
The Dragon King Of Lust

DISCLAIMER: This story will take place in South Korea so I want tell you that this story is not related to real world and if there is any connection it is mere coincidence. There is a legend in the cultivation realm that a mythical dragon once lived in the known universe and ruled over it. But the people fearing it and the people wanting it's all mythical poweres united and attacked the mythical beast and in the neck of time a mysterious person appeared and took away dragon. Then that person separated the dragons powers and now in the modern world a man will wield one of the dragon's power which is THE POWER AND CHARM OF LUST OF THE DRAGON. Join the discord server everyone below is the link to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Nam Hae

Saying this the voice the stopped and both Gong Kim and Ji Ho now know that the second power holder has taken birth in the cover world.

Just as the voice stopped suddenly the grumbling of thunder began and when Gong Kim and Ji Ho looked up in the sky they saw a big cloud in the form of the dragon has appeared.

Then they all saw that the dragon like cloud disappeared and after that the starry sky is being filled with dark clouds.

With the sudden emergence of those dark clouds the grumbling of thunder became more severe with cold wind began to blow.

While all of this was going on Gong Kim has started to observe all of this and then he understood that these are the indications from the dragon as a welcome sign for his second power holder.

Just as Gong Kim was observing all of this and Ji Ho was standing right next to him suddenly Ji Ho felt that a drop of water hit her beautiful face which fell down from above.

So she looked at the sky and found out that the water of the sky that is rain has started to pour down on the cover world.

Seeing the sudden rain pouring down and drenching both of them Ji Ho looked at her father and told him,

Ji Ho: "Father the rain has started and we should go somewhere and protect ourself from the rain."

After hearing these words of his daughter Gong Kim looked at her and then he just closed his eyes and soon his body started to glow in red light.

Then the red light came out of his body and stayed in front of him for a few moments and then it started to spread over both of them.

After being spread over Ji Ho saw that the red light has taken the form of an orb around them and this orb has now protected both of them from the rain.

Seeing this red orb surrounding them Ji Ho became fascinated with it. So she looked at her father and asked him.

Ji Ho: "Father what technique is this ?"

Gong Kim: "Daughter this the force field technique. In this technique one cultivator channels his or her inner cultivation energy with his or her defensive instinct to create a security shield for themselves in the form of this force field."

Ji Ho: "This technique is really good father and I also want to learn this technique father."

Gong Kim: "Sure daughter I will teach you this technique but for now we have to go and meet the second power holder."

Ji Ho: "Sure father but father we are inside this force field. Then how can we go and meet the second power holder ? Because if we step out of this then we will get drenched in rain."

Gong Kim: "Don't worry about that daughter. This force field will move with us as we walk inside it. So don't worry and just walk inside it."

Hearing the words of her father Ji Ho just nodded her head and glint of confidence is now visible on her eyes.

Then both the father and daughter took one step the first step and then the second step and with those steps the red orb has also started to roll just like a ball.

Seeing this Ji Ho became more confident and then both the father and daughter and moved faster and with their motion the force field also moved faster.

Soon they all reached near the door of the staircase and seeing that Ji Ho again became confused because the door and the way beyond it is very narrow.

She thought how they would be able to pass through the narrow way while still being in the force field. So she looked at her father and asked him.

Ji Ho: "Father what should we do now ? We can't go through the narrow path like this."

Hearing his daughter Gong Kim didn't said a single word ans just closed his eyes and soon the force field disappeared from their surrounding.

Then Gong Kim held Ji Ho's hand and soon they both disappeared from the rooftop and then they both appeared on the staircase of the terrace which is inside the hospital.

Then Gong Kim just signaled Ji Ho to follow behind him and Ji Ho quietly followed her father and soon they both reached the third floor of hospital.

In this third floor the room is present in which the second power holder is. Do Gong Kim told his daughter,

Gong Kim: "Daughter the second power holder is somewhere near here. I can sense his presence more strongly here."

Hearing this Ji Ho closed her eyes and started to sense the presence of any unusual presence and she strongly felt this unusual presence.

Ji Ho: "Yes father I am also sensing him strongly from this area."

Gong Kim: "Daughter it is better for us if we just blend get blend with these people who are working here, so that no one will doubt on us."

Ji Ho: "Sure father. But what do we do that ?"

Gong Kim: "Leave that matter to me daughter."

Saying this Gong Kim held Ji Ho's one hand and then he closed his eyes and soon a blue light came out of his body which covered both Gong Kim and Ji Ho and after just a few seconds the light disappeared.

After the light disappeared both Gong Kim and Ji Ho has changed their clothes and forms. They both have now taken the form of two doctors.

Then seeing this change in her appearance and her father's appearance Ji Ho became surprised but then she understood that her father must have used his cultivation energy technique.

And then both of them moved inside the third floor and started to search for the room where the second power holder is.

After searching for in a few rooms both Gong Kim and Ji Ho saw that on the door of a room blue colored dragon image is being formed mysteriously.

Seeing this dragon image both Gong Kim and Ji Ho understood that this is the room where the second power holder.

Then without wasting a single second they both went towards that room and very quickly they have reached in front of the room and then Gong Kim opened the door silently.

After that both Gong Kim and Ji Ho entered inside the room and since it was the night time there are very few people in that floor and no one also saw them.

Then entering inside the room they both saw that lady is sleeping on the hospital bed and near her on the bed her baby is placed.

Then both of them moved towards the bed and saw the baby is sleeping very soundly right next his mother.

Then while seeing the baby Gong Kim saw that the baby has the dragon symbol on right hand shoulder. And seeing this symbol he understood that this baby is the second power holder.

Meanwhile Ji Ho who was looking at the baby just got mesmerized by the little baby and a smile appeared on her face.

Then unknowingly she moved herself near the baby and moved her hands towards the baby as she wanted to hold the baby in her arms.

So she moved her hand and took the baby in her arms in her embrace and the cute face of the baby made her quite fond of him.

And just as the baby came into her arms in her embrace both symbols of the dragon on the shoulders of both of them started to glow further confirming that the baby is the second power holder.

Then Gong Kim also looked at the baby and he also found himself being drawn towards him.

Then he looked at the baby and told his daughter Ji Ho that this is a baby boy and we should bless him by giving him a name.

And after hearing these words from her father Ji Ho began to think about a name for the boy and soon she come up with a name.

Ji Ho: "Father I have decided what name we should give him."

Gong Kim: "Very well daughter now tell me what is the name that you have decided ?"

Ji Ho: "Father we should name him Nam Hae."

Gong Kim: "Nam Hae. It's a very good name. So the boy should be named as Nam Hae. Nam Hae do you like your name, hmmm ?"

The last was for Nam Hae who was sleeping happily but still hearing this question a small smile appeared of his cute little face.

Seeing this they both understood that he also like the name. So Gong Kim then moved near the mother of Nam Hae and then he placed his hand on her head.

After that he closed his eyes and soon a bright light come from his and through his hand entered inside her head.

That lightly contained some message for the mother of Nam Hae which is, "YOU SHOULD NAME YOUR SON 'NAM HAE'."