.

Soon the armies finally met, two army's fighting under different two banners. one who represent freedom while the other represent religion. For family, friends, and neighbored fight to defend each other way of life.

The armor rushes into battle cutting any nord who came in its path, A dragon sees the armor as a threat thus using Yol Toor Shul at the armor. The Armor simply uses its great shield as flame descended onto the shield, soon the armor raises a lighting spear, tossing it into the dragon throat, killing it in one blow.

A dragon that was perhaps its partner, rushes at the armor with its sharp talons as it grips onto the armor arms, only for it be pulled down onto the floor, as its head was chop down with a swing of the great axe.

An ancient Dragon sees the armor how its slaying its brethren, with one breath shooting Gaan Lah Haas into the armor only for it to drain a bit of health and stamina but never being able to drain its mana. Confused the ancient dragon rushes at the armor bring it down with its sheer weight into the floor, biting at the armor only to feel its teeth on the verge of breaking.

The armor simply grabs the dragon neck, dragging it through the dirt as it being rapidly being kicked and scratch by the dragon.

The ancient dragon speaking with great fury " Gaar Zu'u" only for it to simply be used as a bat, knocking nords, dragon priest and other dragons to ground.

Alas the ancient dragon is bruised, batter with its wings ripped and his legs swollen due to being repeatedly smashes against other dragons' body parts.

Soon a battle between Alduin and Paarthurnax could be they fought with great fury as destruction could be seen. Although soon three warriors with an elder scroll fight along Paarthurnax, soon or later they will die.

All sudden a giant heavy armor landed onto Alduin back, as he fuses all his power into his great axe as he unleashes a giant falling bolt onto Alduin back.

Alduin throws the giant armor into south, as it lands far into Tamerial land, with Alduin stopped for a second, the great three heroes fight until one was left thus using the elder scroll, sealing alduin into the forever time loop.

As alduin screams into the world saying " Zu'u Los Rah" As he sealed into the elder scroll only for him to emerge someday as the prophecy is foretold

A giant armor could be seeing landing near the citadel of Cyrodiil city, landing into a hidden away due to blades seeing a sinister feeling from the armor, only until fourth age was unseal due to the crises the world was facing and a great threat where the armor can be used as a mean to save the imperial city.

I'll probably only use "dragon language" for Thu'ums or when a dragon is speaking. Also sorry for the late chapter

Emmanuel_Reyescreators' thoughts