
The Domain of All

In a world where all come together, and all fight for survival by lying, scheming, killing, and doing whatever one can do to win, clash! Monsters, Demons, Angels, Gods, and many more fight to survive in this beautiful world, known only as ‘The Banished.’ Where some see it as hell, others see it as a tranquil and beautiful world. Will anyone be able to reach the ever expanding strength of this world or will they fall before they even start? Due note that this is a FANTASY novel and that there are certain things that won’t make sense or will, completely take a left turn. I will do my best to explain but, for fucks sake it’s a fantasy novel and not realism. This is my first novel. Please be kind (if you can) and try not to troll (again, if you can) but, criticism is gladly accepted and will always be welcome. Also note again that this is also a harem meaning the MC will have multiple women, I know that this is not a very favorite genre for some but, I don’t care if you don’t like it because it’s my novel and not yours. Read it if you want or don’t. Cover is definitely not mine all credit to the original and no I don’t remember the creator

DeathWalker · Fantaisie
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87 Chs

Hidden Force

When Secat heard his request she was shocked but then a large smile spread across her face. But when Drakeraz and Gerg saw that smile they shuddered slightly but Polemos didn't notice as he was looking into her burnt orange-red eyes.

"Didn't you want a mission from Gerg?" Secat asked.

"Truthfully I did but, after thinking I realized that both my and Rose's strength is insufficient at our current stages. Plus my knowledge when it comes to Mana is extremely pathetic, that and my general lack of knowledge of the desert." Polemos spoke with a clear and honest tone as Secats smile broadened further which made Polemos feel that something was slightly off but he shrugged it off.

"Good choice, it's better to build and increase your strength instead of just rushing in like a Four Horned Bull. And as far as training goes I can help you with that no problem but I have to let you know you'll be working hard."

When Secat finished Polemos felt a shiver run down his spine but he ignored it as he thought he felt a cold breeze, which was weird considering that they were in a building and also in the desert. Drakeraz and Gerg just stood with amusement on their faces.

Drakeraz spoke before Secat could get ahead of herself as he needed to inform Polemos about the two from the Grey Keepers.

"Calm down a little, Secat, don't need to scare him just yet." Then looked at Polemos with a serious look in his eyes. "You should know the Grey Keepers are looking for you, I don't know the reason why but they informed me earlier this morning that if we were to see you enter that they were to be informed. They should already be on their way over."

When Polemos heard what Drakeraz said he was confused yet interested at the same time. 'We're those the other two that came the other night in the gray robes? Possibly.' He thought before he spoke up with curiosity.

"Who the hell are the Grey Keepers?"

Drakeraz didn't answer as Secat spoke up before he was able.

"Simply put there are a bunch of creeps who bury and take care of the dead in the oasis." She didn't really seem to know all that much about them as she was more focused towards other things.

Secats' information didn't really help him as Polemos, as he was still confused on who they truly were until Gerg spoke up.

"Well Secat isn't wrong but, they perform and do much more than that. They keep the graves and make sure all who are buried are buried properly and with the rites of their culture or Gods. They keep to themselves as many avoid them, since they have an aura of the dead around them which scares or keeps others away and only approach them when burying the dead are concerned."

Drakeraz nodded his head agreeing with Gerg and continued after him as he took another drink from his cup. "They've been around for a few decades apparently and with a clear history and remain neutral to everyone and everything only concerning themselves with the dead and keeping the rites of those that are dead or are buried in their keep. But, they are a powerful group as the head Gravekeeper is near me in strength and she's someone who could kill me if I'm not careful."

Polemos was surprised as a bunch of grave keepers were able to have that type of power. "No wonder that prick from yesterday was wary in front of the other two." He spoke aloud which caught the attention of Drakeraz as he spoke up with a look of interest.

"You've met them already?"

"Technically yeah, but I had no idea who they were at the time as I just arrived near the oasis four days ago. They showed up yesterday when me and Rose were sparring and caused a disturbance apparently." Polemos spoke as he looked at Drakeraz and asked a question. "Have you already informed them?"

Drakeraz nodded his head and spoke. "Yeah the moment you entered the hall I already sent someone to inform them and they should be sending someone over to speak to you. Would you like to meet?"

When Polemos heard that he put his hands behind his back as he closed his eyes to think about what he just heard.

'Should I meet with this member? Yeah I believe I should, they should have certain information the library might not have when it comes to certain Gods or anything related to them. Plus since they deal with the dead I might be able to increase my understanding of Death Mana.' After thinking about what he should do he spoke up with a smile on his face.

"I don't see why not. Even when I met the other two they were never hostile to me or Rose. If anything it felt like they were ecstatic to see me."

Drakeraz nodded as he spoke.

"You can use the meeting room on the third floor. If you wish you can head up to the room to get comfortable and I'll send the member up when they get here." Then he looked to Secat. "Since he's under you I would suggest you join also since this is the first time they decided to do something like this."

Secat only groaned when she heard that and didn't hide her annoyance when she looked at Drakeraz.

"Fine." Then she looked to Polemos as she stood to her feet. "Follow me, I know where the meeting room is. Not gonna lie though I'm quite interested to see why they are so interested in you Polemos." She smiled but, her smile looked and felt nothing like she was happy or welcoming but, irked. She didn't say goodbye as she left the room as quickly as she could.

Polemos only nodded as he followed behind as he waved behind him.

After they both left the room Gerg spoke up as he looked down to Drakeraz.

"This feels like something huge is going to happen. Ever since that kid showed up things have felt odd, and been different or how should I put it off." Gerg spoke as he walked slowly to the front of the desk and sat down on a couch. "Plus his partner Rose, she's different from all the centipedes that are around the oasis, you've noticed haven't you."

Drakeraz didn't answer as he swirled the little remaining contents of his drink as he had a focused look on his face. After a while he stopped swirling his drink and finished it off with a sigh then looked to Gerg to reply.

"The moment they sent someone I was already concerned. I wasn't lying when I said their leader was capable of killing me. She's unique in a way I've never seen before. And yes, Rose is something that I've only heard about in books, the only thing that I don't understand is how calm and relaxed she is. Especially the kind she is, they're supposed to be a ferocious beasts." He stood as he looked out a window in his office as he looked at a peaceful relaxing Rose as he spoke up with a cold tone. "I don't care how you do it but have Polemos watched in the dark, do the same with Rose, I want to know anything that happens between them both."

Gerg nodded his head as he stood up and headed to the door but stopped before he left.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? It doesn't seem like they would enjoy that, especially Polemos, he seems unafraid of everything. Even after I told him about almost being assaulted from behind by a stronger opponent, even though he furrowed his brow he seemed excited rather than scared."

Drakeraz didn't turn around as he was still looking at Rose as he spoke.

"Yes." He only spoke a single word but Gerg understood what he meant as this wasn't the first time he acted like this.

Gerg could only sigh in his mind as he headed to complete his task.

'Secat is going to be pissed when she sees Polemos being followed. She seems very interested in him. Oh well I can understand his concern with Polemos but Rose, that's different, I didn't like the look in his eyes nor tone when he talked about Rose. It seems possessive, like he wanted her for himself or….' Gerg stopped his train of thought as he sighed as he just reached a specific area on the third floor.

"Plus I really don't like the fact that I'll be using a group that not only seems like he'll eradicate later but, I guess it'll make them focus on each other instead of leading back to the guild itself but it is something they are rather good at." Gerg walked towards a group of people who were dressed in golden robes with black edging sitting at a table. "I've got a mission for your group and to let you know it's a recon and record mission for a long time. And this is important, no killing of the targets."

When the leader of the group heard Gergs statement he raised his brow with interest as he looked up to Gerg with a mysterious smile.

"Oh, well who could be so important as to have that type of request for the mission if I may ask. And if it's not an interesting target or targets I'll decline, as it seems like we have a person of interest who needs to be, ruffed up." He patiently waited for Gergs answer.

"Makes things easier, it's the same person along with his partner." Gerg didn't hesitate as the leader was quite surprised as he started to laugh in glee as if he received a divine message.

"Well that's perfect, but is this request from you or." He smiled mysteriously.

"Anonymous." Gerg replied.

"Sure, sure. When do we start?" He chuckled.


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