
The Dragon King Of Lust

DISCLAIMER: This story will take place in South Korea so I want tell you that this story is not related to real world and if there is any connection it is mere coincidence. There is a legend in the cultivation realm that a mythical dragon once lived in the known universe and ruled over it. But the people fearing it and the people wanting it's all mythical poweres united and attacked the mythical beast and in the neck of time a mysterious person appeared and took away dragon. Then that person separated the dragons powers and now in the modern world a man will wield one of the dragon's power which is THE POWER AND CHARM OF LUST OF THE DRAGON. Join the discord server everyone below is the link to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Receive My Powers

The first power receiving process has begun and Ji Ho is is the one who is receiving the powers.

These powers which Ji Ho is receiving are the powers of The Primal Chaos Dragon who has decided to give all of his war, martial arts, weapons mastery, combat prowess, and all of his powers associated with war and battle to Ji Ho.

Ji Ho is currently inside the red sphere which was created by the red ball containing the powers of the dragon.

The red sphere is continuously emitting bright red. lights on to Ji Ho which is entering in her body.

While all of this was going on, Gong Kim who standing outside the sphere below it is having a very hard time because he has became really restless seeing the condition of Ji Ho inside the sphere.

Now inside the sphere Ji Ho who is under the continuous bombardment of the red light has been feeling tremendous amount of pain inside her body.

Whenever one normal human gets hurt or injury he or she feels pain for a few minutes or hours or days or if the person faces an accident then he or she feel the pain till he or she recovers from the accident.

The things which will generate pain in the body of a normal human being in the normal things which happens with them.

But here Ji Ho is not a normal human being as she is a cultivator and the pain which is now being created in her body is one million times more powerful and strong than the pain which a normal human feels.

If a normal human has to feel this much amount of pain in it's body then that human will die just the by slight amount of pain which goes in to its body.

The pain which Ji Ho is going through can not be described by words since it is just a feeling which one can feel and Gong Kim who have only read about the pain inflicted by the process is just imagining what Ji Ho must be going through.

Since the time Ji Ho is being covered by the red sphere first she find the sphere like a normal sphere or ball which has trapped her inside it.

Then she tried to look out of the sphere but all she could see was the red smoke and red light coveringbthe inside of the sphere.

She could not see out of the sphere but Gong Kim who was standing outside of the sphere could see her properly.

Then Ji Ho just then started to scan her surroundings and then she heard a sound which draw her attention towards it.


Ji Ho heard loud thud and crackling sound inside the sphere and then looked around her to check source of the sound but she couldn't find anything not even a single portion or part or piece of the sphere was not broken.

Ji Ho became really very confused as to what had made this sound.

Just as she was thinking all of this in her mind about the sphere inside which she was in and the sound which she has heard now.

Suddenly she saw a small red sphere being formed inside the sphere in front of her and while the small red sphere was being formed, the small sphere made the same sound as earlier.


After the small red sphere was formed completely it started to glow more brightly than the big red sphere which was containing both Ji Ho and the small red sphere.

The small red sphere then displayed some text in front of Ji Ho which reads,


After Ji Ho has read all the texts completely, the texts disappeared from her sight and then after that Ji Ho started to comprehend the meaning of the texts which appeared in front of her.

Then after the text disappeared the small red sphere shoot a red light which flown towards Ji Ho and then it entered inside her body.

After the red light entered inside her body Ji Ho felt like that she has been pierced by one thousand swords altogether and this sensation brought an excruciating pain to her body which she can not express in any words except for grunting and groaning in pain that also completely maximized.


Just pure screams were rebounded inside the red sphere while Ji Ho has closed her eyes while holding her stomach and grunting with the excruciating pain and then she started to hold her knees with both of her hands and then she brought her knees and face closer to each other while holding her knees.

Ji Ho just kept screaming, grunting and groaning in pain which has just described the pain she was experiencing.

Gong Kim who was seeing all of this became more and more tensed with this situation of Ji Ho and without thinking anything he flew towards the red sphere.

After reaching near the red sphere Gong Kim closed his eyes and summoned his own sword and then he opened his eyes and unsheated his sword and then he attacked the red sphere to break it open.

But all of his attacks were in vein because the red sphere is very hard to break and everytime he tried to attack and break the sphere all of his attacks were deflected and when he gathered all of his energy in his sword and attacked the red sphere it didn't even budged and without any energy remaining he dropped down on the ground.

Then he looked helplessly towards the red sphere while praying that Ji Ho will be fine.

Meanwhile inside the red sphere Ji Ho who has holding his knees closer to her face had no strength in her body while undergoing the extreme pain just looked at the small red sphere.

Then with slowly and dimly opening her eyes Ji Ho saw a bright light coming towards her and then the red light entered her eyes.

After the red entered her eyes it made her vision to only see dark and black everywhere. This only indicated one thing that she has closed her eyes and went silent with she becoming unconscious.

Yes the red light emitted from the small red sphere made Ji Ho unconscious and silent which was also seen by Gong Kim.

He was just sitting on the ground and was only hearing her sounds but when she turned silent Gong Kim just looked at her thinking anything bad might have happened with her.

Thinking about the bad possibilities water like teats started to roll down from Gong Kim's eyes.

Then Ji Ho who had become unconscious suddenly her a voice.

"Ji Ho wake up. Open your eyes Ji Ho wake up. Wake up, wake up."

The voice called out her name which made Ji Ho to slowly open her eyes. When Ji Ho opened her eyes she saw she was lying on the ground which was completely red and then she looked around her.

When she looked around her she saw all thing surrounding her is of red colour. The trees, the leaves on the tree, water on the ground, mountain and all other things were of red colours.

Then Ji Ho looked up in the sky and found out that the sky was also red in colour with clouds and the Sun also glowing in red colours.

Then Ji Ho got up from the ground and then she looked down the ground and saw that her shadow was moving on its own while she is standing still.

Then she saw a pair of big red eyes in her shadow which has blood red coloured pupils in it. Then seeing it Ji Ho got feared of it and she jumped back to few distance.

Then she saw the black shadow is still there which made her gulping her saliva in fear and then the shadow again moved it's own.

Then Ji Ho saw something coming out of that shadow.

Then she became shocked when she saw the thing which come out the shadow. Because when the thing came out of the shadow on the ground that entire place started to shook violently with trembling and rumbling the entire place.

All of this happened because of the thing or to be precise the creature which came out of the shadow which none other the Primal Chaos Dragon.

The dragon whom Ji Ho has seen in her dreams many times including just the night before is now in front of her standing again.

Then all of Ji Ho's fear washed away seeing the familiar face again. Then Ji Ho walked over to him and looked at the dragon who is standing tall in front of Ji Ho.

Then Ji Ho called him out and said,

Ji Ho: "Are you stalking me or something? Why are you following me ?"

Primal Chaos Dragon: "Stalking ? Following ? Me ? Huh, are you dreaming right now ?"

Ji Ho: "Dreaming me ? Are you kidding right now. I am in so much pain right and you are saying I am dreaming."

Primal Chaos Dragon: "Pain ? I don't see pain in your body."

Ji Ho: "What are y--?

Before Ji Ho could finish her sentence she realised that all of the pain which she has felt just a few moments before has now gone completely.

She just couldn't believed that the pain which has been breaking her inner body and soul has gone now completely.

Then she looked at the dragon with a confused look on her face and understanding everything Primal Chaos Dragon said,

Primal Chaos Dragon: "You can't feel anymore pain of yours here because this place is very special."

Ji Ho: "What do you mean by saying this place is special ? Is it some magic or illusion of yours ?"

Primal Chaos Dragon: "Hahaha. You are really funny Ji Ho. This place has nothing to do with me because this is place is inside your head. This place is your subconscious mind which I have taken to talk with you."

Ji Ho: "What? You are inside my head. How can you come inside my head and more precisely who are you exactly ?"

Primal Chaos Dragon: "Me. I am someone who has powers to create and destroy anything at his will. I am someone who has been feared by everyone in this world and at the same time loved by everyone and love everyone. I am the one whose powers are now going to be yours. I AM THE PRIMAL CHAOS DRAGON."

Ji Ho: "So you are the Primal Chaos Dragon who has its powers stored inside the red ball. But why have you chosen me to wield your powers. I mean there are many in this world who are more capable than me and can handle these powers more efficiently than me. So why me ?"

Primal Chaos Dragon: "Itis true that I am the one who has stored it's powers inside the red ball and it is also true that I am the one who had chose you to wield my powers and I have a clear reason behind it to do so."

Ji Ho: "What is it please tell me ? I am dying by this curiosity."

Primal Chaos Dragon: "Indeed there are many people out there are both the real world and cover world. But there only two people in these both worlds who are chosen by me wield my powers. One is of course you and the second power holder is yet to be born on the cover world."

Primal Chaos Dragon: "I have chosen you out of all people in the real world because you are very pure and kind in your mind, heart and soul. You have the courage and dignity which is not seen by many people in both the real and cover world."

Primal Chaos Dragon: "You are the person who can handle and manage my powers more efficiently and profoundly more than me. You have the ability to make the right use of powers at the right time with a very clear and confident mind."

Primal Chaos Dragon: "You are the one in the whole real and cover world who can wield my powers and use it for good and betterment of the two worlds more than anyone in this world. So Gong Ji Ho now brace yourself and get ready to receive my powers which I am going to give you."

(A/N - In one previous chapter it was already revealed that Ji Ho belong to Gong family. That's why Primal Chaos Dragon called her Gong Ji Ho since he knew wvery details about Ji Ho.)

After the dragon had finished its explanation, Ji Ho started to comprehend everything which he has said and then she looked at the dragon with a determined light shining in her eyes and then she said,

Ji Ho: "Since you have already decided that it is going to be me who will wield your powers and you also know my father and it is also my father's wish for me to get your powers. And my father had taught me that we can not defy our fate. And since it is also my fate from which I can not run away."

Taking a deep breath Ji Ho again said,

Ji Ho: "Huuu. I am ready give me your powers. I am ready to fulfill my fate. Give me your powers so that I can fulfill your wish. Now give it to me."

Hearing Ji Ho's determination, the dragon smiled at her and then he said,

Primal Chaos Dragon: "Hnn. You are indeed the chosen one whom I have selected without any mistake. So now Gong Ji Ho take it one half of my powers which is specially stored for you."

Saying this the red coloured dragon transformed itself in to a bright red ball and then it entered inside Ji Ho.

When the red ball entered inside her body Ji Ho felt immense surge of powers and energies being accumulating inside her body and this energy and power also started to spread inside her entire body.

This made the spread out energy to look like veins in her body which she is seeing from her very own eyes under her skin.

All while this red ball entered her body, Ji Ho became surrounded by a red light aura which has engulfed her completely.

Then it took a while for the complete merger of the red ball in to Ji Ho's body and then Ji Ho who had closed her eyes at one point in the middle of power receiving to open her eyes.

Her eyes which was black in colour before had now became completely red with her pupils becoming narrower and longer just like a dragon's eyes.

Then she looked at her surroundings again which is now turned back to the same red sphere which had contained her from the beginning and she was also in the same position in which she was just before being unconscious.

Then corrected her position as now she stood still inside the sphere then she stretched her both hands in both the left and right direction of the sphere and then she started to make a fist of her opened hands.

As she was making the fists from her hands the sphere started to get some effects on it as the energies inside the sphere started to being sucked inside Ji Ho's body and soon Ji Ho sucked all of the energies of the red sphere and the sphere itself shrunk down to nothingness as it also got merged inside Ji Ho's body.

Then Gong Kim who was seeing all of these sudden changes inside the sphere got more worried for Ji Ho and then he who was sitting on the while only looking at the sphere without blinking for a second stood up when he saw the sphere being shrining down.

And when he saw the sphere being shrinking and merging in to Ji Ho's body he started to cry out of joy. The cry of joy for his daughter who is safe and sound and has now completely received half of the dragon's powers.

Them after merging the red sphere inside her body Ji Ho came down to the ground to her father and when he saw he was crying she moved towards him and sweeped the tears from his eyes.

Then she told him,

Ji Ho: "Don't cry father."

Gong Kim: "I am not crying. These the tears of joy which fell from my eyes seeing my daughter. Are you alright daughter ? Have injured yourself anywhere ? Ate feeling any pain in your body ?"

Ji Ho: " I have returned and look I am safe and sound and I have also received the dragon's powers."

Gong Kim: "Yes daughter I am really proud of you as you have received the powers of The Primal Chaos Dragon."

Then Gong Kim just looked at his daughter who is standing in front of him.

Seeing this Ji Ho asked,

Ji Ho: "Why are looking atmy face like this father? Is there something on my face ?"

Gong Kim: "There is nothing on your face my dear daughter. I am just looking at you because now you have become more beautiful than before."

After receiving the powers of war and battle and might from the dragon Ji Ho's appearance had also changed because she has now become more beautiful than before.

Then Ji Ho's stomach growled at that moment and hearing this sound Ji Ho said,

Ji Ho: " I am sorry father but I am feeling really hungry right now."

Gong Kim: "Don't be sorry daughter I know that you are hungry. After all you are inside the red sphere for two days."