
The Prince of Dragons

The storm-battered down on the small ship, it didn't stand a chance against the elements.

Aboard it was the Cheif and Chieftess of Berk along with their one-month-old son, who was laying in a basket wrapped in a thick fur blanket.

The small family were making the trip West to the Hidden World, the ancestral home of all dragons.

When their son was born, an elder of the town told them that their son was the prophesied Dragon Prince.

It was long foretold by Viking elders and many civilisations.

That one day, a child would be born with the abilities of all dragons and someday would unite the dragon and human worlds together.

Valka and Stoick had never imagined that their son would be the one who would, one day bring the two worlds together.

Valka always knew there was a way to stop the fighting between her people and the dragons.

She just never imagined, that her firstborn child would be the answer.

Stoick, on the other hand, thought this whole prophecy about a Dragon Prince was just a tall tale to scare him into stopping the fight, he only thought this way because he was a Viking.

It was well known among all kingdoms, that the Vikings and Dragons had a history of hating each other.

Valka was lost in thought, she had hoped to have more time with her son before they had to take him to the dragons.

A month had passed and she knew that they couldn't risk putting it off any longer.

Stoick was struggling to keep the ship steady, the wind was enough to snap a mast.

" Valka are you sure we have to do this, the storm is only getting worse the further West we go," Stoick questioned, hoping his wife would tell him to turn around.

" No, we must do his Stoick!" Valka shouted back.

" If we don't, the dragons may come looking for him and destroy the village and we can't risk it." her voice was drowned out by a clap of thunder.

There before them was a massive wave intimidating the small defenceless wooden vessel.

The ship lurched, the basket carrying Hiccup was thrown overboard and into the swell.

"No, Hiccup!" Valka screamed as water spilled onto the deck knocking her off her feet.

The wave flattened and no ship emerged from the menacing swell.

The basket, however, floated further South pushed by the storm and away from the Hidden World.

                    ~ Line Break ~

                                                                                            Light seeped through the crakes in the lid of the basket, the infant Hiccup inside began crying,

The basket was tangled in a fishing net, waves lapped at the side of the basket making it rock side to side.

A small fishing boat came up alongside the basket, a young man around twenty hoisted it up and began untangling it from the fishing net.

He placed the basket on the floor of his boat and inspected it, he noticed that the basket had a lid and upon opening it he gasped.

" Oh, my stars, where did you come from?" Hiccup cooed at the man and smiled.

The man surveyed the surrounding landscape looking for any sign of the child's parents or at least his mother, but there was no one at all.

" Well why don't I take you back to Arrendale with me little guy and see if anyone can help us." The sailor placed the Basket safely on the floor and steered the boat back to Arrendale.

                    ~ Line Break ~

The sailor docked his boat, he carefully picked up the basket and made his way through the shipyard hoping to find someone to help with the current situation.

" These ships will do fine captain, I hope to have them ready by next week." The sailor recognised the voice to be the Kings, surely the King would know what to do. 

" It will be as you please your Majesties." The sea captain exclaimed, the sailor made his way over to the King and the Queen.

"Your Majesties, sorry to intrude, but I have some disturbing news." The sailor bowed low, careful not to drop the basket.

"It's alright, we were just leaving, what is it you wanted to tell us?" The sailor held out the basket and slowly took the lid off.

The King and Queen gasped at what they saw, there lying wrapped in a thick bearskin blanket was a small baby happily smiling and giggling at his onlookers.

" Where did you find him?" Queen Iduna questioned as she grabbed the child and held him in her arms.

"I found him wrapped in one of my fishing nets not far from here, " The man sat the basket on the ground.

" I didn't know what to do and made my way back." He said quite confused and astounded by the situation.

" Do you know if he had any family?" Agnar asked sharply, hoping the man didn't abduct the child.

"No, your Majesty, I looked when I was returning here." The King and Queen nodded and understood that this child must have been left there to die.

"I did, however, find this note in the basket with him." He said handing it to the King.

" The decision I have made was hard, but I ask that you take care of my baby." The king looked at the child in his wife's arms, the boy was small and most likely premature.

" Care for him as I would have, tell him to never give up. " Iduna didn't know what to think, we're they giving their child away.

" Hiccup, my child, you are more important than you realise, you're going to rattle the stars one day." Iduna gasped and held Hiccup closer, his family had not wanted him, whoever they may be.

" Well whoever wrote this did not want their child, we must send out a search party to find them," Agnar stated until Iduna interrupted him.

"Agnar I think we should take care of Hiccup, he has travelled a long way and deserves a better life and I just know Elsa is going to love him." Agnar nodded, the two of them thanked the sailor for bringing this to their attention and headed back to the Castel.

                  ~ Line Break ~

                                                                                  Elsa and Hiccup were sitting on a rug together laughing as Elsa made small snowflakes fly and land on Hiccup's nose.

Agnar and Iduna sat in chairs nearby watching the two children giggle at their daughter's antics.

" Iduna why don't you go give Hiccup a bath, I'll put Elsa to bed." Iduna nodded and picked up the boy, once she did Hiccup started to cry, Elsa did the same.

"It seems they like each other, why don't you take Elsa as well." Agnar passed Elsa to Iduna and she carried the two babies to the bathroom adjacent to their living room.

She placed the two children on the vanity and started to run a bath in the tub, making sure the water wasn't to warm.

Hiccup and Elsa were soon splashing and giggling as bubbles floated around them.

Iduna turned around to grab a comb to brush Elsa's hair.

When she turned around, Hiccup's eyes were glowing a bright emerald green and strange markings we're beginning to form on his arms, legs, and back.

Iduna quickly grabbed a towel and picked up both him and Elsa.

She placed Hiccup on the floor watching shocked as more symbols formed on his skin.

One of them was shaped like a dragon, Iduna had heard of dragons but was always told they weren't real.

She dressed Elsa and grabbed Hiccup who was still swaddled in the towel and ran as fast as she could through the halls.

She found Agnar in his study reading through some papers, Agnar looked up from his desk and at his flustered wife.

"Iduna what's wrong?" Iduna held Hiccup up to her husband and showed him the markings still glowing on his body.

Agnar was shocked and took the still naked baby from his wife, he inspected the child, not aware that he was making his desk wet from his bath.

"I have seen these symbols somewhere before," Agnar said and rushed over to his bookshelves, rummaging through each book frantically.

He found the book he was looking for and placed it on his desk as Iduna walked over to him placing her hand on his shoulders.

" Those Symbols are Viking, I had thought all the tribes had died out, but it seems one tribe still remains." He flicked through the pages faster than Iduna could glance at them.

The page he landed on had seven symbols arranged in a circle and in the centre was a dragon head with horns and frills protruding from it.

Around the edge of the intricate artwork, we're words, but they were written in old Norse.

" This Symbol it's the same as the one on his back, the others I am assuming are what Vikings called the seven dragon classes." Iduna looked at Hiccup who was still sitting on the desk sucking on his thumb.

Hiccup slowly crawled across the desk and over to the book placing his hand on the dragon symbol.

The words on the page slowly shifted into a text feasible enough to read, the King and Queen looked at the child in shock.

" The inscription is a prophecy, it says." Agnar ran his finger over the words.

" The Strength and power of the Boulder Class, " Agnar read aloud as Iduna cradled Elsa.

" The fire and anger of the Stocker Class, " Hiccup made a tiny flame in his hands and giggled.

" The stealth and mind of the Mystery Class, " Iduna looked down at Hiccup as the baby giggled.

" The sense and stamina of the Sharp Class, " Hiccup flexed his hand and a small barb shot out of his hand.

" The sight and hearing of the Tracker Class, " Agnar looked up at Hiccup and saw the child looking at him.

" The freedom and fins of the Tidal Class, and the speed and cunning mind of the Stike Class." Hiccup giggled once again.

" These powers will one day be bestowed upon a human child and he will be our Dragon Prince." The King and Queen now understood who Hiccup was and what his family must have been trying to do.

" His family were trying to deliver him to the dragons." Agnar picked Hiccup up and sat him down on his lap.

" I think we have to find a way to deliver Hiccup to the Dragons." Iduna told her husband

" Until then, he can stay here with us and be part of our family." Agnar nodded placing Hiccup in his wife's arms.

They grabbed Elsa and left the study, walking to their room.

They put the now sleepy children in the cot and stood there staring at them.

They now had to take care of two magical children who they had no idea what we're capable of.

They would just have to wait and see what this child would bring to the world and how he would unite the Dragon and Human worlds together.

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