
The Domain of All

In a world where all come together, and all fight for survival by lying, scheming, killing, and doing whatever one can do to win, clash! Monsters, Demons, Angels, Gods, and many more fight to survive in this beautiful world, known only as ‘The Banished.’ Where some see it as hell, others see it as a tranquil and beautiful world. Will anyone be able to reach the ever expanding strength of this world or will they fall before they even start? Due note that this is a FANTASY novel and that there are certain things that won’t make sense or will, completely take a left turn. I will do my best to explain but, for fucks sake it’s a fantasy novel and not realism. This is my first novel. Please be kind (if you can) and try not to troll (again, if you can) but, criticism is gladly accepted and will always be welcome. Also note again that this is also a harem meaning the MC will have multiple women, I know that this is not a very favorite genre for some but, I don’t care if you don’t like it because it’s my novel and not yours. Read it if you want or don’t. Cover is definitely not mine all credit to the original and no I don’t remember the creator

DeathWalker · Fantaisie
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87 Chs

A Busy Encampment

Polemos sat with a content smile on his face as everything was gone even though both he and Secat had ate a majority of the food. "So am I bunking in an encampment tonight or am I sleeping in my tent Leader?"

Secat froze then started to laugh as she stood to her feet.

"You'll be in your tent near the encampment, and if I were you I'd sleep the moment we reach camp. You'll be joining me in morning training and all the way until your lesson with your Master." She smiled in a way that made Polemos shake a little as he knew what that smile meant.

"Awesome, can't wait. No pain, no gain." Polemos smiled as he stood to his feet and followed behind Secat calling out to Rose as she quickly followed also.

'Luckily he thinks this smile is for training in the morning and well one he isn't all that wrong. But the girls would devour him if they knew he could cook like that.' Secat thought as she continued to smile and lead the way out of the crypts.

Polemos was a little confused as Secat was able to lead them through the crypts pretty easily. "You said you've never been here before. How are you able to navigate the crypts or did my Master give you a map before I?" He was a little upset when he thought that he didn't get a map or layout of the crypts.

Secat laughed as she continued to lead them through the halls.

"Got it in one, see I told you you're a genius Polemos. The girls are gonna love that…" she paused when she said the word 'girl' but continued to walk the halls a little quicker.

Polemos was confused as Secat started to move a little quicker. 'Now why would she do that I wonder. She only sped up the moment she said 'girls', is that a bad thing or am I somehow the only member of an all female mercenary troop?' A wry smile formed on Polemos's face as his purple eyes looked to Secat with an odd look.

"That can't be right, right?" He spoke softly under his breath but noticed Secat trip slightly as she had heard him speak. "Oh come on, I'm not gonna end up eaten alive right? Or is something else gonna happen that I should be prepared for." He asked as he felt an odd mess of emotions.

"No you won't be eaten alive, they wouldn't do that, maybe. Just follow me to the encampment and hopefully no one will notice at this time which isn't gonna happen as I made sure to set up a tight watch for today dammit. Why'd I have to be smart today?" Secat spoke aloud as she continued to walk the halls as she started to slow back down again as she arrived at a large solid silver door that was inlaid with mana stones, it even had a small panel next to it.

She smiled as she looked at Polemos and Rose.

"Don't worry, if anything we're both gonna get asked a lot of questions since you will be the only male lion within a den of lionesses. So be prepared to get asked a lot of questions and just be you. Hopefully they understand and allow you to get some sleep." Secat touched the panel as a soft rumbling sound entered the hall of the crypts.

'Otherwise morning training is gonna be very unpleasant for both of us.' She thought as the door started to open.

The ceiling above them started to open allowing the silvery night rays to embrace them. Even the smell of fresh dirt was surprisingly pleasant as they exited the crypts and returned to the surface.

Secat led them out of the Grey Keepers area and towards the opposite entrance they entered earlier that morning.

"Our main encampment is by the main gate leading to the other Knowledge Oasis, like we discussed earlier about the armor we have our own blacksmith, as well as a small but unique library, as well as beast and monster ingredients since we do a lot of hunts and subjugation missions." Secat spoke with pride as she continued. "But the thing I'm most proud of is my Huntress Guards. My most loyal and fiercest companions."

Polemos was sitting atop of Rose's head as he listened with a smile on his face as well as a gleam spread across his eyes. They had already been following Secat for what felt like half an hour and he was able to slightly see an impressive encampment in the distance.

"You said a small but unique library? Of what may I ask and that is a very fortified encampment I see. Is it always like that or is the gate attacked regularly?" Polemos asked as he continued to look at the heavily fortified encampment.

"Yeah it's pretty normal, and no we don't get attacked regularly, I've made sure that my gate happens to be the best protected and prepared for whatever happens. Plus if they are doing their job then." Secat stopped as she smiled as she listened to the sounds of hooves in the distance.

"Right on time." She smiled as she watched a cloud of dust in the distance.

Polemos sat on Rose's head as she lifted herself a little higher, looking at the incoming scout it seemed. "Wow, do you greet everyone who is near the entrance at night or, did you plan for this to happen?" He asked.

"Always at night, we need to make sure who's out and about late at night, the oasis can get pretty interesting at night. We hold an important spot in protecting the gate, and we need to make sure it's not an enemy." Secat answered as they watched a group of three approach on the backs of a horse but it looked bigger and a little more savage.

'Those seem interesting. Rose is better.'

Polemos thought as he looked at the scouts' arrival. He ignored the looks from the scouts as they were all trying to look and see the individual atop the centipede's head but before they could ask Secat spoke up with a slightly angry tone.

"Hey that should be normal, even though you saw me from a distance you still need to pay attention when you arrive. What if he was stronger than me, and I was hostage. But I'll look the other way tonight as I'm in an amazing mood as I got good news for everyone. I'll be making an announcement in the morning so please I'll have no questions till morning." She spoke as she ignored the questioning looks from her scouts as they looked back to the individual atop the centipede.

"Sorry ladies orders are orders, unfortunately I'm gonna regret it in the morning after the announcement. I should have asked for some of that 'healing liquid' from my master, oh well." Polemos sighed as he patted Rose's head to follow then he smiled as he spoke to Secat. "Smart thinking with that one Secat."

Then he felt a chill crawl up his spine when Secat turned around with a lovely smile on her face as her eyes formed crescents. "Why yes, newbie, I thought so too." Then she turned around and proceeded to head to the encampment.

During the entire time they followed Secat back, the scouts all had different looks on their faces but all thought the same thing when they heard the other voice.

'Did boss, recruit a guy!!!'

The encampment looked fierce and intimidating as its walls stood taller than Rose was able to stand with members even walking atop with vigilance. Secat easily entered the encampment and without saying a word pointed to Polemos and Rose and gestured to follow. Leaving the guards at the gates speechless but when they tried to ask a question they only got a scary looking smile from Secat.

Everyone in the Burnt Lioness knew what type of smile that was and everyone tried their best to avoid that smile. As it would normally follow with a 1 hour long training session or warm up practice. If you could call it that.

Secat led Polemos and Rose to a very familiar location for everyone as their curiosity of everyone that followed continued to grow as multiple sounds of whispering buzzed between everyone.

"Who is this person?"

"Did you see that, the boss is leading them right to her area!"

"Does anyone know what's going on and why is, boss being so secretive? It's not like her?"

Multiple questions were whispered as they had to stop as they reached the area just outside Secats territory with the encampment.

"Just find an empty spot and make camp and like I said, sleep immediately as it's gonna be an early morning training session and just because you're so nice, loser cooks breakfast." Secat cheerfully replied as she entered her territory and turned to face the curious looking faces of her mercenaries as a deep and angry voice sounded.

"Oh, so you want to challenge my authority, and invade my territory without permission." Secat smiled a battle hungry smile as an intense and fierce heat started to leak out of her.

Polemos only smiled wryly as he just waved atop Rose's head behind him, as Rose just entered without the slightest worry quickly finding a spot to set up his own tent and sleep.

The moment the other members saw Secat smile, everyone immediately stopped as they didn't wish to face off against a battle crazed lioness.

"Good, all answers will be addressed after my morning practice. That is all, leave or do you-." Secat couldn't finish her question as everyone turned around and went back to doing their original task as many were giving each other a unique look and had many thoughts run rampant.

"Oh my Goddess grant me strength. It's gonna be a long morning. Oh well at least I'll get a good breakfast." Secat smiled as she headed towards her tent.

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